IDontWanna-Will_I_Break_This icon

Will I Break This

For my friends but check it out if you want. Don't blame me if it breaks on you, though. It is currently functional.



  • Added configs that I forgot to include
  • Removed BuyableShotgun and BuyableShotgunShells as BetterShotgun is now fully functional.
  • Removed SellBodies in favor of SellBodiesFixed


  • Updated configs
  • Removed FixCentipedeLag as it was made redundant by PathfindingFix


  • Updated configs
  • Can play as a dog now with PlayerDogModel
  • Added LethalExpansionCore because of a dependency change made by TheCovenMod
  • As a result of the previous change, decided to add Pikmin Scrap
  • Added DisableUnityLog to hopefully clean up some logging
  • Added CullFactory to hopefully clean up lag
  • Added BetterShotgun to make shotguns and shells lootable scraps. SellBodies prevented shotgun being lootable from nutcrackers.
  • Added BuyableShotgun and Buyable ShotgunShells because shotguns purchased with BetterShotgun kept blipping out of my game.


  • Updated configs to more recent versions of the mods as needed


  • Separated the music to its own mod
  • Added Immersive Visor
  • Added ReverbOnDeath


  • Removed interior mods. Too much desync happening.
  • Removed suits we weren't using
  • Corrected folder structure for custom escape music. Should install correctly now.
  • Updated configs


  • New interiors with Spooky's Variety Mod, SCPFoundation, and MoreInteriors
  • Lootable creature bodies with SellBodies
  • Custom escape music with PizzaTowerEscapeMusic
  • Removed DataCompany due to stale bread glitching and sticking to my friend


  • Very minor config change.


  • Removed suitsTerminal. Was causing desync.
  • Updated configs


  • Using suitsTerminal instead of TooManySuits due to errors loading it.
  • Updated configurations


  • Open Doors in Space for a "soft" reset
  • Make those apparatuses more worth the trouble with FacilityMeltdown
  • Coroner + LC API for syncing
  • CATS!!! from NeedyCats
  • Coilheads are now creepier with CoilheadStare
  • Run from your problems with Rush of Adrenaline
  • Can't do math? No problem! Let ScrapCalculator do it for you!
  • Look down at your non-existent feet with LetMeLookDown
  • Get dressed! We goin' scrappin' with MoreSuits!
  • A mirror


  • Updated mods and configurations


  • Actually included the funny sounds this time
  • Crosshair


  • Scraps
  • MoreCompany
  • Cosmetics
  • Funny sounds


  • Retry