
Brutal Company Minus
BrutalCompany like mod with over 40+ events(certain modded ones aswell) that will scale harder overtime, includes weather multipliers. Highly configurable.
- fiasjdaisdasjlkhdfghdfkjghjkibqaweawdasd
- Fixed an issue with grabbable turrets event spawning thousands of turrets.
- KamikazieBug should now blow up properly on all clients.
- Config generation is now faster.
- Objects spawned by bcm will no longer spawn near ladders.
- Removed masked scrap removal from NoMasks event(Old code that caused a crash), though I will need to Re-Implement this back later.
- Fixed an issue with hell when leaving the game, caused the time to go zooooooooooooooooooooooooom
- Increased bunkerEntrance spawnPostion and teleportPosition to prevent falling under the map.
- Bonus hp will no longer scale by default
- Scrap value will now scale (Difficulty:0 => x1.0) to (Difficulty:100 => x1.3)
- Scrap amount will now scale (Difficulty:0 => x1.0) to (Difficulty:100 => x1.3)
- Added level properties config
- Toilhead event will now only allow toilheads to spawn
- +Other minor things I forgot about
- Mod now works properly as API
- Addes summaries to alot of methods and publicised alot.
- Difficuly name transitions can now be configured.
- Moon grades config is now expandable.
- +Other minor things
- Added config option to show events in UI
- CustomWeights config should now be working
- FacilityGhost not disapearing should be fixed(I hope)
- Nutslayer imortality config should now work
- Added 7 null checks cause other peoples mods put null objects into the game...
Resacled every event to fit the 0 => 100 where as old was 0 => 60, and some other rescaling.
Messed with the config alot(Sorry but I had to)
Added 1 new vanilla events
(Bad) HolidaySeason: Transmutes scrap to eggs and gift boxes and spawns nutcrackers and hoarding bugs.
Added 4 new modded events, Moonswept, ShockwaveDrones and FacelessStalker mod
(Bad) Cleaners: Spawns cleaners inside.
(Bad) MobileTurrets: Spawns walking turrets inside.
(Bad) ShockwaveDrones: Spawns shockwave drones inside.
(VeryBad) SlenderMan: Spawns slenderman.
SafeOutside should now properly prevent outside spawns.
Fixed FullAccess event not working when loading in for too long.
Transmutation events now only transmute a percent(Most events will scale 50% at difficulty 0 to 90% at difficulty 50)
Fixed an issue with cullfactory and passages(MoreExits event).
Added eventType pecrentages when UI text is cleared.
Warzone artillery will now ignore the TriggerLayer, Sometimes it used to blow up midair for no reason.
GrabbableLandmines should now be synced properly.(Not buggy I hope)
LateShip And EarlyShip time values is now synced between all clients.
Added quota and weather scaling(Disabled by default)
Reworked hell event(Same idea but a little different)
And other things I forgot about.
AllWeather event will now only spawn possible weathers on said moon and can only appear on moons with 2 or more weathers.
AllWeather can now come with foggy(Nerfed foggy compared to vanilla)
Flooded on AllWeather show now be normal on all maps(Slighly nerfed flooded from vanilla)
FacilityGhost can now disable turrets, landmines and rage turrets(This also works with toilheads mod)
RealityShift now has a 50% chance to transmute.
When RealityShift is active, hitting an enemy has a 10% chance to teleport them.
MoreExits event will now work for all clients
Improved MoreExits spawning of exits.
Added MMOONS command.
And other minor things i forgot about.
Added 3 new vanilla events
(Good) MoreExits: Spawns more entrances and exits into the facility
(Good) EarlyShip: Ship arrives earlier than usual
(Bad) LateShip: Ship arrives later than usual
Added 4 new mooded events (ToilHeads, EmergencyDice and LCGoldScrapMod)
(VeryGood) CityOfGold: Uses only LCGoldScrapMod scrap table
(Good) Dice: Spawns only dice
(Very Bad) BadDice: Only spawns bad dice
(Very Bad) Toilhead: Spawns toilheads
Alot of numbers ahead
Added arrows to the UI so you can more easily scroll.
Added 3 new scaling options, scaleByDaysPassed, scaleByScrapInShip and scaleByMoonGrade.
