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Hypick-BetterShotgun-1.4.1 icon


[v49] Improves the vanilla shotgun and its ammo, adding features such as infinite ammo, viewing the number of loaded ammo, selling in the store, spawning on moons and in gifts (Fully configurable)

Date uploaded 7 months ago
Version 1.4.1
Download link
Downloads 28078
Dependency string Hypick-BetterShotgun-1.4.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.14.3 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.14.3
Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils-0.7.1 icon

API/Library for creating Unity InputActions with in-game re-binding support. Provides an alternative UI that allows for supporting mods to have in-game re-bindable keybinds.

Preferred version: 0.7.1
Sigurd-CSync-3.1.1 icon

Configuration file syncing library for BepInEx.

Preferred version: 3.1.1




Should support custom moons (I haven't tested)


All available mod settings can be found in the config Hypick.BetterShotgun.cfg

! If the Rarity parameter is enabled, the item will appear in gifts

Available settings in the config:

  • Shotgun
    • Price (default = 700, disable = -1)
      • Cost of a shotgun in the store
    • MinValueScrap (default = 40) (In the game, the value is scaled down, so it is calculated using the formula value * 100 / 40)
      • Minimum scrap cost
    • MaxValueScrap (default = 70) (In the game, the value is scaled down, so it is calculated using the formula value * 100 / 40)
      • Maximum scrap cost
    • Rarity (default = -1, disable = -1)
      • Rarity of shotgun spawn on moons (higher = more often)
    • [BETA] Weight
      • Scrap weight
    • MaxDiscount (default = 80, vanilla = 80)
      • Maximum discount in the store
  • Shotgun Tweaks
    • MisfireOff (default = true, vanilla = false)
      • Disables misfire
    • InfiniteAmmo (default = false)
      • Endless ammo
    • ShowAmmoCount (default = true)
      • The number of cartridges in the shotgun will be displayed at the top right
    • [BETA] AmmoCheckAnimation (default = true)
      • Adds ammo check animation to the reload button
    • ReloadKeybind (default = false, vanilla = E)
      • Changes the reload key to the one you set
    • ReloadNoLimit (default = false)
      • Allows you to endlessly reload your shotgun
    • SkipReloadAnimation (default = false)
      • Skips reload animation
    • DisableFriendlyFire (default = false)
      • Turns off friendly fire
  • Shell
    • Price (default: 50, disable = -1)
      • Cost of a cartridge in the store
    • MinValueScrap (default = 15) (In the game, the value is scaled down, so it is calculated using the formula value * 100 / 40)
      • Minimum scrap cost
    • MaxValueScrap (default = 25) (In the game, the value is scaled down, so it is calculated using the formula value * 100 / 40)
      • Maximum scrap cost
    • Rarity (default = 2, disable = -1)
      • Rarity of the appearance of cartridges on moons (higher = more often)
    • MaxDiscount (default = 80, vanilla = 80)
      • Maximum discount in the store

Должен поддерживать кастомные луны (я не тестировал)


Все доступные настройки мода можно найти в конфиге Hypick.BetterShotgun.cfg

! Если параметр Rarity включен, то предмет будет появляться еще в подарах

Доступные настройки в конфиге:

