JellyJam-Tiny_Company icon

Tiny Company

A mod that makes your player tiny and changes how you interact with the world and enemies



Version 1.0.3

  • Fixed non-host players not being able to change size
  • /Stuck was added
    • Only works in the ship
    • Is used for when you spawn in the floor and cannot move
  • Reverted player being bigger when first spawning in to prevent being stuck (above change replaces it) as it was causing issues

Version 1.0.2

  • Added a command "/speed" that allows you to use the normal player values like speed, jumpheight and reach distance while tiny
  • Optimized a few parts of the code

Version 1.0:

  • Visor will no longer show and block most the screen
  • Player jumps slightly higher to make the map more accessible
  • Player turns to normal size while interacting with the Terminal so you don't have to blindly type
  • Hoarding Bugs can pick up the player for a tiny bit when colliding (Warning: they do NOT like it when they hold you)
  • /Size can be used to toggle your tiny status (Client-Side only currently)
  • Running now takes stamina and the new walk speed is around the same speed as the old running speed
  • Player size changed to 33%
  • Adjusted gravity to be 25% less effective on the small players
  • (REVERTED IN 1.0.3) When spawning in, the player is normal sized for a few seconds, this is to help combat getting stuck when spawning back in (Note: this may not have fixed it entirely but it should help)

Pre Release:

  • Changed Player size to 20%
  • Adjusted Jump, Speed, and Grab Distance values