Mod will now use a difficulty value to scale things, this go from 0 => 100, old scaling was 0 => 60 from days passed.
scaleByDaysPassed will add 1 difficulty per day
scaleByScrapInShip will add 1 difficulty per 400 scrap value in ship
scaleByMoonGrade will add (D => -8), (C => -8), (B => -4), (A => +5), (S => +10), (S+ => +15), (S++ => +20), (S+++ => +30), (Other => +10) difficulty
Updated eventType rarity scales
VeryBad (Difficulty:0 => 0) to (Difficulty:100 => 40)
Bad (Difficulty:0 => 50) to (Difficulty:100 => 10)
Neutral (Difficulty:0 => 15) to (Difficulty:30 => 10)
Good (Difficulty:0 => 23) to (Difficulty:30 => 15)
VeryGood (Difficulty:0 => 2) to (Difficulty:100 => 12)
Remove (Difficulty:0 => 15) to (Difficulty:30 => 10)
Updated weatherMultipliers
Removed factorySizeMultiplier
Rainy (x1.05, x1.00)
Foggy (x1.15, x1.10)
Flooded (x1.25, x1.15)
Stormy (x1.35, x1.20)
Eclipsed (x1.35, x1.20)
Some other stuff i forgot about
UI event descriptions and chat event descriptions should now match.
Arachnophobia event should no longer spawn anti coilheads
Bees event should now appear
Added terminal commands which only host can use, to display all commands type 'mhelp' into the terminal.
MHELP => Provides help information for commands.
MEVENT => Forces a mEvent to occur for next day.
MCLEAR => Clears the forced event list.
MEVENTS => Displays all events.
MPAY => Adds or subtracts credits.
MENEMIES => Displays all enemies.
MITEMS => Displays all items.
- Landmine event will now properly spawn landmines instead of turrets...
v50 update
Added 9 new vanilla events
(VeryGood) SafeOutside: Prevents spawning outside and related events
(Bad) Butlers: Spawns butlers
(Bad) SpikeTraps: Spawns spike traps
(Bad) FlowerSnake: Spawns flower snakes
(VeryBad) Worms: Spawns worms outside and inside and comes with alot of snare fleas
(VeryBad) OldBirds: Spawns Oldbirds inside and outside and comes with landmines and outside landmines
(RemoveEnemy) NoOldbirds: Prevents oldbirds from spawning and related events
(RemoveEnemy) NoButlers: Prevents butlers from spawning and related events
(RemoveEnemy) NoSpikeTraps: Prevents spike traps from spawning and related events
Added 21 modded events (Will only appear if related mods are downloaded) ()
Current supported mods are Lethalthings, Diversity, Scopophobia, HerobrineMod, SirenHead, RollingGiant, TheFiend, Lockers, TheGiantSpecimens, Football, Mimics and Peepers
Dm me on the lethal modding discord in the brutal company minus thread if there is any other you want to add
(Bad) Roomba: Spawns boombas inside and sometimes outside
(Bad) TeleporterTraps: Spawns teleporter traps inside
(Bad) Mimics: Increased spawn rates of mimics
(Bad) Peepers: Spawns peepers outside and inside
(Bad) Shrimp: Spawns shrimps inside
(Bad) Rollinggiants: Spawns rolling giants
(Bad) ImmortalSnail: Spawns the immortal snail
(Bad) Lockers: Spawns lockers inside
(Bad) Football: Spawns football
(VeryBad) TheFiend: Spawns the fiend
(Verybad) Herobrine: Spawns herobrine
(Verybad) Sirenhead: Spawns sirenheads
(VeryBad) Walkers: Spawns walkers
(VeryBad) ShyGuy: Spawns shyguys
(VeryBad) GiantShowdown: Spawns redwoodgiants and giants outside
(RemoveEnemy) NoLockers: Prevents the lockers from spawning
(RemoveEnemy) NoImmortalSnail: Prevents the immmortal snail from spawning
(RemoveEnemy) NoFiend: Prevents the fiend from spawning
(RemoveEnemy) NoShyGuy: Prevents Shyguy from spawning
(RemoveEnemy) NoPeepers: Prevents peepers from spawning
(RemoveEnemy) NoMimics: Prevents mimics from appearing
Events descriptions will vary, nearly every event will have atleast 3 descriptions or more, some 2
Event count will now scale (2 => day:0, 3 => day:25, 4 => day:50)
There is now a no scale option in the config
You can now change which enemies spawns for events(And all inside and outside spawns)
You can now modify scrap transmuation events
Yippeee is now compatible with kamikazie bugs, kamikazie bugs will now say yippeeeee
Updated some events
Removed scrap and enemies weights config
Added 'all' and 'allall' config options which will allow spawning of all enemies on all moons, these will make the game harder
Made some slight event changes
Reduced default density values on tree related events
And other stuff i forgor about
- AllWeather event will no longer spawn with 20 instances of stormy(Oops)
- AllWeather will come with x1.6 scrapValue and x1.3 scrapAmount
- Bombardment from warzone will no longer hit the ship
- Buffed BigBonus default values
- Updated rng for object spawning
- Added 1 new event:
- (VeryBad) AllWeather: Will spawn Eclipsed, Stormy, Flooded and Raining weather.
