How to install, repair & edit sound files

Updated 2 weeks ago

1. Install

Installing is simple, dump the into BepInEx\plugins\ If you wish to edit sound files, unzip the and put it in a separate folder. The name of that folder should not matter, as long as it has the manifest.json in it

2. Repair

The zip should have a folder with ...\CustomSounds\TNSP\ and in there there should be .mp3 files. If this is there, it should all work. If not, try the following:

  • Unzipping like in step 1
  • Recreating the folders
  • Putting all the audio files in the BepInEx\plugins\CustomSounds\YourOwnSoundPack\ folder

There is a tutorial video:

3. Edit

Editing the audio files is also quite simple. Just like in step 2 there should be .mp3 files that able to be replaced or edited.

!!! Make sure the file has the exact same name. It is case sensitive !!!

I recommend Audacity for editing the audio files

3,1. Removing

You can also remove audio files by deleting the files.