Kahvinkeitin34-MetalCompany icon


Swaps the boombox music for metal tracks, synchronizes boomboxes, alters the boombox behaviour + gives buffs to player when holding it in inventory



1.0.0 - Initial release

  • New boombox tracks
  • Stamina set to max when holding boombox in inventory
  • Carry weight set to zero when holding boombox in inventory
  • Boombox doesn't require charging
  • Increased boombox sound range


  • Boombox keeps playing after swapping to another inventory slot
  • Boombox now shuffles through the songs randomly when left to play


  • Added more tracks
  • Slightly increased boombox sound range
  • Fixed problem where carry weight would go up if boombox was not in active inventory slot


  • Fixed error causer in script
  • Made boomboxes synchronize music
  • Slightly lowered boombox sound range


  • Made switch host boombox if it gets turned off
  • Fixed error with songs starting from the middle


  • Reduced lagginess when boombox playing by making boombox sync few times a second instead of every frame.
  • Added a few tracks