GatekeeperCat-Cat_s_Refunkfied_ModPack_BASE icon

Cat s Refunkfied ModPack BASE

This is the core to a Rework of my older Modpack, currently on early stages



  • Updated a few more mods that i forgor to update


  • Updated a bunch of mods
  • Added GeneralImprovements
  • Added FriendPatches
  • Added LC API
  • Updated to include the collection

NOTE: Yeah, this modpack's probably going in a hiatus, for how long? I don't know, could be a few days, weeks or years.


  • Updated ToggleMute
  • Removed Mod Hash List Checker (dw about it)
  • Added EladsHUD
  • Added Diversity
  • Added AlwaysHearActiveWalkies
  • Added Forest Giant Motionsense
  • Added Orbit Recharge
  • Added ShipWindows
  • Added LethalStats
  • Added Coroner


  • Added ghostCodes
  • Added Skinwalkers
  • "Unexpected mod hash" hotfix
  • Changed slightly the ModPack description
  • Better Spaced out the markdowns for
  • Fixed some typos in (Bye MopPack D ; )

NOTE: I only named this 0.3.11 because i wan't to test if can put double digits on the ModPack version

v0.3.0 (QoL Pack #2)

  • Updated AdvancedCompany to version 1.1.1
  • Added ToggleMute
  • Added LetMeLookDown
  • Added JumpDelayPatch (Im not falling in holes anymore >: ) )
  • Added NameplateTweaks
  • Added DoorFix
  • Added LethalRegeneration

v0.2.1 (Very minor addition)

  • Added a Brazilian Portuguese translation to the README

v0.2.0 (QoL Pack #1)

  • Added VoiceHUD
  • Added LCBetterClock
  • Added Hold Scan Button
  • Added FOV Adjust
  • Added LC Symphony
  • Added LCUltrawide
  • Added FasterItemDropship
  • Changed the slightly

NOTE: I'll be focussing on adding the QoL mods i feel like are most necessary


  • Added AdvancedCompany
  • Added LethalCompany InputUtils
  • Added BrutalCompany+

NOTE: The most essential mods are added and the modpack is actually bare bones now, also im tinkering around with forcing configs and this update hasn't been really tested


  • Didn't add anything, im testing how does forcing configs work
  • Will be adding actual mods soon


  • Doesn't even reach the bare bones, it doesn't have all the essential mods lol