JabJabLab-HorrorfulCompany icon


A modpack of pure terror and QoL changes.



  • Release of the modpack


  • Freebird Jester.


  • added QoL mods such as BetterStamina & BiggeryBattery.
  • modified some configs and added MoreMonsters mod.
  • hopefully fixed some issues with some configs.
  • also added a health regen mod (forgot to add that previously.)
  • added about 6 new mods. (89 Mods Total)


  • added FOV Adjust mod
  • added LC Masked Fix
  • added DontBlink
  • added EnhancedSpectate
  • added OrbitRecharge
  • added OopsAllFlooded
  • added JesterStompShake
  • added FPSSpectate
  • added BetterShotgunShells
  • added NoPropShadows
  • added Cupboard fix
  • added LessLogs
  • added FixRPCLag
  • added Hoarderbugs use items
  • added MolesterLootBug
  • added Rolling Giant
  • added HolelessHives
  • Removed NaturalRegen Mod
  • Removed Buyableshotgunshells
  • Increased render distance
  • Tweaked some other values
  • Tweaked configs
  • Radiation is more deadly, Apparatus now spawns 5 monster & Apparatus facility destruction reduced time from 2:30 > 2:00. Despite all this, the apparatus is quite difficult to obtain making it quite valuable. ($1200)
  • HP regen skill applicable.
  • About 105 Mods


  • Went back to v1.0.2 and tweaked things to fix fps drops.
  • Rolling Giant
  • OopsAllFlooded
  • DontBlink
  • MolesterLootBug
  • JesterStompShake
  • BetterShotgunShells
  • Radiation is more deadly, Apparatus now spawns 5 monster & Apparatus facility destruction reduced time from 2:30 > 2:00. Despite all this, the apparatus is quite difficult to obtain making it quite valuable. ($1200)
  • made the ghostcodes light spam rarer to occur.
  • finding what mod that spams "Help me".
  • Limit spawn amount of monsters to 6 [MoreMonsters]
  • Increased FPS.


  • Went back to v1.0.2 and tweaked things to fix fps drops.
  • OopsAllFlooded
  • MolesterLootBug
  • JesterStompShake
  • BetterShotgunShells
  • Radiation is more deadly (Not too deadly this time), Apparatus now spawns 5 monster & Apparatus facility destruction reduced time from 2:30 > 2:00. Despite all this, the apparatus is quite difficult to obtain making it quite valuable. ($1450)
  • made the ghostcodes light spam rarer to occur.
  • still finding what mod that spams "Help me".
  • Limit spawn amount of monsters to 8 (default) [MoreMonsters]
  • Increased FPS (hopefully).
  • Increased facility size. Scraps are much more common. Scrap values have dropped.
  • LethalExpansion
  • GamblingMachineAtTheCompany
  • Something else i forgot.
  • Don't worry blinking is gone now. Though i may add it back.
  • Gambling is harder to get 0 now, Values increased, Some other changes.
  • Map size 1.5 > 3. Scrap amount 1 > 1.8. Scrap value 0.5 > 0.25
  • By default you now have 75 credits.


  • Updated mods
  • The Fiend
  • Fixed configs, for some reason the wrong config values are used.