- Added config options for 'eventsToSpawnWith' and 'eventsToRemove' for every event.
- Added globalScrapValueMultiplier and globalScrapAmountMultipliers scales, both set to (1, 0, 1, 1) by default
- Added additiveInsideSpawnChance and additiveOutsidespawnChance scales, both set to (0, 0, 0, 0) by default
- Added some outsideSpawnChance to certain events.
- Spawn chance will no longer multiply negative values in key frames, Tldr; Higher spawn chance will now mean earlier spawns.
- Other stuff
- Nut slayer is now immortal by default and slightly more dangerous.
- Nut slayer event will now come with thumpers, spiders and masked events. And will also increase spawn rates and spawn cap.
- Black friday values should now be synced to all clients(Small oversight)
- Moved DDay event to warzone(Removed DDay event but now it will only appear in warzone and hell).
- Added 2 new events(Nothing interesting):
- (Bad) Masked: Spawns Masked enemies
- (Good) FullAccess: Every door will be unlocked and opened, prevents facility ghost.
- Added config option to show event's after ship leaves.
- Updated how UI key works
- Added back DDay, if it dosen't work i will cut my own dick off.
- DDay persisting should be fixed
- Lowered default Siren volume
Added 2 new events
(Bad) DDay: I like this one
(VeryGood) BlackFriday: Every item in the shop will go on sale
Reality shift will now grab the shifted object forcibly.
WarZone will now come with DDay
Hell will now come with WarZone
Turned eventType Weights to scales
Very bad will now scale (day:0 => 10 to day:60 => 30)
Bad will now scale (day:0 => 40 to day:60 => 20)
Other eventTypes wont scale by default
Minus will now spawn outside Objects 8 per frame instead of being all in one frame.
Fixed terminal codes for objects spawned by Minus.
- Forgor to multiply transmuted scrap values.
- Changed how the mod handles scrapAmount and scrapValue multipliers for comptability reasons.
- Reality Shift will now work on outside spawned scrap.
- Bounty should no longer be claimed multiplie times on a single enemy.
- Fixed some default scales for events.
- Shipment fee's should now be working
Changed spawn rate multiplier default:(day:0 => x1.0 to day:60 => x2.0)
Added spawn cap multiplier default:(day0 => x1.0, day:60 => x2.0)
Set insideEnemyPowerCountScaling and outsideEnemyPowerCountScaling to 0, 0, 0, 0 by default
Added 4 new events(1 is reworked but it's pratically new):
(Bad)Kamikazie Bugs: Spawns kamikazie bugs inside
(Bad)Reality Warp: Attempting to pick up any spawned scrap will transform it into something else, something a turret or landmine.
(Bad)FacilityGhost(Used to be DoorGlitch): Will now open/close big doors and normal doors, will flicker lights, will mess with breaker and can rarely lock/unlock doors. The ghost will sometimes go crazy and cause alot of things to happen.
(VeryBad)Hell: Great reward, but at what cost.
Update default values for events
Updated some eventNames and descriptions
Fixed some things
Changed assetBundle names to be less generic so it wont cause an IO_Exception with certain mods.
- Redid all the scaling for all events (Mostly nerfed sizably) (Sizable nerf to insideTurrets and insideLandmines also)
- Added minCap and maxCap to scales.
- Added new difficulty scalings.
- Added spawn rate multiplier scale default:(Scales from day:0 => x0.8 to day:60 => x2.5)
- Added hp bonus scale default:(Scales from day:0 => +0hp to day:60 => +5hp)
- Added maxInsideEnemyPower scale default:(Scales from day:0 => +0 to day:60 => +60)
- Added maxOutsideEnemyPower scale default:(Scales from day:0 => +0 to day:60 => +30)
- Changed extra event chance to weights => (40, 40, 15, 5) is equivalent to (+0, +1, +2, +3) events...
- TLDR: should be much easier at start but will now scale harder than it used to (In theory).
- Upated Icon
- Added 2 new events(Not interesting):
- (Good)Fragile Enemies: Decreased enemy hp.
- (Bad)Strong Enemies: Increased enemy hp.
- Fixed weather effects disapearring when entering/exiting facility.
- GrabbableLandmines will now longer be steppable on after ship leave(Stepping is enabled again on LoadNewLevel)
- Added a 250 spawn cap to outsideLandmines and outsideTurrets so it should no longer lag the game when spawning on a big map, and added a 1000 cap to other object.
- Generating and binding enemy + scrap configs should now be thread-safe (I hope).
- Next patches will be new unique events.
