Fourth level of the Violence Layer from Ultrakill but as a moon! It's as chaotic as Ultrakill too :) It's also always eclipsed lmao. (All Ultrakill assets from Ultrakill itself. Please go buy the game its really good)
Added a terminal at the start that very kindly tells you where to go
Changed the terminal near the entrance to show the terminal data for the Earthmover
Changed moon model when orbiting moon to be flesh and have a little Earthmover on top (you'll only really be able to see it if you have ship windows mod)
Changed button on lift to display "LIFT INOPERABLE"
Lowered spawn rate of old birds (not by a lot though)
Severely lowered spawn rate of eyeless dogs and forest giants
Added two extra fire exits
Increased value of scrap
Made it so there's blood spilling out from the side of the Earthmover
Made the Earthmover's head a scannable object
Changed the command to orbit the moon from "THR CENTAUR" to "CENTAUR"
Fixed exterior not showing on the computer screen
May or may not have added a teeny tiny chance of a shotgun and shotgun shells spawning in the facility without a nutcracker