INSANITY-Silly_Goober_Modpack icon

Silly Goober Modpack

A silly little modpack with a bunch of stuff (my friend is too lazy to download individually)


  • 1.0.0 - Release

  • 1.1.0 - Mods Added: Femboys and Firearms, Lethal Creatures, Cirno Fumo Scrap,Lethal Fashion, Lethal Extras, More Blood, Lategame Upgrades, Rust Hazmat Suit, Trin More Suits, Wacky Cosmetics, Boykisser Poster, Lethal Posters, Pikmin 2 More Suits, F_ck You Mod, SCP Foundation Suit, Tyler1Bracken, Some More Suits.

      - Mods Removed: Freddy Fazbear Bracken.
  • 1.1.1 - Improved the Changelog