
  • Re-Baked Occlusion Culling zones. I have no clue if this will help with performance problems or not but since I've not experienced the problem myself I figured it would be worth a shot.
  • Removed some AI nodes and repositioned some others.
  • Adjusted indoor map hazard spawn curves slightly.


  • Added a 2nd Fire Exit
  • Added more decorations around main and the new fire exit.
  • Fixed the charger spewing constant particles. (oops)
  • Added a few scrap spawn nodes near main.
  • Modified scrap loot tables to add new scrap & adjust some rarities.
  • Made some lights near main no longer float off the wall.
  • Fixed the fire exit's big door having a missing audio output.
  • Adjusted interior spawn weights a bit.
  • Changes to indoor enemy spawn curve to make it so some enemies spawn earlier in the day. I think I made it too agressive before.


This changelog contains v60 spoilers.

  • Updated to v60!
  • Lowered Chance of Mansion Interior.
  • Added chance for Mineshaft Interior.
  • Maneaters can now spawn on Pinnacle.
  • Changed Level ambiance type to Level1Type (same as titan or experimentation)
  • Manually moved a ton of AI navigation points that were stuck underneath rocks and other decorative things stopping them from working properly. (If you noticed errors for a creature locked outside of the navigation area they should be fixed on my map now.)
  • Off-mesh links near the main entrance and fire exit have been replaced with navigation surfaces to make enemies walking near there look less weird.
  • Minor code changes to the Limited Charger in the abandoned autopilot ship.


  • Fixed errors with reverb triggers that prevented me from enabling them.
  • Mods that break when reverb triggers are missing should now work correctly.


  • Deleted the random floating sphere flying above the ocean.
  • Added the "Tundra" level tag.
  • Minor terrain changes to allow pathfinding to some small unreachable areas.

v1.1.1 Hot Fix

  • Reverted day speed multiplier back to 1

v1.1.0 Optimization Update

  • Added Images to README
  • Smoothed out the path to the fire exit more & added some extra details to the fire exit path.
  • Repainted terrain textures on some areas near the main facility & fire exit path.
  • Slightly decreased scrap spawn amounts.
  • Adjusted scrap spawn weights.
  • Slightly decreased dungeon size.
  • Adjusted Enemy spawn weights.
  • Changed indoor enemy spawn curve to hopefully reduce the number of enemies inside the facility when you arrive.
  • Changed day speed multiplier from 1 to 1.1 to allow more time inside the facility.
  • Rotated item ship position so the cruiser doesn't spawn facing a rock.
  • Removed a ton of unreachable AI navigation areas.
  • Adjusted fog zones & fadeoffs.
  • Changed foggy weather to be less intense & implemented the new JLL weather replacement feature.
  • Removed .dll file as it is no longer needed with the new API.
  • Lowered ocean shader's light reflectiveness.
  • Compressed Textures & enabled GPU Instancing for some materials.
  • Dramatically lowered light fade distance for improved FPS
  • Massively decreased file size Special thanks to NikkiDarkMatter for tips and advice on optimizing my moon.

v1.0.0 Release

  • Initial Release