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DrinkableWater-Brutal_Company_Minus-0.1.1 icon

Brutal Company Minus

BrutalCompany like mod with over 30+ events.

Date uploaded 9 months ago
Version 0.1.1
Download link
Downloads 1094
Dependency string DrinkableWater-Brutal_Company_Minus-0.1.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


A brutalcompany like mod

  • Over 30+ Events Ranging from VeryGood to VeryBad
  • Yet to implement config this is first iteration

Patch Notes


  • Initial Release


  • Tweaked some things
  • Added 8 new events



  • fiasjdaisdasjlkhdfghdfkjghjkibqaweawdasd
  • Fixed an issue with grabbable turrets event spawning thousands of turrets.
  • KamikazieBug should now blow up properly on all clients.
  • Config generation is now faster.
  • Objects spawned by bcm will no longer spawn near ladders.
  • Removed masked scrap removal from NoMasks event(Old code that caused a crash), though I will need to Re-Implement this back later.
  • Fixed an issue with hell when leaving the game, caused the time to go zooooooooooooooooooooooooom
  • Increased bunkerEntrance spawnPostion and teleportPosition to prevent falling under the map.
  • Bonus hp will no longer scale by default
  • Scrap value will now scale (Difficulty:0 => x1.0) to (Difficulty:100 => x1.3)
  • Scrap amount will now scale (Difficulty:0 => x1.0) to (Difficulty:100 => x1.3)
  • Added level properties config
  • Toilhead event will now only allow toilheads to spawn
  • +Other minor things I forgot about
  • Mod now works properly as API
  • Addes summaries to alot of methods and publicised alot.
  • Difficuly name transitions can now be configured.
  • Moon grades config is now expandable.
  • +Other minor things
  • Added config option to show events in UI
  • CustomWeights config should now be working
  • FacilityGhost not disapearing should be fixed(I hope)
  • Nutslayer imortality config should now work
  • Added 7 null checks cause other peoples mods put null objects into the game...
  • Resacled every event to fit the 0 => 100 where as old was 0 => 60, and some other rescaling.

  • Messed with the config alot(Sorry but I had to)

  • Added 1 new vanilla events

  • (Bad) HolidaySeason: Transmutes scrap to eggs and gift boxes and spawns nutcrackers and hoarding bugs.

  • Added 4 new modded events, Moonswept, ShockwaveDrones and FacelessStalker mod

  • (Bad) Cleaners: Spawns cleaners inside.

  • (Bad) MobileTurrets: Spawns walking turrets inside.

  • (Bad) ShockwaveDrones: Spawns shockwave drones inside.

  • (VeryBad) SlenderMan: Spawns slenderman.

  • SafeOutside should now properly prevent outside spawns.

  • Fixed FullAccess event not working when loading in for too long.

  • Transmutation events now only transmute a percent(Most events will scale 50% at difficulty 0 to 90% at difficulty 50)

  • Fixed an issue with cullfactory and passages(MoreExits event).

  • Added eventType pecrentages when UI text is cleared.

  • Warzone artillery will now ignore the TriggerLayer, Sometimes it used to blow up midair for no reason.

  • GrabbableLandmines should now be synced properly.(Not buggy I hope)

  • LateShip And EarlyShip time values is now synced between all clients.

  • Added quota and weather scaling(Disabled by default)

  • Reworked hell event(Same idea but a little different)

  • And other things I forgot about.

  • AllWeather event will now only spawn possible weathers on said moon and can only appear on moons with 2 or more weathers.

  • AllWeather can now come with foggy(Nerfed foggy compared to vanilla)

  • Flooded on AllWeather show now be normal on all maps(Slighly nerfed flooded from vanilla)

  • FacilityGhost can now disable turrets, landmines and rage turrets(This also works with toilheads mod)

  • RealityShift now has a 50% chance to transmute.

  • When RealityShift is active, hitting an enemy has a 10% chance to teleport them.

  • MoreExits event will now work for all clients

  • Improved MoreExits spawning of exits.

  • Added MMOONS command.

