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Feiryn-LethalMon-0.5.0 icon


[v62] Capture monsters and make them help you survive

Date uploaded 2 weeks ago
Version 0.5.0
Download link
Downloads 6106
Dependency string Feiryn-LethalMon-0.5.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.15.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.15.1
Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.7.7 icon

API/Library for creating Unity InputActions with in-game re-binding support. Provides an alternative UI that allows for supporting mods to have in-game re-bindable keybinds.

Preferred version: 0.7.7
NotAtomicBomb-TerminalApi-1.5.5 icon

A Terminal Api

Preferred version: 1.5.5



LethalMon is a Lethal Company mod that includes the possibility to catch monsters and use them to help you.

This mod is still in alpha so expect bugs or not a lot of features.

How to catch monsters?

You have to find balls in the buildings and then send them to a monster with left click. For now, not all monsters are implemented and catchable. Please take a look at Implemented monsters and behaviours

Each ball has a different probability of success depending on the type of ball and the monster's type.

The stronger the monster is, the harder to catch it is. And be careful, if the catch fails, the ball disappears and the monster will want to kill you.


Now that I caught one, what should I do?

You can throw the ball on the ground where you want the monster to appear.

To retrieve it, press P (configurable).

If a player dies or disconnects, the monster will be called in the ball at its location.

Implemented monsters and behaviours

Here are the implementation status of monsters:

Monster Implemented Behaviour Capture failure
Bracken Yes Drags enemies away Chasing thrower
Spider No TBD TBD
Butler Yes Clean up dead enemies and spawn scraps Stabs thrower
Coil-head No TBD TBD
Ghost Girl Yes Teleports enemies and damages them Scaring thrower 3 times, followed by a hunt
Hoarding Bug Yes Brings items in a line of sight to the owner Angry at thrower
Hygrodere No TBD TBD
Jester No TBD TBD
Masked Yes Can lend you its mask to make you see enemies through walls Spawning 2 ghosts that deal damage
Nutcracker Yes Shoots at any enemy in a line of sight Shooting while rotating, similar to a turret
Snare Flea No TBD TBD
Spore Lizard Yes Can be used as mount Spawns a cloud
Thumper Yes Can open all doors and disable turrets, but is not really obedient Target thrower
Bees Yes Stun monsters and damage players that hurt the owner Attacking thrower for 10s
Manticoil No TBD TBD
Roaming Locusts Will not be - -
Tulip Snake Yes Allows the player to fly Clinging to player, during which it is uncatchable
Baboon Hawk Yes Echo-localize items and defends you Spawns a tiny baboon hawk that attract other baboons
Earth Leviathan No TBD TBD
Eyeless Dog Yes Run far from the owner and howls in order to draw other dogs attention Chasing player more aggressively
Forest Keeper No TBD TBD
Old Bird No TBD TBD
Mask Hornets No TBD TBD
Barber No TBD TBD
Kidnapper Fox Yes Shoots its tongue at enemies and can kill them Chase player or shoot tongue if close enough
Maneater No TBD TBD

Capture probabilities

To get capture probabilities, use the command lethaldex in the terminal (the image may be outdated as enemies are regularly added and capture rates can be modified):


Monsters are not working at the company building!

By default, there are no path in the company building for the monsters to move. You can fix this by installing the mod NavMeshInCompany

Bug reports

You can report bugs on GitHub or on the LC discord modding server



  • Fixed incompatibility with an unknown mod that made the game not loading because of the hygrodere


  • Hygrodere is now catchable (thanks to @NiroDev)


  • Spider is now catchable (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Hoarder bug can hold items the owner gives him
  • Improved and optimized the line of sight of a lot of tamed monsters, and most will work outside now
  • Bees are working way better now
  • Hoarder bug no longer brings the same item multiple times
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from dying from some monsters while on a puffer (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fox is now disabled


  • Fixed balls clipping for some players
  • Fixed thumper not working in mines


  • Added sounds to balls (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed masked ghosts being catchable (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed ghost girl escape behaviour synchronisation (thanks to @NiroDev)


  • Baboon hawk is now catchable (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Throw algorithm has been greatly improved in order to prevent clipping and make it more natural
  • Tamed monsters now have {owner}'s {monster} above them and parameters are configurable (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Balls are now smaller
  • Balls now fall correctly after a capture
  • Masked xray distance is now configurable (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed tamed monsters owner's name in the scan node
  • Fixed tulip snake being stuck in air when stopped controlling from too high (thanks to @NiroDev)


  • The less an enemy has health, the more it is easy to catch (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • The nutcracker's steps are now less loud
  • Fixed a bug that didn't remove the mask if a player retrieved the masked while wearing the mask (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed a bug that made the balls collide with the cruiser and sometimes make it go upside down
  • Mirage mod compatibility: prevent tamed monsters from mimicking the players voices
  • SnatchinBracken mod compatibility: Make the bracken drop dragged players when captured
  • Fixed bees behaviour


