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JS03-Control_Company_Detector-4.0.3 icon

Control Company Detector

A fully configurable mod that detects Control Company by giving you an in-game warning, marking lobbies that have it and detecting when the host spawns an enemy indoors. It can also hide or only show said lobbies.

Date uploaded 2 weeks ago
Version 4.0.3
Download link
Downloads 3334
Dependency string JS03-Control_Company_Detector-4.0.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

BMX-LobbyCompatibility-1.2.0 icon

Towards a future with fewer lobby incompatibility errors.

Preferred version: 1.2.0


Control Company Detector


A fully configurable mod that detects Control Company by giving you an in-game warning, marking lobbies that have it and detecting when the host spawns an enemy indoors. It can also hide or only show said lobbies.


Manually spawned enemies detection

If the Detect enemy spawning option is enabled (which it is by default) and the host has spawned an enemy, the mod will give you a warning with the enemy's name.

Here's a full list of all the enemies it can detect:

  • Spore lizard
  • Hoarding bug / Loot bug
  • Slime / Hygrodere
  • Snare flea
  • Spider
  • Thumper
  • Barber
  • Bracken
  • Butler
  • Coil-Head
  • Masked / Mimic
  • Nutcracker
  • Jester
  • Lasso man
  • Obunga

A couple of examples that show this feature in action:




Mods that alter how indoor enemies spawn will cause this feature to not work properly

Manually spawned enemies detection when hosting

Even though this mod's primary function is to detect and combat those who abuse Control Company in public lobbies, it can also be used as an "Anti-Cheat" of sorts when it comes to enemy spawning.

If you host a lobby with Detect enemy spawning as host enabled, a warning will appear to indicate that an enemy has been spawned by someone else. This means that enemies that have been spawned using cheats or other mods will be detected.

This feature will forcefully disable itself if it finds that you, the host, have a mod that changes how enemy spawning works installed and will give you the following information message:


The name of the mod at the end of the message will change depending on which mod caused the message to appear.

This message can be hidden under the Hosting section in the configuration file by setting the option Show info message to false

Lobby filtering, marking & highlighting

Control Company Detector will mark lobbies that have Control Company with the prefix [CC] in the lobby list and highlight them. The prefix can be removed and the highlighting can be disabled.

You can also change how highlighted lobbies look. By default they will look like this:


But their color can be changed to:

  • A random color for each lobby (like in the example image below)
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Lime
  • Cyan
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • Yellow
  • Gray / Grey (accepts both)
  • Maroon (the default color)

Here's an example using the random color option and no [CC] prefix:


In addition to all of this, Control Company Detector allows you to show all lobbies, hide those that have Control Company or only show the ones with Control Company.


In-game warning

If Control Company Detector finds that the lobby host is using Control Company, an in-game warning will appear when you join the lobby:



Version 4.0.3

  • The Maneater has been added to the list of detectable enemies

Version 4.0.2

  • The Barber has been added to the list of detectable enemies

Version 4.0.1

  • The Butler has been added to the list of detectable enemies
  • The dependency version for Lobby Compatibility has been updated to v1.1.0

Version 4.0.0

  • Lobby Compatibility has been added as a dependency. This allows me to detect Control Company in a different and more reliable way, but it does require for the host to also have Lobby Compatibility installed. Don't worry though, the old detection method is still and will always be present, so if a host isn't using Lobby Compatibility but still has Control Company it will still use the old method

  • The mod is now capable of sending a message in the game's chat if the host has Control Company, letting everyone in the lobby know. This feature is disabled by default


    Note: The host's username will appear in place of [REDACTED]

  • Detect enemy spawning can now disable itself if the host is using a mod that alters enemy spawning, just like Detect enemy spawning as host. This is only possible thanks to Lobby Compatibility

Version 3.3.8

  • Using ControlCompanyFilter and Better Lobbies when lobby highlighting is disabled will move the "CONTROL COMPANY" text added by ControlCompanyFilter to the left
  • Added a new config option that allows you to enable / disable lobby highlighting
  • Added a new config option that allows you to change the color of highlighted lobbies:


