Hamster-LethalPipeRemoval icon


Allows you to remove items from the inside and outside of the ship, custom terminal and charge station spawns, as well as a low-light ship mode and a parkour challenge mode for the ship. Completely customizable through LethalConfig at main menu.




Added the ability to move the "Start Match" ship lever to a custom location in the ship The default coordinates are meant to be used alongside the "Automatic Terminal Reposition" option, which will place the lever on the lefthand side of the terminal. This also pairs well with the newly added option to remove the desks below the monitors to free up more space in the ship.

Added "Inactive" removal mode to outside of the ship items. A fair bit of them did not work with this method, so it is a mixed bag of deletion and inactive in this setting. Fixed low-light mode not working, should be mostly functional although mod-compatibilty has not been tested and will likely be conflicts. Added the option to remove the magnet from the side of the ship, along with the lever to activate it. Fixed the railing collision sometimes still being active if selecting "Remove railings" or "Parkour mode."


Added custom repositioning for Bunk Beds. Changed default removal mode to Inactive for improved performance when inside the ship. If you find any of your other mods conflict with Lethal Pipe Removal, try changing this back to Renderer in the config.


Full implementation of new renderer removal system. Moved audio muting to it's own checkbox.


Fixed conflict wiht outside door buttons mod.


Added option to set custom coordinates for the Door Monitor & Door Button Control Panel


Added option to set custom coordinates for the storage shelf.


Added option to remove cameras. Could potentially alleviate performance issues some may have when removing the door monitor.


Fundamentally changed the removal system. Previous versions would delete the object entirely from the game instance. The new method simply de-renders the object, while leaving it technically still active within the session. Ideally this will greatly cut back on the amount of conflicts with other mods that are using these items. There is still the option to use the old deletion system if you desire, but this is absolutely not recommended unless you know for sure this is what you want. The checkbox to do so can be found at the very bottom of the config menu.


Fixes error with door monitor removal option by also removing outside security cam when this option is selected.


Bug fixes: firing softlock, teleporter cord toggle stuck on, terminal reset after firing when using automatic reposition.


Added coordinate options for the vent, air filter, and oxygen tank. However be warned, current defaults are not correct and spawn items outside the ship.


Fixed conflict with LethalModDataLib


Added options to remove monitor above door buttons. Fixed errors relating to teleporter instantiation. Hopefully cut back on a bit of the unity warnings present since v50.


Added option to remove storage shelf


Added custom clipboard repositioning.


Made compatible with v50


Addressed issues with teleporter desyncing. Removed old button layout options. Old config files are like incompatible.


New alternate teleporter button spawn locations.


Added custom terminal coordinates and added option to move teleporter buttons to the monitor desk. Custom monitor coordinate option disables you from moving the monitor via the in-game furniture move function. However if you disable the option in the pause menu, it will re-enable that functionality immediately.


Added the ability to set custom coordinates for the charging station, so you can position it in the ship however you'd like. It updates in real-time, so you can adjust the coordinates in the pause menu through Lethal Config until you get it right. If you find a spot you like, I would advise making a note of the coordinates and roation in case they are reset. If you have any issues, I have posted a bit on the Github about how it works.


Fixed leftover boxes on Left Machinery option.


Added option to only remove left machinery box and underneath piping.


Now can remove the long cord from the teleporter. Fixed the inverse teleporter button so it is not clipped into the terminal when using the terminal reposition option.


Ship low-light mode, and parkour mode now available! Try them out to see what they do...

Added a few more customization options for the bottom of the ship. We are almost to the point where every non-essential ship item can be removed and I'm running out of ideas. If you spot anything you want, please let me know at the github link above!


Added new customization options for the OUTSIDE of the ship, including the railings, floodlights, pipes and thrusters.


Fixed bug causing the speaker to disable manual ship door controls and re-enabled the option.


Disabled Main Speaker removal while bug that did not allow main door to be closed manually is being fixed.


Description changes.


Added the option to have the terminal automatically spawn to the left of the monitors. Also added options to remove posters, wall pipes, and the speakers. Disabling the speakers also disables their audio from playing.


Added option to remove vent below charging station.


Description changes.


Adds many more ship items that can be removed.


Official release of the ship decluttering, pipe removal, mod.