  • Fixed a softlock on ship ladders if a player has a monster out
  • Bees now stun on sight and have a cooldown


  • v61 compatibility
  • You can now find filled balls in the dungeon
  • Nutcracker stops shooting at invisible enemies and its line of sight is now more accurate (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Tooltip are now properly hidden when a monster is called back (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed a bug that could make the player go underground with the tulip snake (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Big code refactoring and cleanup (thanks to @NiroDev)


  • Fixed a bug that made the host freeze if they died with a monster out


  • Masked is now catchable (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed a bug that desynchronized the balls when a client died with a monster out
  • Hoarding bug is a bit easier to catch


  • Thumper is now catchable


  • Added a lot of fields to the configuration file (host and clients are synced):
    • Balls spawn rarity
    • Balls prices in shop (and possibility to disable them)
    • Capture rate modifier to make the captures easier or harder
    • Possibility to disable some monsters
    • Choose if monsters react when a player fails to capture
    • Cooldowns for the bracken, dress girl, hoarding bug, fox and eyeless dog
    • Possibility to keep full balls or all balls if all the players are dead
  • The fox will now attack if you fail to capture him (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed a bug that caused incompatibility with some mods like LethalEmotesAPI or EnemySkinRegistry


  • Kidnapper fox is now catchable (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Capture probabilities can be seen in the terminal with the command lethaldex
  • Balls price has been greatly reduced
  • Fixed a bug that allowed to capture already captured monsters
  • Fixed a bug that showed the tip about scanning enemy for everyone and not just the player that took a ball


  • Prevent tamed monsters from being hit or killed
  • Eyeless dogs and butlers are now easier to catch
  • Stop the butler's music when he is being captured


  • Butler is now catchable (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed game lags


  • Added an HUD for invoked monsters
  • Bracken now has a 20s cooldown to drag enemies
  • Hoarding bug now has 5s cooldown to bring items
  • The ghost girl now has a 1min cooldown to attack enemies
  • Bracken now goes back to the owner by walking and not teleporting
  • Cooldowns now can't be exploited by calling a monster back to its ball and release it afterward
  • Fixed a bug that made the bees spawn an hive each time they are called from their ball
  • Fixed a bug that made the hoarding bug stuck if the owner was attacked
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes made the nutcracker shoots at dead enemies
  • Tamed monsters can no longer attack other tamed monsters
  • The tip "You already have a monster out!" is now displaying correctly for clients


  • Fixed a bug that made the content of balls not loaded properly
  • Catchable scan node text is not added to modded enemies to avoid conflicts


  • Fixed a bug that made the Nutcracker uncatchable
  • Fixed a bug that allowed to capture dead monsters


  • Ghost girl is now catchable (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Nutcracker is now catchable
  • Clients can now control the Spore Lizard (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Added an 1/2 chance to not consume the ball when a capture fails
  • Monsters can now be scanned in order to know if they are catchable (implemented) or not
  • Tulip snake will now fight back when a capture fails (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Improved the balls shakes algorithm to be more accurate
  • Tamed monsters will no longer walk away when you invoke them and they will look at you directly
  • The message that says "You already have a monster out" is now more visible
  • Tulip snakes can no longer be captured by the player they are clinging to (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed a bug that could make the rider of a tulip snake go under the ground (thanks to @NiroDev)


  • Changed the key to unmount a monster to the crouch key
  • Hoarding bug will now scan items more ofter (from every 5s to every 1s)
  • Fixed a bug where the player could be softlocked if they retrieved a monster while riding it
  • Fixed a bug that made clients unable to retrieve monsters
  • Fixed a bug that could make hoarding bug softlocked


  • Balls are now buyable
  • Hoarder bug's flying sound has been changed to a less aggressive one (thanks to s1ckboy for the sound)


  • Catchable eyeless dog
  • Catchable tulip snake (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Fixed a bug that could make some tamed monsters not working properly
  • Fixed bees audio and size
  • Fixed a bug that made the player's carry weight increased when balls were dropped


  • Fixed a bug that can happen with mods that adds custom enemies


  • Configurable key for retrieving tamed enemy (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Catchable spore lizard that can be mounted (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Catchable bracken that drags enemies away
  • v55 compatibility (thanks to @NiroDev)
  • Big code refactoring and cleanup (thanks to @NiroDev)


Items available :

  • Pokeball
  • Great ball
  • Ultra ball
  • Master ball

Catchable monsters

  • Bracken (but doesn't do anything right now)
  • Bees
  • Hoarder Bug