Easy to use host commands for Lethal Company
now works for flooded weather.
- Fixes for new JLL version.
has new special tp locations:breaker
- The breaker box if available.apparatus
- The apparatus if available.- A special location requested to
that can't find its destination now throws an error saying it can't be found instead of throwing the unknown player error. /tp
can now be used to teleport to JLL POIs. This behaves like teleporting to a special location and you can use numbers at the end of the name (similar to exits) to define which point to go to when there are multiple.- The networking component is now added to the JLL network prefab instead of its object.
- Replaced some code to trigger equivalent JLL methods instead.
- LethalLib is now a soft dependency.
- Various code cleanup.
- Readme Fixes.
- Updated to JLL 1.7.5
- Commands that request a Vector3 coordinates can now have decimal inputs.
- Commands requesting Vector3 coordinates can now be given a '^' at the start of a number similar to '~' for relative position. This character will signify to use a position raycasted from the player's camera direction. Example: ^ ^5 ^ will execute 5 units upwards from where the player is looking.
- Changed a bunch of things about how command parameters work under the hood.
- Added
which can be used to spawn enemies.
- Fixed bug causing some commands to not work on joined clients.
- Added /pos command which can be used for getting global XYZ and rotation values which can be useful for modding.
- Added an IsClient() method to SimpleCommands for easy use.
- /heal now clamps health to prevent over 100 HP.
- Added /damage which can be used to damage players a specified amount.
- Heal command has been reworked.
- Made all the exceptions static.
- Removed cached terminal from simple commands. Now uses the cached terminal from JLL.
- Teleporting with /tp now can be given flags
to give the teleported player the correct skybox. Inside or outside when flags aren't present is determined by whether the player sending the command is inside or outside. Certain special locations likeship
override this and set the teleported player to inside or outside correctly. Teleporting tomain
or anyexit#
after setting aninside
flag will teleport the player to the side of the flag specified. - Added /explode which is funny.
- Simple Commands now uses JLL logging levels. Allowing you to turn down or increase the amount of logs present in the console.
- Fixed issue when spawning simple prefabs that had network objects spawning a duplicate for the non-host.
- Simple Prefabs can now be used to spawn map hazards. Both vanilla and ones registered through LethalLib.
- Simple Prefabs now do the same check item and player names allowing you to type incomplete Prefab names.
- Simple Prefabs are no longer case sensitive.
- Capitalized
prefab toCruiser
. /prefab
can now take a player target as a parameter to spawn the object at the target's position./prefab [target] [name]
- Fixed some naming convention violations.
- Removed unnecessary checks for the PlayerModification component.
- Fixed issue with
/tp [target] (ship | main)
returning a player not found error. - Item names and any player username parameters now check the start of name to see if it matches anything allowing you to type incomplete names and still attempt to complete the command for you. If multiple items have matching starting characters the tie is broken by the shortest name.
- Scrap items spawned with
now spawn with randomized scrap values rather than a scrap value of 0. - Throws an error when attempting to change the weather in the middle of the round rather than doing nothing.
- SimpleCommands now caches the terminal rather than searching for it when running a command that requires the terminal.
- Fixed error setting up Netcode when soft dependencies were missing.
- Changed how command results are logged.
can now be used to teleport to any fire exit./tp exit{#}
Example:/tp exit1
Remember that/tp exit0
will teleport you to the main entrance similar to/tp main
- Fixed some command help instructions.
- Updated README accordingly.
- Also I forgot on an old changelog that I added two flags for
will filter only to show buyable items from the terminal.Scrap
will filter only to show items marked as scrap items.
- Updated to JLL 1.3.0
- Fixed issues with god mode.
- Fixed an issue where commands could not be used after a lobby reload.
- Fixed Incorrect Version Number in BepinEx.
now defaults as instant. Flag with 'Animate' for the old behavior.- Updated README accordingly.
- Updated to v60
- Added LethalLib as a dependency in BepinPlugin
- Added support for changing weathers through WeatherRegistry
- Added command for when WeatherRegistry is loaded to view modded weather names
- Added
which can be used to activate terminal objects like doors and turrets. Example: /terminal c2 - Updated README.
- Fixed other misc minor issues.
v1.0.0 Release
- Initial Release