  • And other minor things i forgot about.

  • Added 3 new vanilla events

  • (Good) MoreExits: Spawns more entrances and exits into the facility

  • (Good) EarlyShip: Ship arrives earlier than usual

  • (Bad) LateShip: Ship arrives later than usual

  • Added 4 new mooded events (ToilHeads, EmergencyDice and LCGoldScrapMod)

  • (VeryGood) CityOfGold: Uses only LCGoldScrapMod scrap table

  • (Good) Dice: Spawns only dice

  • (Very Bad) BadDice: Only spawns bad dice

  • (Very Bad) Toilhead: Spawns toilheads

  • Alot of numbers ahead

  • Added arrows to the UI so you can more easily scroll.

  • Added 3 new scaling options, scaleByDaysPassed, scaleByScrapInShip and scaleByMoonGrade.

  • Mod will now use a difficulty value to scale things, this go from 0 => 100, old scaling was 0 => 60 from days passed.

  • scaleByDaysPassed will add 1 difficulty per day

  • scaleByScrapInShip will add 1 difficulty per 400 scrap value in ship

  • scaleByMoonGrade will add (D => -8), (C => -8), (B => -4), (A => +5), (S => +10), (S+ => +15), (S++ => +20), (S+++ => +30), (Other => +10) difficulty

  • Updated eventType rarity scales

  • VeryBad (Difficulty:0 => 0) to (Difficulty:100 => 40)

  • Bad (Difficulty:0 => 50) to (Difficulty:100 => 10)

  • Neutral (Difficulty:0 => 15) to (Difficulty:30 => 10)

  • Good (Difficulty:0 => 23) to (Difficulty:30 => 15)

  • VeryGood (Difficulty:0 => 2) to (Difficulty:100 => 12)

  • Remove (Difficulty:0 => 15) to (Difficulty:30 => 10)

  • Updated weatherMultipliers

  • Removed factorySizeMultiplier

  • Rainy (x1.05, x1.00)

  • Foggy (x1.15, x1.10)

  • Flooded (x1.25, x1.15)

  • Stormy (x1.35, x1.20)

  • Eclipsed (x1.35, x1.20)

  • Some other stuff i forgot about

  • UI event descriptions and chat event descriptions should now match.

  • Arachnophobia event should no longer spawn anti coilheads

  • Bees event should now appear

  • Added terminal commands which only host can use, to display all commands type 'mhelp' into the terminal.

  • MHELP => Provides help information for commands.

  • MEVENT => Forces a mEvent to occur for next day.

  • MCLEAR => Clears the forced event list.

  • MEVENTS => Displays all events.

  • MPAY => Adds or subtracts credits.

  • MENEMIES => Displays all enemies.

  • MITEMS => Displays all items.

  • Landmine event will now properly spawn landmines instead of turrets...
  • v50 update

  • Added 9 new vanilla events

  • (VeryGood) SafeOutside: Prevents spawning outside and related events

  • (Bad) Butlers: Spawns butlers

  • (Bad) SpikeTraps: Spawns spike traps

  • (Bad) FlowerSnake: Spawns flower snakes

  • (VeryBad) Worms: Spawns worms outside and inside and comes with alot of snare fleas

  • (VeryBad) OldBirds: Spawns Oldbirds inside and outside and comes with landmines and outside landmines

  • (RemoveEnemy) NoOldbirds: Prevents oldbirds from spawning and related events

  • (RemoveEnemy) NoButlers: Prevents butlers from spawning and related events

  • (RemoveEnemy) NoSpikeTraps: Prevents spike traps from spawning and related events

  • Added 21 modded events (Will only appear if related mods are downloaded) ()

  • Current supported mods are Lethalthings, Diversity, Scopophobia, HerobrineMod, SirenHead, RollingGiant, TheFiend, Lockers, TheGiantSpecimens, Football, Mimics and Peepers

  • Dm me on the lethal modding discord in the brutal company minus thread if there is any other you want to add

