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Garold s Vault Of Groove

An expanding mod that adds ambience to multiple moons and extends the existing sound pack from BGN's PizzaTowerEscapeMusic mod

By Garold



  • Actually fixed bowser's valley still playing post mortem in eclipsed infernis
  • Updated readme


  • Fixed infernis still playing it's eclipsed music after dying or ship taking off
  • Made Standard escape music play when ship alert is called again in infernis as long as weather is not eclipsed


  • Another issue fixed related to tags
  • Actually freakin fixed apparatus and standards themes playing where they shouldn't be i swear to god


  • Fixed Volumegroups not functionning, meaning that now most of the music will dynamically lower volume if you're inside the ship or crouching, exceptions are gloom's music and altantica's submerged castle, and orion's desert theme


  • Added a unique outside music to Gloom when weather is eclipsed
  • Added unique ship takeoff music to atlantica after making the ship take off after shipleavingalert has been called and the player is alive, and inside the ship and the weather is any that isn't eclipsed
  • Added a unique ship takeoff music to atlantica when weather is eclipsed that plays anytime the ship takes off and the player is alive and inside the ship
  • Fixed standard apparatus pull music playing in moons they shouldn't be post mortem if one player pulled the apparatus and the other one was dead


Big Ol Update

Junic changes :

  • Added a unique outside theme for when it is Foggy/Flooded
  • Added a unique outside theme when it is Eclipsed
  • Added a unique outside theme when it is Rainy/Stormy
  • Added a unique death noise when dying outside while it is None/DustClouds, Foggy/Flooded, Eclipsed, or Rainy/Stormy
  • Added an interior theme when it is Flooded/Rainy/Stormy
  • Added a unique death noise when dying inside the facility while it is Flooded/Rainy/Stormy
  • Added a unique death noise when dying inside the facility while it is Eclipsed
  • Added an Apparatus pull theme when it is Flooded/Rainy/Stormy/Foggy
  • Added a unique death noise when dying after pulling the apparatus when it is Flooded/Foggy/Rainy/Stormy, apparatus music must be playing for it to be heard
  • Added an unique interior theme when it is Eclipsed
  • Added a unique apparatus pull theme when it is Eclipsed
  • Added a unique death noise when dying after pulling the apparatus when it is Eclipsed, apparatus music must be playing for it to be heard
  • Made Diddy and Donkey Kong's hurt noises play when you get hurt in Junic
  • Made a unique little tune play when you are alive, inside the ship and make it take off, for each weather combination, so one for when it is clear or Dustclouds, one for Rainy/Stormy, one for Foggy/Flooded, and one for Eclipsed

Infernis Changes :

  • Added a unique outside theme when it is Eclipsed
  • Added a unique interior theme when it is Eclipsed
  • Added a unique apparatus pull theme when it is Eclipsed
  • Added a death noise that only plays when it is Eclipsed


  • Fixed yet again standard 10pm themes still playing on moons they shouldn't be playing, godamnit
  • Fixed AGAIN standard apparatus pull themes playing on moons they shouldn't be playing, jesus christ
  • Fixed Atlantica and Junic's unique outside death noises not playing when exiting the facility and dying by whatever means
  • Yes i am still trying to fix the volumegroups not applying for some reason, meaning themes aren't dynamically lowering in volume when inside the ship or when crouching


  • Fixed some parts of the altlantica script accidentally having duplicate parts, making it needlessly long, oops.
  • Added more unique sounds to play depending on situations for atlantica (6 unique hurt noises, one when you hit critical injury, one for entering the ship, a unique facility theme when weather is eclipsed, and three different death noises when you die inside the facility)
  • Junic is getting the same treatment next patch


  • More fixes to avoid the general apparatus pull themes playing in places they shouldn't.
  • Added new stuff to the AtlanticaAmb script.
  • Lowered the sound of most audio to avoid them from being obnoxiously loud.


  • Fixed minor issues in the Orion script that sometimes caused the default script to play it's normal or eclipsed music instead of the moon's own script, literally what lol
  • Expanded upon the Embrion Script.
  • Updated the Egypt script to have a new ambience of it's own. Outside music, apparatus pull, nighttime, eclipsed song, etc you get the idea
  • Renamed the EgyptSpecial script to EgyptAmb, as it now has an entirely new ambience of it's own.
  • Added a new possible song that can play when pulling the apparatus on any map that doesn't have a unique script.


Fixed a rather important issue where two scripts would have their apparatus loop infinitely for those outside.


yet another emergency fix ( actually renamed the apparatus script to apparatusuniques to avoid conflict)


  • Updated Readme
  • Added a new script for outside music for Wesleys' Infernis moon
  • Added a new script for music while you're in Gordion.
  • Added a new script for Wesleys' Gloom moon which adds a unique exterior song, a unique apparatus pull song, a unique 10pm song, a unique interior song and unique death noise.


Actually fixed it this time i think


Fixed folder structure, previously lead to wacky r2modman downloads


Turns out it wasn't quite fixed sorry y'all i'm new to thunderstore shenanigans


Fixed Readme file lol


An emergency fix for a mod that just released ? How shocking !


Initial release