  • Shotgun
    • Price (по умолчанию = 700, отключить = -1)
      • Стоимость дробовика в магазине
    • MinValueScrap (по умолчанию = 40) (В игре значение масштабируется в меньшую сторону, поэтому высчитывается по формуле value * 100 / 40)
      • Минимальная стоимость лома
    • MaxValueScrap (по умолчанию = 70) (В игре значение масштабируется в меньшую сторону, поэтому высчитывается по формуле value * 100 / 40)
      • Максимальная стоимость лома
    • Rarity (по умолчанию = -1, отключить = -1)
      • Редкость появления дробовика на лунах (выше = чаще)
    • [BETA] Weight (по умолчанию = 16)
      • Вес лома
    • MaxDiscount (по умолчанию = 80, ванилла = 80)
      • Максимальная скидка в магазине
  • Shotgun Tweaks
    • MisfireOff (по умолчанию = true, ванилла = false)
      • Отключает осечку
    • InfiniteAmmo (по умолчанию = false)
      • Бесконечные патроны
    • ShowAmmoCount (по умолчанию = true)
      • Справа сверху будет отображаться кол-во патронов в дробовике
    • [BETA] AmmoCheckAnimation (по умолчанию = true)
      • Добавляет анимацию проверки патронов на кнопку перезарядки
    • ReloadKeybind (по умолчанию = false, ванилла = E)
      • Меняет клавишу перезарядки на установленную вами
    • ReloadNoLimit (по умолчанию = false)
      • Позволяет бесконечно перезаряжать дробовик
    • SkipReloadAnimation (по умолчанию = false)
      • Пропускает анимацию перезарядки
    • DisableFriendlyFire (по умолчанию = false)
      • Отключает огонь по своим
  • Shell
    • Price (по умолчанию: 50, отключить = -1)
      • Стоимость патрона в магазине
    • MinValueScrap (по умолчанию = 15) (В игре значение масштабируется в меньшую сторону, поэтому высчитывается по формуле value * 100 / 40)
      • Минимальная стоимость найденного на луне патрона
    • MaxValueScrap (по умолчанию = 25) (В игре значение масштабируется в меньшую сторону, поэтому высчитывается по формуле value * 100 / 40)
      • Максимальная стоимость найденного на луне патрона
    • Rarity (по умолчанию = 2, отключить = -1)
      • Редкость появления патронов на лунах (выше = чаще)
    • MaxDiscount (default = 80, vanilla = 80)
      • Maximum discount in the store


If you have an idea for a mod or find a problem, you can open an issue or pull request on Github.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


[1.4.1] - 18.02.2024 | Current version

  • Fixed an issue with key bindings not changing (#17)

[1.4.0] - 17.02.2024

  • The structure of the configuration file has been changed once again
  • Fixed issue #15 (it seems)
  • Fixed an issue where when one of the players reloads a shotgun, ShowAmmoCount would incorrectly display the number of ammo for all shotguns
  • Added LethalCompany_InputUtils to dependencies to improve the key binding change function
  • New feature added:
    • DisableFriendlyFire (default = false)
      • Turns off friendly fire

[1.3.0] - 15.02.2024

  • Changed the priority of ShootGunPrefix (by @JuanCalle1606 in #13), thereby making it more compatible with mods like HexiBetterShotgun
  • Changed the calculation of MinValueScrap and MaxValueScrap (now using the formula value * 100 / 40)
  • The structure of the configuration file has been slightly changed
  • Added two new parameters:
    • [BETA] Weight (default = 16) (shotgun only)
      • Scrap weight
    • MaxDiscount (default = 80, vanilla = 80)
      • Maximum discount in the store

[1.2.0] - 14.02.2024

  • Finally fixed AmmoCheckAnimation (most likely :))
  • Removed the shotgun loading sound when viewing ammo
  • Added two new features:
    • ReloadNoLimit
      • Allows you to endlessly reload your shotgun
    • SkipReloadAnimation
      • Skips reload animation

[1.1.1] - 13.02.2024

  • Fixed an issue where AmmoCheckAnimation still worked even if it was disabled in the config (#7)
  • Fixed an issue where the shotgun would misfire when falling to the ground with MisfireOff enabled in the config (#8)

[1.1.0] - 12.02.2024

  • Added 5 new features:
    • MisfireOff (default = true, vanilla = false)
      • Disables misfire
    • InfiniteAmmo (default = false)
      • Endless ammo
    • ShowAmmoCount (default = true)
      • The number of cartridges in the shotgun will be displayed at the top right
    • [BETA] AmmoCheckAnimation
      • Enables animation of checking cartridges on the reload button
    • ReloadKeybind
      • Changes the reload key to the one you set