  • (Bad) Roomba: Spawns boombas inside and sometimes outside

  • (Bad) TeleporterTraps: Spawns teleporter traps inside

  • (Bad) Mimics: Increased spawn rates of mimics

  • (Bad) Peepers: Spawns peepers outside and inside

  • (Bad) Shrimp: Spawns shrimps inside

  • (Bad) Rollinggiants: Spawns rolling giants

  • (Bad) ImmortalSnail: Spawns the immortal snail

  • (Bad) Lockers: Spawns lockers inside

  • (Bad) Football: Spawns football

  • (VeryBad) TheFiend: Spawns the fiend

  • (Verybad) Herobrine: Spawns herobrine

  • (Verybad) Sirenhead: Spawns sirenheads

  • (VeryBad) Walkers: Spawns walkers

  • (VeryBad) ShyGuy: Spawns shyguys

  • (VeryBad) GiantShowdown: Spawns redwoodgiants and giants outside

  • (RemoveEnemy) NoLockers: Prevents the lockers from spawning

  • (RemoveEnemy) NoImmortalSnail: Prevents the immmortal snail from spawning

  • (RemoveEnemy) NoFiend: Prevents the fiend from spawning

  • (RemoveEnemy) NoShyGuy: Prevents Shyguy from spawning

  • (RemoveEnemy) NoPeepers: Prevents peepers from spawning

  • (RemoveEnemy) NoMimics: Prevents mimics from appearing

  • Events descriptions will vary, nearly every event will have atleast 3 descriptions or more, some 2

  • Event count will now scale (2 => day:0, 3 => day:25, 4 => day:50)

  • There is now a no scale option in the config

  • You can now change which enemies spawns for events(And all inside and outside spawns)

  • You can now modify scrap transmuation events

  • Yippeee is now compatible with kamikazie bugs, kamikazie bugs will now say yippeeeee

  • Updated some events

  • Removed scrap and enemies weights config

  • Added 'all' and 'allall' config options which will allow spawning of all enemies on all moons, these will make the game harder

  • Made some slight event changes

  • Reduced default density values on tree related events

  • And other stuff i forgor about

  • AllWeather event will no longer spawn with 20 instances of stormy(Oops)
  • AllWeather will come with x1.6 scrapValue and x1.3 scrapAmount
  • Bombardment from warzone will no longer hit the ship
  • Buffed BigBonus default values
  • Updated rng for object spawning
  • Added 1 new event:
  • (VeryBad) AllWeather: Will spawn Eclipsed, Stormy, Flooded and Raining weather.
  • Added config options for 'eventsToSpawnWith' and 'eventsToRemove' for every event.
  • Added globalScrapValueMultiplier and globalScrapAmountMultipliers scales, both set to (1, 0, 1, 1) by default
  • Added additiveInsideSpawnChance and additiveOutsidespawnChance scales, both set to (0, 0, 0, 0) by default
  • Added some outsideSpawnChance to certain events.
  • Spawn chance will no longer multiply negative values in key frames, Tldr; Higher spawn chance will now mean earlier spawns.
  • Other stuff
  • Nut slayer is now immortal by default and slightly more dangerous.
  • Nut slayer event will now come with thumpers, spiders and masked events. And will also increase spawn rates and spawn cap.
  • Black friday values should now be synced to all clients(Small oversight)
  • Moved DDay event to warzone(Removed DDay event but now it will only appear in warzone and hell).
  • Added 2 new events(Nothing interesting):
  • (Bad) Masked: Spawns Masked enemies
  • (Good) FullAccess: Every door will be unlocked and opened, prevents facility ghost.
  • Added config option to show event's after ship leaves.
  • Updated how UI key works
  • Added back DDay, if it dosen't work i will cut my own dick off.
  • DDay persisting should be fixed
  • Lowered default Siren volume
  • Added 2 new events

  • (Bad) DDay: I like this one

  • (VeryGood) BlackFriday: Every item in the shop will go on sale

  • Reality shift will now grab the shifted object forcibly.

