Georg9741-LethalVanillaPlusHost icon


Simple Modpack Full of QoL Features and Host Mods

Last updated 3 months ago
Total downloads 744
Total rating 0 
Categories Modpacks Client-side Server-side
Dependency string Georg9741-LethalVanillaPlusHost-1.2.1
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

Georg9741-LethalVanillaPlusCORE-1.1.1 icon

VanillaPlus CORE Package. It Is Recommended to Use the Full Modpack.

Preferred version: 1.1.1
Georg9741-LethalVanillaPlusSERVER-1.1.2 icon

VanillaPlus SERVER Package. It Is Recommended to Use the Full Modpack.

Preferred version: 1.1.2


LethalVanillaPlus for Host

Filled with Client-Side/Vanilla Compatible and Server-Side/Host Mods to Enhance Your Lethal Company Experience.

Normal Version

Key Features


  • Discord Rich Presence
  • Lobby Codes
  • HUD Improvements
  • Flashlight and Walkie Keybinds
  • Better Nameplate Visibility
  • Voice Activity Indicators
  • Monitor the POV of Players
  • Glass Windows to Look Outside the Ship


  • Various Anti-Cheat Detections
  • Late Joining
  • Change Lobby Status
  • Better Stamina Consumption/Regeneration

Mods (36)


  • BepInExPack
  • LethalRichPresence
    • Discord Rich Presence
  • LC FastStartup
    • Game Intro Skip
  • LethalConfig
    • In-Game Config Menu
  • Better Lobbies
    • Lobby Search
    • Join Lobby via Code, Copy Lobby Code In-Game
    • Rejoin Last Joined Lobby
  • HDLethalCompany
    • Additional Graphics Settings


  • EladsHUD
    • Better Health, Stamina and Battery UI
  • VoiceHUD
    • Voice Activity Speaking Indicator
  • ShipLoot
    • Reliably View the Total Value of All Scrap in the Ship


  • LethalCompany InputUtils
    • In-Game Keybinds Menu for Supporting Mods
  • FlashlightToggle
    • Flashlight Keybind (Default: F)
  • WalkieUse
    • Walkie Talkie Keybind (Default: R)

On Ship

  • Helmet Cameras
    • Monitor the POV of Players, on the Second Large Monitor
  • OpenMonitors
    • New Monitor Information: Loot, Time of Day, Credits, Total Days, Colored Weather Condition
  • ShipWindows
    • Glass Windows in the Ship


  • BetterTerminal
    • Type Immediately When Opening the Terminal
  • TerminalApi
    • Dependency
  • Terminal Clock
    • Display the Time on Terminal
  • Terminal History
    • Command History for the Terminal


  • LetMeLookDown
    • Look Almost All the Way Down
  • NameplateTweaks
    • Better Nameplate Visibility
    • Voice Activity Speaking Indicators Above Players
  • SpectateEnemies
    • Spectate Enemies When Dead (Default: E)
  • SpectateDeathCause
    • Cause of Death on Spectate Screen
  • Coroner
    • New Information in Performance Report, Including Cause of Death
  • DiscountAlert
    • Notify You About Store Discounts
  • UseItemsWhileOnShip
    • Hold Items While Still in Orbit
  • ScannablePlayerItems
    • Scan Prevoisly Unscanbale Items
  • Light Switch Scan Node
    • Light Switch Scanbale
  • AlwaysHearActiveWalkies
    • Hear Active Walkies Around You (On the Floor, From Other Players)
  • SnapRotateFurniture
    • Rotate Furniture in 45-Degree (Default: LMB)
  • SprintLadderFix
    • Ability to Waste Stamina on Ladders Removed
  • SuitSaver
    • Save Your Last Used Suit


  • AntiCheat
    • Various Anti-Cheat Detections
  • LobbyControl
    • Late Joining
    • Change Lobby Status, Rename the Lobby, Toggle Autosave, Force Save, Save Scumming
    • Removed Item Limit on Ship (Vanilla = 45)
    • Various Fixes/Improvements
  • Matty Fixes
    • Various Fixes/Improvements
  • BetterStamina
    • Better Stamina Consumption/Regeneration


  • dev.flero.lethal.FastStartup.cfg
    • [Skips]
      • MenuAnim = false
  • discount.alert.cfg
    • [Alert]
      • AlertEnabledWhenNoDiscounts = false
    • [General]
      • VanillaMode = true
      • EnableWindow3 = false
  • AntiCheat.cfg
    • [LanguageSetting]
      • Language = English
    • [MsgSettings]
      • PlayerJoinShip = <color=green><color=yellow>[{player}]</color> joined the ship.</color>
    • [ServerNameSetting]
      • Prefix =
    • [ShipLightSettings]
      • Enable = false
    • [ShipSetting]
      • StartGameOnlyHost = false
      • StartGamePlayerCount = 3