[1.0.3] - 29.01.2024

  • LethalLib 0.14.1 -> 0.14.2
  • Descriptions in the config have been corrected

[1.0.2] - 29.01.2024

  • LethalLib 0.13.2 -> 0.14.1
  • Minor changes to the code

[1.0.1] - 25.01.2024

  • The default parameters in the config have been slightly changed
  • Added parameters for the cost of scrap metal on the moons in the config



1.4.7 (2024-03-20)

Bug Fixes

  • change compatibility with ReservedWeaponSlot (#38) (98efc50)

Miscellaneous Chores

1.4.6 (2024-03-16)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem with extracting values from the config (45bd1da)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • Changed the setup of the ReloadKeybind key and added an error exception (#30) (8bedb4f)
  • Bump LethalLib from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3
  • Bump LethalCompany_InputUtils from 0.6.3 to 0.7.1

1.4.5 (2024-03-13)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash due to ReloadKeybind (#30) (f18f53f)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • Synchronization has been replaced with CSync, since the last synchronization did not work (142cf52)

1.4.4 (2024-03-04)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • Added configuration synchronization between clients and host (#28) (12a50d4)
  • Removed the check for ReservedItemSlotCore in ReloadKeybind (b292bae)
  • Fixed compatibility with ReservedWeaponSlot: the name of the cartridges automatically changes to " Ammo" (#22) (6a6d347)

1.4.3 (2024-02-28)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • Added check for the presence of ReservedItemSlotCore (17f556a)

1.4.2 (2024-02-25)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • AmmoCheckAnimation changed from "true" to "false" by default
  • Changed the name of shotgun ammo in the store from "Ammo" to "Shell"
  • Added more logging

1.4.1 (2024-02-18)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with key bindings not changing (#17)

1.4.0 (2024-02-17)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • The structure of the configuration file has been changed once again
  • Added LethalCompany_InputUtils to dependencies to improve the key binding change function


  • DisableFriendlyFire (default = false)
    • Turns off friendly fire

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue #15 (it seems)
  • Fixed an issue where when one of the players reloads a shotgun, ShowAmmoCount would incorrectly display the number of ammo for all shotguns

1.3.0 (2024-02-15)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • Changed the priority of ShootGunPrefix (by @JuanCalle1606 in #13), thereby making it more compatible with mods like HexiBetterShotgun
  • Changed the calculation of MinValueScrap and MaxValueScrap (now using the formula value * 100 / 40)
  • The structure of the configuration file has been slightly changed


  • [BETA] Weight (default = 16) (shotgun only)
    • Scrap weight
  • MaxDiscount (default = 80, vanilla = 80)
    • Maximum discount in the store

1.2.0 (2024-02-13)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • Finally fixed AmmoCheckAnimation (most likely :))
  • Removed the shotgun loading sound when viewing ammo


  • ReloadNoLimit (default = false)
    • Allows you to endlessly reload your shotgun
  • SkipReloadAnimation (default = false)
    • Skips reload animation

1.1.1 (2024-02-13)

Bug Fixes (d78ef12)

  • Fixed an issue where AmmoCheckAnimation still worked even if it was disabled in the config (#7)
  • Fixed an issue where the shotgun would misfire when falling to the ground with MisfireOff enabled in the config (#8)

1.1.0 (2024-02-12)


  • MisfireOff (default = true, vanilla = false)
    • Disables misfire
  • InfiniteAmmo (default = false)
    • Endless ammo
  • ShowAmmoCount (default = true)
    • The number of cartridges in the shotgun will be displayed at the top right
  • [BETA] AmmoCheckAnimation
    • Enables animation of checking cartridges on the reload button
  • ReloadKeybind
    • Changes the reload key to the one you set

1.0.3 (2024-01-29)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • LethalLib 0.14.1 -> 0.14.2
  • Descriptions in the config have been corrected

1.0.2 (2024-01-29)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • LethalLib 0.13.2 -> 0.14.1
  • Minor changes to the code (f96f05b)

1.0.1 (2024-01-25)

Miscellaneous Chores

  • The default parameters in the config have been slightly changed
  • Added parameters for the cost of scrap metal on the moons in the config

1.0.0 (2024-01-22)

Miscellaneous Chores