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IntegrityChaos-Diversity-2.1.2 icon


Diversity is a mod that revamps few aspects of the game. Generally the entities itself.

Date uploaded a day ago
Version 2.1.2
Download link
Downloads 7815
Dependency string IntegrityChaos-Diversity-2.1.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
IntegrityChaos-GraphicsAPI-1.0.0 icon

Made this tool for Diversity.

Preferred version: 1.0.0
IntegrityChaos-LCCutscene-1.0.0 icon

Made this tool for Diversity.

Preferred version: 1.0.0



Important Message!

2.1.1 Is finally out! I am finally back! Thank you all for your patience! I love you all! I have more things to add to Diversity!


You can join our Discord server to report issues or just to come chat with us!


For the ones who'd like to support my work!

What is Diversity?

Diversity is a mod that revamps few aspects of the game. Generally the entities itself.

What changed?

This is what Diversity revamps:

  • Spiders
  • Crawlers
  • Bracken
  • Centipede
  • Dress girl
  • The players
  • Many more aspects of the game to makes things more scary and interesting!

This is what Diversity adds:

  • The Walker (New ennemy)
  • The Watcher (New ennemy)
  • New rooms (Dedicated to the enemies)

The Spiders & Crawlers

  • Added brief slow with a few seconds cooldown to the Spiders and Crawlers when hitting them. (This was added to balance the rail cheese fix.)

The Bracken

  • The Bracken will now stay true to his darkness. He will flicker and turn off all nearby lights and will dim player's flashlights if they're close to the Bracken.
  • The lights turned off by the Bracken will naturally turn back on after a minute or 2.
  • Trying to forcibly turn back on the lights with the breaker box could cause the Bracken to be angered for a while and causes fear. The power also becomes shut off permanently.
  • The Bracken will turn off all nearby radar boosters.
  • The Bracken will turn off the breaker box occasionally.
  • Taking the apparatus will now immediately anger the Bracken, chasing the player who angered the Bracken.
  • The Bracken now has a personal space.

The Dress girl

  • She will haunt your walkie-talkie.
  • She now has the ability to isolate you and to give you hallucinations.
  • She has new voice lines.

The Centipedes

  • You can now help your friends out whenever a centipede is latched onto their head by spamming the use button if you don't have a shovel.
  • Trying to help free a centipede from a player's head could hurt you.

The Players

  • Players will receive conditions such as broken leg, broken arm, bleeding, blindness, and concussions. (Now a standalone mod that can be found here)
  • Players will have true darkness when there are no lights inside, it is recommended to bring a flashlight. (Now a standalone mod that can be found here)


To know more about the mod, take a look to the wiki!


Mostly anything in this mod is configurable. If there's something you'd like to be able to configure and isn't there, either join the Discord server or contact me by email ([email protected]) and I'll make the changes on the next mod update!



Big thanks to everyone supporting me on Patreon! Y'all are amazing!


1.0.0 Initial Release

  • Initial release of Diversity.

1.0.1 Patches

  • Fixed huge FPS drops. (Will still work on it.)
  • Fixed when you still see "Free from head" on the centipede even if it has been turned off in config.

1.0.2 Patches

  • Fixed mostly all FPS losses.
  • Added a new feature to the Bracken. Trying to forcibly turn back on the lights with the breaker box could cause the Bracken to be angered for a while and shut off all power permanently.

1.0.3 Additions

  • Bracken will speak to you in some ways...
  • Bracken will turn off all nearby radar boosters.
  • Bracken angered moments now causes fear.
  • Bracken will turn off the breaker box occasionally.
  • Added lot more configuration to the mod.

1.0.4 Additions

  • Full darkness when there's no lights. (Configurable)
  • Trying to free a centipede from someone's head could potentially hurt you.
  • Dress girl is now revamped. She will haunt walkie-talkies.
  • Taking the apparatus will immediately anger the Bracken.
  • Added player conditions. Players will receive conditions such as broken leg, broken arm and bleeding.

1.0.5 Hotfix

  • Fixed conditions not resetting at the end of the round.

1.0.6 Additions & Patches

  • Fixed and tweaked a lot the player conditions, they are now more balanced.
  • Added custom post processing. (1 of them for the Bracken.)
  • Added configuration for the Apparatus.
  • Bracken now chases the one who angered him instead of the closest player.
  • Full darkness now has a tweakable intensity in the config.
  • Part of the Wiki has been created. (Still WIP.)

1.0.7 Changes & Hotfixes

  • Reverted the custom post pocessing due to the fact it overrides the in game post processing. (Until I find a fix.)
  • Fixed compatibility issues with HDLethalCompany.

1.0.8 Hotfix

  • Fixed the sprint time not properly reset. (For Elad's HUD mod users the value could be wrong, but I assure you it is reset properly.)

1.1.0 Big update & Fixes

  • The Bracken has now a personal space... For you to find out! c:
  • Reworked player conditions. (Yes I've heard all of your complaints about the blindness!!!)
  • Added lot of configurations for conditions.
  • Fixed conditions still being applied in spectator mode.
  • Fixed the Bracken abilities still applying when he's dead.
  • Fixed compatibilities with "Lethal Progression"

1.1.1 Hotfix

  • Fixed the Bracken being stuck in killing animation when trying to kill someone.

