EgoThieves-Lethal_Overtime_Modpack icon

Lethal Overtime Modpack

Modpack for da homies. Emphasis on QOL mods, additional scrap mods, and cosmetics. 420 BLAZE



  • Removed LETHALRESONANCE. Sounds were happening too often..


  • Didn't realize there was a config file for the hotkeys on the hotbar (Numerical keys 1, 2, 3, 4)

  • Disabled those so that BetterEmotes works more smoothly.

  • Da boys didn't really like the hotkeys anyways.

  • Key for Flashlight is still     F

  • Key for Walkie-Talkie is still   R

    • (You can change your own hotkeys in the BASE GAME KEYBOARD SETTINGS if needed, client side so you won't mess anything up)


  • Updated default config files for AdvancedCompany. Originally only 3 inventory slots were available if you didn't edit the perks config before starting the match. Don't need the boys flipping out that theres only 3 slots. Changed it back to 4.


  • Updated a new ShipAmbiance1.wav from LethalResonance cause I'm not sure how the creator was getting off saying it was a serious audio mod but had that fruity ship song. Replaced it with some space thumps (As if asteriods were hitting the ship hull)


  • Converted MoreCompany cosmetics on my personal end to avoid long load/conversion times for the end user. Cosmetic size went up from 300MBs to 800MBs. Sorry bouts it BOYS.

    I may be able to lower the size, but we'll see.


  • Had to update the to look better, I'm noob for not using the markdown preview tool. (-‸ლ)


  • First release of this modpack, initially was released with more mods but it felt unstable. We try again

    Has tons of cosmetics, 300Mb worth.

    This will likely be updated to fix some mistake