Version 3.3.7

  • Obunga has been added to the list of detectable enemies

Version 3.3.6

  • Added a new config option to show / hide the [CC] prefix from lobbies that have Control Company. Challenge moon lobbies with Control Company will ignore this setting and always have the prefix
  • Various minor code optimizations
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mod to constantly send console logs when playing as a client

Version 3.3.5

  • Fixed a critical issue that prevented the Detect enemy spawning feature to work as a client

Version 3.3.4

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Code button from the Better Lobbies mod to be displaced in highlighted lobbies

Version 3.3.3

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Join button to be displaced in highlighted lobbies

Version 3.3.2

  • Lobbies that have Control Company will now be highlighted like so:


Version 3.3.1

  • Detect enemy spawning now checks for the enemy type instead of the name. This makes it more reliable and fixes an issue previous versions had with modded enemies that would make them trigger it when they shouldn't have

Version 3.3.0

  • The mod now adds [CC] in front of the name of a lobby that's using Control Company
  • Added a new option that allows you to only show lobbies that have Control Company
  • To prevent hosts abusing the Detect enemy spawning as host feature, the mod now forcefully disables that feature if they're using a mod that changes enemy spawn mechanics. They will also get an in-game warning informing them it has been disabled and which mod caused it. This warning can be disabled in the config under the Hosting section
  • Detect enemy spawning as host is now enabled by default once again
  • The in-game tip that was added in v2.1.1 when joining a friend's lobby has been removed
  • Due to all of the changes mentioned above, the config has been completely restructured. I recommend deleting the old config after updating to this version

Version 3.2.2

  • Detect enemy spawning as host is now disabled by default

Version 3.2.1

  • To avoid any unnecessary accusations towards hosts who don't use Control Company, the "A [enemy name] has been spawned by a player" warning now only appears when you host a lobby

Version 3.2.0

  • The mod is now able to detect if other players have spawned an enemy when you are the host
  • The config file has been restructured
  • 2 new config options have been added:
    • Detect enemy spawning as host: Allows you to enable / disable the new feature. If you're going to use Control Company with this mod, consider disabling it, as keeping it enabled will make a message pop up on your screen when you spawn an enemy
    • Detect Masked enemy spawning: Whether the mod can detect if a Masked enemy has been spawned by a player or not. Enabled by default, but I recommend disabling it if you or the host are going to use mods that alter the way Masked spawn

Version 3.1.2

  • The Detect Enemy Control option has been renamed to Detect Enemy Spawning
  • The message that pops up when an enemy has been spawned by a player now varies depending on if Control Company has been detected or not

Version 3.1.1

  • Fixed an issue that caused players that get converted into masked enemies to be flagged as a controlled enemy

Version 3.1.0

  • The Masked enemy has been added to the list of detectable spawneable enemies
  • Minor code optimizations

Version 3.0.1

  • Fixed some typos

Version 3.0.0

  • The mod can now detect if the host is controlling an enemy indoors. This feature is enabled by default

Version 2.2.0

  • The mod can now hide Control Company lobbies. By default this feature is disabled, but can be enabled in the config

Version 2.1.1

  • Added a new in-game tip when joining a friend's lobby if the option "Ignore Friend Lobbies" is set to true
  • Added a config option to show / hide said tip. By default it will be shown

Version 2.1.0

  • Added an option that allows the mod to ignore lobbies created by your friends. By default this option is set to true
  • The in-game tip now appears after 3.5 seconds instead of 4.5 seconds
  • Fixed an issue that caused the in-game tip to also appear to the host of the lobby when using the mod

Version 2.0.0

Complete rewrite of the mod's detection logic.

  • It no longer needs both parties to have LC_API installed to work
  • Using Control Company and this mod together no longer causes any issues

Known Issues:

  • The mod doesn't work when in LAN mode

Version 1.0.0

First release