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JacobG5-Pinnacle-1.5.0 icon


A Frozen Mountain Moon. (Made For Cruisers)

Date uploaded 3 days ago
Version 1.5.0
Download link
Downloads 1154
Dependency string JacobG5-Pinnacle-1.5.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
JacobG5-JLL-1.9.3 icon

Jacob's Lethal Libraries - For Jacob's Mods

Preferred version: 1.9.3
IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.3.7 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of all forms of custom content in Lethal Company. (v50 Compatible)

Preferred version: 1.3.7



A frozen mountain moon found on an ocean planet. It has long been abandoned but still houses a large amount of scavengable scrap.




POSSIBLE WEATHER: Mild, Foggy, Rainy, Stormy, & Eclipsed

CONDITIONS: The facility is located atop a frozen mountain on an otherwise ocean planet. Difficult terrain prevents your autopilot ship from landing too close.

HISTORY: An unknown catastrophe on this moon has caused it to become abandoned. Rumors have circulated about the unethical experimentation of creatures in underground facilities. Long after the planet's abandonment, there have been sightings of former employees damaging the remaining equipment.

FAUNA: Dangerous entities have been rumored to leave their caves to hunt at night.

COST: 600


Because of how the terrain on this moon is designed, you will want to bring a cruiser to bring back enough scrap to meet the quota. Alternatively, you can use jetpacks to get there even faster as the facility is located atop a mountain right next to where the ship lands.


Programming by JacobG5 (Me)


Special Thanks:

  • NikkiDarkMatter for helping me with decreasing file size & optimization.

  • v0xx for his TerraMesh tools.



  • Updated to v64!
  • Manticoils no longer have their assets packaged into the bundle... oops...
  • Fixed a floating rock.
  • A ton of minor adjustments.
  • Removed a few AI nodes from several areas.
  • Did some minor adjustments to terrain around rocks throughout the map.
  • Added a few more nav mesh modifiers to remove nav mesh from some spots near the original fire exit.
  • Added offmesh link on the rock by the ship that leads you to where the item ship lands that way jumping off that ledge while being chased by an enemy is now more dangerous. They can now follow you.
  • Added two off mesh links at the bottom of the mountain to the top to fix an issue with Baboon hawks being stupid and walking into a wall endlessly. Suffer.
  • Added / Changed several other off mesh links to hopefully make some pathfinding easier.
  • Moved a bunch of AI nodes around to make room for the special event.
  • Fixed scaling on the train carts around the map.
  • Updated Level Tags to use LLL Content tags instead.
  • Added Cruiser content tag.
  • Reformatted my bundle internally to organize my project for more moons.
  • Meshified terrain using Vox's TerraMesh.
  • Updated Dependencies.
  • Removed Story Log. (I've decided to throw away part of the original storyline in favor for a slightly different one. The lore of the moon still applies but the character from the log does not anymore.) (The body is still there)
  • Nerfed dungeon generation size.


  • Fixed missing audio source on DiageticBackground.


  • Re-Baked Occlusion Culling zones. I have no clue if this will help with performance problems or not but since I've not experienced the problem myself I figured it would be worth a shot.
  • Removed some AI nodes and repositioned some others.
  • Adjusted indoor map hazard spawn curves slightly.


  • Added a 2nd Fire Exit
  • Added more decorations around main and the new fire exit.
  • Fixed the charger spewing constant particles. (oops)
  • Added a few scrap spawn nodes near main.
  • Modified scrap loot tables to add new scrap & adjust some rarities.
  • Made some lights near main no longer float off the wall.
  • Fixed the fire exit's big door having a missing audio output.
  • Adjusted interior spawn weights a bit.
  • Changes to indoor enemy spawn curve to make it so some enemies spawn earlier in the day. I think I made it too agressive before.


This changelog contains v60 spoilers.

  • Updated to v60!
  • Lowered Chance of Mansion Interior.
  • Added chance for Mineshaft Interior.
  • Maneaters can now spawn on Pinnacle.
  • Changed Level ambiance type to Level1Type (same as titan or experimentation)
  • Manually moved a ton of AI navigation points that were stuck underneath rocks and other decorative things stopping them from working properly. (If you noticed errors for a creature locked outside of the navigation area they should be fixed on my map now.)
  • Off-mesh links near the main entrance and fire exit have been replaced with navigation surfaces to make enemies walking near there look less weird.
  • Minor code changes to the Limited Charger in the abandoned autopilot ship.


  • Fixed errors with reverb triggers that prevented me from enabling them.
  • Mods that break when reverb triggers are missing should now work correctly.


  • Deleted the random floating sphere flying above the ocean.
  • Added the "Tundra" level tag.
  • Minor terrain changes to allow pathfinding to some small unreachable areas.

v1.1.1 Hot Fix

  • Reverted day speed multiplier back to 1

v1.1.0 Optimization Update

  • Added Images to README
  • Smoothed out the path to the fire exit more & added some extra details to the fire exit path.
  • Repainted terrain textures on some areas near the main facility & fire exit path.
  • Slightly decreased scrap spawn amounts.
  • Adjusted scrap spawn weights.
  • Slightly decreased dungeon size.
  • Adjusted Enemy spawn weights.
  • Changed indoor enemy spawn curve to hopefully reduce the number of enemies inside the facility when you arrive.
  • Changed day speed multiplier from 1 to 1.1 to allow more time inside the facility.
  • Rotated item ship position so the cruiser doesn't spawn facing a rock.
  • Removed a ton of unreachable AI navigation areas.
  • Adjusted fog zones & fadeoffs.
  • Changed foggy weather to be less intense & implemented the new JLL weather replacement feature.
  • Removed .dll file as it is no longer needed with the new API.
  • Lowered ocean shader's light reflectiveness.
  • Compressed Textures & enabled GPU Instancing for some materials.
  • Dramatically lowered light fade distance for improved FPS
  • Massively decreased file size Special thanks to NikkiDarkMatter for tips and advice on optimizing my moon.

v1.0.0 Release

  • Initial Release