Kamppix-QuotaScalingMoons icon


Balances and quota-scales moons, while also making them all free to enter.



  • Added an optional third quota for changing how variables scale after limiting some of them to the second quota values
    • When using default values, the third quota doesn't change scaling past the second quota
  • Fixed a bug where map generation would get stuck if MaxScrap was lower than MinScrap
  • Adjusted config layout


  • Added optional limiters for all quota scaling config variables
  • Made turning off EnableMoonBalancing disable scrap value adjustment based on the moon's average scrap value
  • Made small changes to some config names and descriptions


  • Changed apparatice and beehive value scaling to not take the moon's average scrap value into account
  • Fixed apparatice value being incorrect when adjusted (it never was) and reverted EnableApparaticeValueAdjust default value to true


  • Made every moon use Artifice enemy spawn chance multiplier curves to balance enemy spawning
  • Set the default value of EnableApparaticeValueAdjust to false (for now)


  • Added boolean config options for all patches
  • Made the mod work in multiplayer


  • Initial beta release born from an all-nighter (full of bugs and stuff)