  • WarZone will now come with DDay

  • Hell will now come with WarZone

  • Turned eventType Weights to scales

  • Very bad will now scale (day:0 => 10 to day:60 => 30)

  • Bad will now scale (day:0 => 40 to day:60 => 20)

  • Other eventTypes wont scale by default

  • Minus will now spawn outside Objects 8 per frame instead of being all in one frame.

  • Fixed terminal codes for objects spawned by Minus.

  • Forgor to multiply transmuted scrap values.
  • Changed how the mod handles scrapAmount and scrapValue multipliers for comptability reasons.
  • Reality Shift will now work on outside spawned scrap.
  • Bounty should no longer be claimed multiplie times on a single enemy.
  • Fixed some default scales for events.
  • Shipment fee's should now be working
  • Changed spawn rate multiplier default:(day:0 => x1.0 to day:60 => x2.0)

  • Added spawn cap multiplier default:(day0 => x1.0, day:60 => x2.0)

  • Set insideEnemyPowerCountScaling and outsideEnemyPowerCountScaling to 0, 0, 0, 0 by default

  • Added 4 new events(1 is reworked but it's pratically new):

  • (Bad)Kamikazie Bugs: Spawns kamikazie bugs inside

  • (Bad)Reality Warp: Attempting to pick up any spawned scrap will transform it into something else, something a turret or landmine.

  • (Bad)FacilityGhost(Used to be DoorGlitch): Will now open/close big doors and normal doors, will flicker lights, will mess with breaker and can rarely lock/unlock doors. The ghost will sometimes go crazy and cause alot of things to happen.

  • (VeryBad)Hell: Great reward, but at what cost.

  • Update default values for events

  • Updated some eventNames and descriptions

  • Fixed some things

  • Changed assetBundle names to be less generic so it wont cause an IO_Exception with certain mods.

  • Redid all the scaling for all events (Mostly nerfed sizably) (Sizable nerf to insideTurrets and insideLandmines also)
  • Added minCap and maxCap to scales.
  • Added new difficulty scalings.
  • Added spawn rate multiplier scale default:(Scales from day:0 => x0.8 to day:60 => x2.5)
  • Added hp bonus scale default:(Scales from day:0 => +0hp to day:60 => +5hp)
  • Added maxInsideEnemyPower scale default:(Scales from day:0 => +0 to day:60 => +60)
  • Added maxOutsideEnemyPower scale default:(Scales from day:0 => +0 to day:60 => +30)
  • Changed extra event chance to weights => (40, 40, 15, 5) is equivalent to (+0, +1, +2, +3) events...
  • TLDR: should be much easier at start but will now scale harder than it used to (In theory).
  • Upated Icon
  • Added 2 new events(Not interesting):
  • (Good)Fragile Enemies: Decreased enemy hp.
  • (Bad)Strong Enemies: Increased enemy hp.
  • Fixed weather effects disapearring when entering/exiting facility.
  • GrabbableLandmines will now longer be steppable on after ship leave(Stepping is enabled again on LoadNewLevel)
  • Added a 250 spawn cap to outsideLandmines and outsideTurrets so it should no longer lag the game when spawning on a big map, and added a 1000 cap to other object.
  • Generating and binding enemy + scrap configs should now be thread-safe (I hope).
  • Next patches will be new unique events.
  • Changed how scrap is handled in this mod, should no longer cause compatibility issues.
  • Event default amount is now set 2 to but.
  • There is now a default chance of 50% to add another event up to 4. (Can be configured)
  • There is now 10 temp custom monster events at the bottom of the events config. (Haven't tested these too much)
  • Made nutslayer much more harsh...
  • Added config options for nutslayer, slayer shotgun, grabbable landmines and grabbable turrets.
  • Added Quota config options
  • Added customizable config weights for all enemies and all scrap for all moons (Including modded ones)
  • Fixed items from this mod not saving
  • Shipment fee's should no longer happen on the company moon. Literally
  • Grabbable Landmines and Grabbable Turrets should no longer disapear.
  • Shipment fee's should no longer happen on the company moon.
  • Game should no longer break when disabling all events of one type.
  • Fixed some things with grabbableLandmines(Still cant figure out why scan node is not working)
  • Added 7 new events.

