Hell_Inc-Hell_inc_Core icon

Hell inc Core

Hell inc core modpack



  • Initial version

Config changes:

  • Insanity remastered
    • Sanity loss when not near others set to [0.60] was [0.55]
  • Lategame_Upgrades
    • [Discombobulator] Individual Purchase set to [false] was [true]
    • [Better Scanner] Individual Purchase set to [false] was [true]
    • [Malware Broadcaster] Individual Purchase set to [false] was [true]
    • [Wheelbarrow]
      • Maximum amount of weight set to [200] was [100]
      • Maximum amount of items set to [5] was [4]
      • Restrictions on the Wheelbarrow Scrap Item set to [All] was [ItemCount]
  • EmployeeAssignments set to [true] was [false]
    • AllPlayersCanComplete
  • LethalThings
    • PouchyBelt set to [false] was [true] (disabled due to conflict with AdvancedCompany upgrade system)
  • FasterItemDropship
    • MaxLandDuration set to [360] was [40]
  • BetterStamina
    • StaminaRegenMultiplier set to [2] was [1.5]
  • MoreBlood
    • BloodScale set to [2] was [4]
  • LethalCompanyMinimap
    • Enable Minimap set to [false] was [true]
    • Minimap Size set to [99] was [200]
    • Map Zoom set to [26.29722] was [19.7]
    • Brightness set to [1] was [0]
    • Open Mod Menu set to [Left bracket]
    • Toggle Minimap set to [numpad1]
    • Toggle Override Ship set to [RightBracket]
    • Switch Minimap Focus set to [Digit0]
  • LethalHeptics
    • Vibrations
      • Amplifier set to [1] was [0]
      • GoodBoyMode set to [true] was [false]
    • Vibrations.DamageReceived
      • Amplifier set to [1] was [0]
    • Vibrations.ItemCharge
      • Duration set to [2] was [1]
    • Vibrations.QuotaReached
      • Strength set to [5] was [0.5]
    • Vibrations.RoundSurvival
      • Strength set to [2] was [0.3]
  • EladsHUD
    • HideHealthbarAutomatically set to [false] was [true]
  • Lethal_Company_Enhancer
    • fTimeScale set to [1.15] was [1.5]
  • QuickRestart
    • Override Confirmation set to [true] was [false]


  • Mod updates


  • Mod updated
  • Added DimmingFlashlights
  • Added Corporate Restructure
    • Weather is now hidden