JOEMAMA-Silly_monster_sounds icon

Silly monster sounds

Replaces all monster sounds with silly voiceovers

Last updated 7 months ago
Total downloads 7650
Total rating 1 
Categories Mods Audio Client-side Monsters Asset Replacements
Dependency string JOEMAMA-Silly_monster_sounds-1.1.7
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
no00ob-LCSoundTool-1.2.2 icon

Let's you easily load audio files, replace any in game audio clip and log any audio playback into console.

Preferred version: 1.2.2
Clementinise-CustomSounds-1.2.3 icon

Let's you easily load audio files (With LCSoundTool) and replace any in game audio clip.

Preferred version: 1.2.3


In order to play with your friends clientsided: Launch the game with the mod, leave the game, go to edit config, change "EnableNetworking" to false save then relaunch.

1.0.0 Changed Tentacle monster, Coilhead, Hoarderbug, Spider, Thumper.

1.0.1 Added remaining Hoarderbug, and Spider, added Jester sounds.

1.0.2 Fixed sounds that were mp3s instead of wav, added Centipede sounds.

1.0.3 Added remaining Centipede and Thumper sounds.

1.0.4 Added Slime sounds.

1.0.5 Fixed Hoarderbug sounds.

1.0.6 Added remaining Hoarderbug sounds.

1.0.7 Increased volume of Hoarderbug sound.

1.0.8 Added Baboonhawk sounds.

1.0.9 Added majority of BlindDog sounds.

1.1.0 Readjusted BlindDog sounds.

1.1.1 Increased volume of Baboonhawk sounds.

1.1.2 Added remaining BlindDog sounds.

1.1.3 Added Nutcracker sounds.

1.1.4 Added remaining Nutcracker sounds.

1.1.5 Added Bracken sounds.

1.1.6 Fixed Bracken sounds.

1.1.7 Fixed "CrackNeck" sound.