Version 1.0.0
- inital release
Version 1.0.1
Removed mods
- ShopKeeperKrabs by C4
- CaramelldansenDropship by SS
- LC DOOM by Cryptoc1
- CompanyCreatures by PloufJPEG
- Lightsabers by Norman
- LightningMcQueenModel by JuggleMakers
- Sylvunny by WinterMantis
- Senkothehelpfulmom by Beeb
- Friday Night Funkin Playermodels by JoaDash
New mods
- ShipLobby by tinyhoot
- MoreEnemies by OpJosMods
- Better Terminal Scanner by WalvisChris
- CreditCalculator by Wilhelmi
- ToiletPaperNormaliser by giosuel
- BangerCompany by catenjoyer
- CruiserTunes by Mellowdy
- PolishMemeSoundpack by nzEU-Dewon
- DababyManeater by kirboi
- FairAI by TheFluff
- LethalEscape by xCeezy
- No Console Spam by 4902
Config adjustments
- not any major changes
Version 1.1.0
New mods
- ChillaxScraps by Zigzag
- PremiumScraps by Zigzag
- Emergency Dice Updated by slayer6409
- VertexLibrary by LethalCompanyModding
- RuntimeIcons by LethalCompanyModding
- SensitivityFix by TinyResort
- WalterWhiteSuit by ItsMazingerZ
- SecretLabs by Zingar
- Cruiser Additions by 4902
- MoreCompany by notnotnotswipez
Removed mods
- Cursed Scraps by Lega
Config adjustments
- ChillaxScraps: items spawnrate decreased by 2.0
- PremiumScraps: items spawnrate decreased by 2.0
- EmergencyDiceUpdated: Dice cost changed from 150 to 100
- MoreCompany: cosmetics are disabled by default, changed max players vaule from 32 to 16
- MoreEnemies: spawnrate inside the building changed to 1.4, outside the building changed to 1.1
- Helmet Cameras: resolution changed from Vanilla to 512
- Wheelbarrow: cost changed from 600 to 500
- OuijaBoard: cost changed from 100 to 60
- TooManyEmotes: starting emote credits increased to 1000, max emotes in shop increased to 10
Version 1.2.0
Removed mods
- Junic by Magic Wesley
- Oldred by Magic Wesley
- Atlantica by Magic Wesley
- Gratar by Magic Wesley
New mods
- JLL by JacobG5
- DungeonGenerationPlus by Alice
- WesleysInteriors by Magic Wesley
- LCCutscene by IntegrityChaos
- Wesleys Moons by Magic Wesley
- NoMoreCompanyLogo by DaXcess
Config adjustments
- not any major changes
Version 1.3.0
New mods
- Moon Day Speed Multiplier Patcher by WhiteSpike
- HarmonyXTranspilerFix by DiFFoZ
- LethalPerformance by DiFFoZ
- MeleeFixes by ButteryStancakes
- LethalFixes by Dev1A3
- AsyncLoggers by matatymatty
- BepInEx Faster Load AssetBundles Patcher by DiFFoZ
- PathfingingLagFix by Zaggy1024
- CullFactory by fumiko
- Loadstone by AdiBTW
- EnemySkinKit by AntlerShed
- MulticolorSlimes by aloafofobread
- Matty Fixes by mattymatty
- Wider Ship Mod by mborsh
- ShipWindows by TestAccount666
- Interactive Terminal API by WhiteSpike
- ShipInventory by WarperSan
- Moved Magnet Switch by AtomicStudio
- MelanieMelicious 2 sToRy ShIp works w Wider ship Mod by MelanieMelicious
- Celestial Tint by sfDesat
- GTA SA Suits by FoxTales
- GordonRamsay by TonyPizza
- Loona Deluxe Edition by Vulfox
- CJplayer by Irados69
- SCP Containment Breach ModelReplacement by ModdingCompany
- TrollgeSuit by ItsMazingerZ
- SkrillexJester by adriancat
- FlintLockwood by Zelo
- IyeQs Suit Pack by iyeq
Config adjustments
- not any major changes
Version 1.3.1
- fixed messed README
Version 1.3.2
- fixed messed CHANGELOG
Version 1.3.3
- refreshed and updated README
New mods
- LethalPhones by Scoops
- MayaLethalPhonesStuff by MayaModez
- QuotaOverhaul by LuciusofLegend
- BetterVehilceControls by Dev143
- The Fiend by Rolevote
- Backrooms by Backrooms
- ScanForEnemies by 299792458
- TerminalMouse by Azim
- LethalThings by Evaisa
Removed mods
- none
Config adjustments
- OuijaBoard: cost changed 60 > 30
- QuotaOverhaul: Starting Quota changed 300 > 200, multiplayer by player changed 0.3 > 0.2, body recover bonus changed 50 > 80
- LethalPhones: adjusted to work with custom skins, phones can be bought as an upgrade for 100 credits
- BiggerBattery: Adjusted battery life to longer day by multiplying default value by 2.0
- AdditionalItemSlots: Added modded weapons to AdditionalItemSlots
- Backrooms: Chances of being teleported to backrooms changed 3 > 2
- MirageRevive: every 30 seconds game have 2% chance of spawning a masked player mimicking player
- Possessed Masks: at least 2 items in invertory are must have to drop mask, including mask.