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InstanceWorld-MysteriousHarbingers-0.4.2 icon


[V56] A new Monster that teleports

Date uploaded 2 months ago
Version 0.4.2
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Downloads 5860
Dependency string InstanceWorld-MysteriousHarbingers-0.4.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

Evaisa-LethalLib-0.15.1 icon

Personal modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.15.1
BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Mysterious Harbingers

Void like creatures roam the facilities, searching, but for what?

Heavily inspired by the Harbingers from Path of Exile.


Adds A new Monster to the facilities that tends to wonder aimlessly. It doesn't seem hostile, but the same cannot be said about his friends.

Harbinger [spoiler]

Log entry:

  • "What strange creatures, if they even can be considered such. They don't appear to be home to the planets they visit but seem to know where all lifeforms on it are at all times. Whether out of curiosity or something else, they tend to stay close to humans while otherwise wondering aimlessly. Their ability to teleport may have been what brought them here. They seem to pop out of nowhere but are themselves harmless. What isn't so harmless is their ability to teleport others. Let’s just hope they can't teleport anything worse. An interesting discovery we made was that they can teleport us too. "

Exact Info:

  • The harbingers will spawn like any other creature in the facility. They wander aimlessly around the area while waiting for their teleport to come off cooldown (20 seconds).
  • Once ready it will either teleport themselves to a random player in the facility or find a random monster to teleport to the player depending on how close they are to the players and if the cooldown has expired (10 seconds).
  • Players can also step into the teleportation circle and be teleported to the previous location of the monster that was just teleported. Would you rather stay and face whatever is about to arrive or be sent somewhere unknown to find your way back.
  • Hitting the harbinger will teleport you to a random enemy or the furthest point from the entrence if no enemy is found.
  • They also interfere with the vision of the monitor making it hard to see enemies and loot near them.

Harbinger Image

Default Spawn weight: 30


  • Cooldowns and attack animation speed
  • Max spawn count
  • Harbinger spawn weights by location.
  • shared over networking (Clients don't need to have the same settings to join)

Credit: Base 3D Model:



  • Added a new Game Mechanic: The harbinger can now teleport the Apparatus.
    • Yes, this works with FacilityMeltdown (if it works in v61)
  • Added a blacklist for enemies that the Harbinger should not teleport
  • Improved the harbinger visual effects.
  • Harbingers now have a minimum cooldown of 2 seconds after teleporting themselves
  • fixed a bug that resulted in an infinite teleport loop if the player is standing on a railing.
  • fixed the teleport ring and last teleport location objects not being deleted with the harbinger.
  • fixed A bug that resulted in the harbinger not being able to go up and down stairs.


  • fixed max count configuration not being applied


  • fixed configuration errors that I didn't catch during testing. Discovered by Purple, Thanks for the help


  • Fixed a crash that would occur if a client who did not own the teleported enemy stepped into the teleportation circle.
  • Added More configuration Options for Spawning preferences
    • maximum amount of harbingers that can spawn
    • By level spawn weights.
  • configuration syncing between clients has been improved
  • improved the player teleport
  • (extra) Updated the c# version to .net standard 2.1


  • Fixed a few bugs
  • Improved the slime teleport (they are not perfect but they auto correct after around 30 seconds)
  • Reduced the base cooldowns even further
    • Teleport self 35-> 20 sec
    • Teleport other 15 -> 10
  • Provided configurations for cooldowns and the animation speed multiplier of the teleport
  • Hitting harbingers now sends you to a random enemy or the furthest place in the facility if no enemies are present.


  • Fixed visual bug
  • fixed the log not being accessible
  • Mostly fixed the slime teleport (needs some polish still)
  • reduced self teleport cooldown (60->35 sec)
  • reduced teleport enemy cooldown (60 -> 15 sec)
  • made the teleport self and teleport other cooldown separate
  • Harbingers now teleport closer to the player when teleporting themselves
  • fixed various bugs (and probably added new ones)


  • Added to game