1.1.2 Optimization, Fixes and Additions

  • Optimized the Bracken's personnal space.
  • Fixed audio issues. (Hopefully most of them.)
  • Fixed the blindness not properly wearing off.
  • Fixed the Bracken's personal space not properly resetting at the end of rounds.
  • Fixed the text showing on the monitor even after the round ended.
  • Fixed issues with some configs.
  • Added config for the anger time of the Bracken.
  • Added config to enable or disable the Bracken's personal space.
  • Increased the lighting inside the Bracken's personal space.

1.1.3 Fixes

  • Added compatibility with "Lethal Things" mod.
  • Reworked the entire audio system of Diversity. (Should hopefully fix most audio issues.)
  • Fixed the issues concerning the Bracken's personal space when disabling it.
  • Fixed a big issue mainly concerning player collison causing extreme FPS drops with certain mods.
  • Fixed issues with the "ManualCameraRender" methods AKA "The monitor map".
  • Fixed issues with the radar boosters.

1.1.4 Hotfix

  • Fixed an issue with PlayerRevamp causing spam error in the console.

1.1.5 Fixes & Additions

  • Fixed the Bracken's personal space door not prompting to escape.
  • Reallocated the Bracken's personal space to avoid clipping with other structures.
  • Fixed true darkness only applying to the host.
  • Revamped the Dress girl. She now has a completely new ability. (More to come soon!)
  • Added the new Dress girl voice lines.

1.1.6 Hotfixes

  • Fixed players being stuck when loading a game.
  • Fixed full darkness not working at all.
  • Fixed screen stuck after leaving a moon.
  • Fixed issues with "HDLethalCompany" about the scan nodes.

1.1.7 Hotfix

  • Fixed FPS issue with the new Dress girl addition.

1.1.8 Hotfix

  • Fixed the Dress girl ability staying active after death.

1.1.9 Fixes & Rework

  • Removed the spam log in the console.
  • Fixed door prompt in the Bracken's personal space not showing up when looking at it.
  • Fixed the shotgun immunity of the Bracken.
  • Reworked the entire mechanic for the Bracken's main ability and shouldn't cause huge FPS drops.
  • Added synchronization for the Bracken angered moment.
  • Fixed blindness still triggering around valves that are not bursted.

1.1.10 Hotfix

  • Fixed an issue with the Bracken new mechanic of 1.1.9.

2.0.0 MASSIVE update!!!

  • Added a new entity called the Walker!!!
  • Added Alcatras240 voice lines for the speaker!
  • Added custom post processing back!
  • Added compatibility with Ghost Code mod.
  • Added compatibility with Snatchin Bracken mod. (DISABLED BY DEFAULT IN CONFIG DUE TO INCOMPATIBILITY IN SOLO!)
  • Added cutscenes.
  • Reworked the Bracken kidnapping sequence.
  • Reworked player conditions, now has a UI and sounds!
  • Fixed broken RNG.
  • Fixed the quicksand not sinking.
  • Fixed the fractured arm cooldown being infinite.
  • Fixed the fractured and broken arm not working at all.
  • Fixed the player conditions cooldown pausing when looking at close objects.
  • Fixed the Bracken screaming lots of time in a row for no reason.
  • Revamped the Puffer.
  • Revamped the Hydrogene.

2.0.1 Hotfixes

  • Fixed the Player condition UI not working properly.
  • Fixed issues with the stair when dying and be stuck spinning.
  • Fixed FPS issues related to Post Processing.
  • Fixed the speaker config not properly deactivating all voice lines.
  • Fixed an issue with one of the jumpscares in the stairs being able to reactivate itself.
  • Fixed items being carried on in the stairs.
  • Fixed teleporter being able to rescue you when in the stairs.
  • Fixed custom terminal commands breaking with Diversity.
  • Readjusted the Walker spawn chance to correct value.
  • Readjusted the Walker appearence interval to less frequent.
  • Readjusted the full darkness to the correct value for v49.
  • Added config for the Walker's spawn chance.

2.0.2 Fixes

  • Fixed the issue about some players being stuck in loading and caused the lobby to desync. (Hopefully...)
  • Fixed the issue with color banding.
  • Changed dependency: CustomPostProcesingAPI -> GraphicsAPI

2.0.3 Hotfix

  • New attempt on: "Fixed the issue about some players being stuck in loading" from 2.0.2.

2.1.0 Major Update!

  • Fully compatible with v50!
  • Added a brand new enemy called the "Watcher"! (Using my brand new AI script!)
  • Added a new aethetics related to Diversity's lore! (More to come soon!)
  • Added a few more configs.
  • Fixed the Braken and its room! (Woohoo!)
  • Fixed all players being stuck whenever the Braken kidnapped someone.
  • Fixed the Walker not able to use doors on custom interiors.

2.1.1 The Return!

  • Fully compatible with v64!
  • Reworked the AI of the Watcher.
  • Stripped "Full Darkness" from Diversity and made a standalone mod. You can find it here.
  • Stripped "Player Conditions" from Diversity and made a standalone mod. You can find it here.

2.1.2 Minor fix

  • Fixed the icon for the poster.