Auditorial Insanity
Sound replacement mod that mainly contains inside jokes with friends.
Version 1.0.9 - HOTFIX
- Added weights to sounds to account for the latest api update.
- Fixed Maskeds playing Ghost Girl laughs.
- Updated dependencies.
Version 1.0.9 - Latest Version
New maneater sounds.
Additional sounds to Stop Signs, Tulip Snake, Butler, & Snare Flea.
Tweaked turret sounds.
Increased the volume of eclipse ambience.
Changed configs to sentences instead of questions.
Adjusted some of the json files.
Why is it 1.0.9 when it's clearly 1.0.910? Well, that was where I messed up version 1.0.7, and did 1.0.71 which made it a slight hassle when releasing 1.0.8 and who am I kidding no one's reading this.
Next update will be worked on once the API gets completely revamped, from what I've heard.
Version 1.0.8
New spider sounds.
New worm/earth leviathan sound.
More Old Bird sounds.
New sounds added to some scrap.
New sounds to spike traps.
New sounds when the bridges are broken.
Minor additions to Tulip Snakes & Eyeless Dogs.
New company intro speech (This one is rare!).
More dropship music.
I need to remember to delete the base json when developing...
Version 1.0.71
- I was an idiot and forgot to put the bracken config in, which made loading the game nearly impossible.
Version 1.0.7
- Ported the entire mod over to loaforcsSoundAPI
- Sounds can be enabled & disabled via configuration.
- New mod icon.
- Dropped LCMaxSoundFix dependency cause I now deem it unecessary to include.
Version 1.0.6
- Updated dependencies to include EnemySoundFixes & LCMaxSoundFix.
- A bunch of sounds have been sorted into audio source folders. This was a mistake on my end, but it still works so I'm not concerned.
- Added more ambience.
- New Baboon Hawk sounds.
- New Snare Flea sounds.
- Adjusted volume on past sounds.
- Miscellaneous sound changes.
Version 1.0.5
- Converted every sound from .wav to .ogg, this reduces the size of the mod by 80% (100mb -> 20mb).
- New Bee sounds.
- New HUD sounds.
- New Tulip Snake sounds.
- New Speaker voicelines.
- New Jetpack sounds.
- New Clown Horn & Airhorn sounds.
- New company desk sounds.
- Revamped Nutcracker sounds.
Version 1.0.4
- New Spore Lizard sounds.
- New Bracken sounds.
- New Old bird sounds.
- New Hoarding bug sounds.
- New Thumper sounds.
- New Ghost Girl sounds.
- Added more Coil head sounds.
- Added more sounds to the Robot Toy.
- Dogs and Giants now have different roars playing separately from each other.
- Updated Dog Roar.
- Reduced the volume of the cash register.
Version 1.0.3
- Updated the folder structure so the mod actually works, whoops.
Version 1.0.2
- New coilhead sounds.
- New eyeless dog roar sfx, shouldn't share the same roar as the giant now.
- New thunder sfx.
- New terminal sfx.
- New company intro speech.
- Removed LockpickPlayer until I figure out what it does.
Version 1.0.1-1.0.0
- Added new sounds that I'm too lazy to list off all of them.