EliteScavs-realistic_coilhead icon

realistic coilhead

replaces the coilhead model with one made by the youtuber bini

Last updated 8 months ago
Total downloads 6432
Total rating 0 
Categories Monsters Asset Replacements
Dependency string EliteScavs-realistic_coilhead-1.0.1
Dependants 10 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


High Quality CoilHead

How to run

Either use Thunderstore Mod Manager or install manually into the Bepinex Plugins Folder

This mod replaces the low resolution Coil Head with a high resolution Coil Head made by the youtuber bini

![Logo] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1127026216772305109/1201228845978747002/image.png?ex=65c90e8a&is=65b6998a&hm=86d1b14630b1839281edfe40cc06c18a79e738a40c50c01bac27ace66997e54d&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1252&height=897



  • changes model to realistic one


-(hopefully) fixes massive lag spike caused by replacing model every frame