- Changed how scrap is handled in this mod, should no longer cause compatibility issues.
- Event default amount is now set 2 to but.
- There is now a default chance of 50% to add another event up to 4. (Can be configured)
- There is now 10 temp custom monster events at the bottom of the events config. (Haven't tested these too much)
- Made nutslayer much more harsh...
- Added config options for nutslayer, slayer shotgun, grabbable landmines and grabbable turrets.
- Added Quota config options
- Added customizable config weights for all enemies and all scrap for all moons (Including modded ones)
- Fixed items from this mod not saving
- Shipment fee's should no longer happen on the company moon. Literally
- Grabbable Landmines and Grabbable Turrets should no longer disapear.
- Shipment fee's should no longer happen on the company moon.
- Game should no longer break when disabling all events of one type.
- Fixed some things with grabbableLandmines(Still cant figure out why scan node is not working)
Added 7 new events.
Raining: Turns the atmosphere to raining (withouth the puddles)
Gloomy: Turns atmopshere gloomy(foggy withouth the fog).
Heavy Rain: Triple rain
Shipment Fees: Any shipment on given planet will incur fees.
Grabbable Landmines: Some landmines on the map will turn into scrap. (Wont blow you up straight away)
Grabbable Turrets: Some turrets on the map will turn into scrap.
Nut slayer: Spawns the nutslayer inside the facility, kills everything... If killed drops shotgun with infinite ammo.
Updated antiCoilHead, no longer double audio.
Updated how transmuteScrapSmall and transmuteScrapBig scale scrapAmount.
Added Increment Global Multipliers config settings.
- Game wont outright break when loading any of the zingar moon mod's
- AntiCoilHead is now a seperate enemy(audio is doubling yet to fix)
- Reverted rm.mapSizeMultiplier to rm.currentLevel.factorySizeMultiplier
- Changed shitty code so game wont break
- Added config option to disabled terminal text
- Fixed eventType weights not updating properly with disabled events.
- Moved enemy spawn restoring to 'ShipLeave' instead of on scrapSpawn(I am monkey).
- Made horrible transpiler run last
- Updated how paying works
- Bounty pay amount is now configurable
- Horrible fix for scrap not being restored (Can't figure out which mod causes this)
- Restructered Code
- Slighly lowered density values and made it more conisitent throughout maps
- Added config option to change event amount
- Added config option to show events in chat
- Fixed some stuff
- Buffed weather multipliers
- Mod should now be much more stable with certain moon mods
- Made weight setting more clear.
- Added option to disable an event in the config.
- Added extra config options for UI.
- Fixed some things to deal with certain moon mods. Yet to implement a proper fix.
- Atlas_Abyss v1.1.3 by Zingar fucks with this mod for whatever reason by removing a bunch of prefabs? i have yet to get to the bottom of this
- Added some null checks
- Fixed mod breaking with certain moon mods.
- Made a proper README.md and a seperate CHANGELOG.md file
- Added a UI in the top right corner of the screen that will display event information
- UI can be open and closed with 'k' or a set value in the config
- Changed up the code a little
- Buffed Scrap value and amount events
- Tweaked some other values
- Added some events
- Fixed some stuff
- Fixed Anticoilhead event not working with late game upgrades
- Added noLandmine and noTurret events
- Reduced Density values overall
- Made outside and inside enemy spawning more proper
- ^^ Because of this hoarding bugs should no longer be squashed when outside
- Changed scaling for all events
- Scaling can now be changed in config
- Outside turret, landmine and tree density should be roughly conistent throught the maps
- Fixed some things
- Added Outside turret and Outside landmine events
- Terminal text should now be working properly with lethal expansion
- Changed MinInclusive from 0.6 to 0.9 - Randomize multipliers is now set to false by default - Terminal text dosent work well with 'lethal expansion'...0.3.0
- Implemented proper netcode for syncing
- Implemented weather multipliers
- Weather multipliers come with a bit of rng, can be disabled in config
- Made code abit better and cleaner
- More config options for events
- Config settings for weather multipliers
- AntiCoilHead event should now be properly fixed on multiplayer
- Implemented a basic config to set weights
- Added 6 new scrap related events
- You wont be stuck on waiting when trying to go to company building
- Hoarding bugs should no longer be depressed inside the facility
- Restructered Code
- factorySizeMultiplier, scrapAmountMultiplier and scrapValueMultiplier should now be synced on all clients.
- AntiCoilhead event should now work properly on all clients
- Multiplayer maps should be synced now(not on first round for whatever reason??)
- Scrap multipliers now reset properly
- Added AntiCoilHead Event
- Tweaked some things
- Added 8 new events
- Initial Release