Transformers Devastation The Ark Moon
A moon themed around the main control room of the Autobot ship, The Ark!
- Changed the name of the moon from 'The Ark' to just 'Ark'.
- Added 2 more fire exits for 3 total.
- Removed Earth Leviathan spawns because they don't want to emerge from the ground.
- Nerfed Baboon Hawk spawns. (-5)
- Buffed Masked spawns. (+3)
- Buffed Bracken spawns. (+5)
- Nerfed Maneater spawns. (-3)
- Nerfed Spore Lizard spawns. (-3)
- Fixed some text offset.
- Added in custom spawn weights to all Transformers on The Ark moon. (All scraps have 2x spawn rates of their highest value.)
- Fixed an error where the moon wouldn't load up.
- Mod created.