  • Raining: Turns the atmosphere to raining (withouth the puddles)

  • Gloomy: Turns atmopshere gloomy(foggy withouth the fog).

  • Heavy Rain: Triple rain

  • Shipment Fees: Any shipment on given planet will incur fees.

  • Grabbable Landmines: Some landmines on the map will turn into scrap. (Wont blow you up straight away)

  • Grabbable Turrets: Some turrets on the map will turn into scrap.

  • Nut slayer: Spawns the nutslayer inside the facility, kills everything... If killed drops shotgun with infinite ammo.

  • Updated antiCoilHead, no longer double audio.

  • Updated how transmuteScrapSmall and transmuteScrapBig scale scrapAmount.

  • Added Increment Global Multipliers config settings.

  • Game wont outright break when loading any of the zingar moon mod's
  • AntiCoilHead is now a seperate enemy(audio is doubling yet to fix)
  • Reverted rm.mapSizeMultiplier to rm.currentLevel.factorySizeMultiplier
  • Changed shitty code so game wont break
  • Added config option to disabled terminal text
  • Fixed eventType weights not updating properly with disabled events.
  • Moved enemy spawn restoring to 'ShipLeave' instead of on scrapSpawn(I am monkey).
  • Made horrible transpiler run last
  • Updated how paying works
  • Bounty pay amount is now configurable
  • Horrible fix for scrap not being restored (Can't figure out which mod causes this)
  • Restructered Code
  • Slighly lowered density values and made it more conisitent throughout maps
  • Added config option to change event amount
  • Added config option to show events in chat
  • Fixed some stuff
  • Buffed weather multipliers
  • Mod should now be much more stable with certain moon mods
  • Made weight setting more clear.
  • Added option to disable an event in the config.
  • Added extra config options for UI.
  • Fixed some things to deal with certain moon mods. Yet to implement a proper fix.
  • Atlas_Abyss v1.1.3 by Zingar fucks with this mod for whatever reason by removing a bunch of prefabs? i have yet to get to the bottom of this
  • Added some null checks
  • Fixed mod breaking with certain moon mods.
  • Made a proper and a seperate file
  • Added a UI in the top right corner of the screen that will display event information
  • UI can be open and closed with 'k' or a set value in the config
  • Changed up the code a little
  • Buffed Scrap value and amount events
  • Tweaked some other values
  • Added some events
  • Fixed some stuff
  • Fixed Anticoilhead event not working with late game upgrades
  • Added noLandmine and noTurret events
  • Reduced Density values overall
  • Made outside and inside enemy spawning more proper
  • ^^ Because of this hoarding bugs should no longer be squashed when outside
  • Changed scaling for all events
  • Scaling can now be changed in config
  • Outside turret, landmine and tree density should be roughly conistent throught the maps
  • Fixed some things
  • Added Outside turret and Outside landmine events
  • Terminal text should now be working properly with lethal expansion
0.3.1 - Changed MinInclusive from 0.6 to 0.9 - Randomize multipliers is now set to false by default - Terminal text dosent work well with 'lethal expansion'...
  • Implemented proper netcode for syncing
  • Implemented weather multipliers
  • Weather multipliers come with a bit of rng, can be disabled in config
  • Made code abit better and cleaner
  • More config options for events
  • Config settings for weather multipliers
  • AntiCoilHead event should now be properly fixed on multiplayer
  • Implemented a basic config to set weights
  • Added 6 new scrap related events
  • You wont be stuck on waiting when trying to go to company building
  • Hoarding bugs should no longer be depressed inside the facility
  • Restructered Code
  • factorySizeMultiplier, scrapAmountMultiplier and scrapValueMultiplier should now be synced on all clients.
  • AntiCoilhead event should now work properly on all clients
  • Multiplayer maps should be synced now(not on first round for whatever reason??)
  • Scrap multipliers now reset properly
  • Added AntiCoilHead Event
  • Tweaked some things
  • Added 8 new events
  • Initial Release