A configurable mod to disable mineshafts, Barbers, Maneaters, and Artifice facilities. It also allows you to adjust weather, increase Artifice scrap spawns, fix players being marked 'missing' when magnet-linked cruisers depart, among other things.
- Large project refactoring
- Patches are now in their own cs files to reduce clutter and aid readability
- Implemented a new patch called disable weather which rerolls the weather type that the user doesn't want
- This is determined AFTER the ForceWeather patch, and will NOT run if ForceWeather is not disabled
- Generally made the project more professional and put together
- Large project refactoring
- Minor project wide spelling changes
- Created a new config section called 'Relaxed' which features two new patches
- StartingCreditsPatch: Sets the starting credit value to a high enough amount to buy some flashlights, walkies, weed killer, a cruiser, and to go to art
- EclipsedScrapValuePatch: A floating point value that allows you to increase the scrap spawn amount on eclipsed days. This is limited by a range of (0, 2], meaning it cannot be 0, and cannot exceed 2.
- Added another way to handle the cruiser fix, where the players 'on ship' data is updated instead of having the player teleported. Inspired by digger1213's Cruiser Improved mod.
- Added a config option to force weather on all moons. Inspired by StormyTuna's Eclipse Only mod.
- Added a config option to disable interior fog.
- Fixed some spelling errors in the logging statements
- Added a postfix method to enemy disabling so that hoarding bug infestations do not override the mod's functionality
- Fixed an issue where players could be teleported into cruiser from anywhere on the map as long as the magnet was on and they were the driver
- Moved the check for checking if the object is connected to the ship to the teleport method from the initialization
- Should be slightly more consistent
- The passenger teleport is not working properly, and I don't know how to fix it
- Moved the check for checking if the object is connected to the ship to the teleport method from the initialization
- Fixed an issue where if players had Artifice Factory disabled and mineshaft factory disabled, mineshaft would spawn on everything but Artifice
- There is now a config option to attempt to force manor on every moon. This is only possible on moons that allow Manors to spawn, and the seed will reroll up to a maximum of 1000 times before resorting to your other interior config settings
- Fixed the cruiser teleport fix
- Upon some further personal testing, this was not originally working
- Uses an async task to teleport the player
- Please let me know if there are any issues with this, either performance or anything else!
- Happy holidays!
- Fixed the cruiser teleport fix
- Added a configuration option that sets Artifice's loot spawn rates to a minimum of 31 to a maximum of 37. This is the range set in v56, and is much better than the current spawns of (26, 30)
- These values do not account for beehives, or the boosted spawn rates on mineshafts
- This option is disabled by default, as some players may find it too game breaking
- Statistics: I ran the terminal 'scan' command 5 times for both cases (config on vs. off)
- Config On: scans = [4763, 3756, 4769, 4445, 5111], mean = 4568.8, median = 4763.0
- Config Off: scans = [3922, 4003, 3514, 3526, 3580], mean = 3709.0, median = 3580.0
- To get a true comparison, many tests would have to be run, so use this information as you will :)
- These scrap values were calculated by me (host) and interpreting them correctly requires an understanding of the scan command which is explained well in this Bread video
- Massive refactoring changes, code is much better suited for scalability for future game mechanic choices that I don't like
- Removed a lot of unneeded imports generated by using Tab to autocomplete
- Seed Rerolling is now much more intuitive and contains better logging
- Should be easier to adopt into other projects if desired
- This will most likely be the last update for a bit, as I'll be playing the game more and coding less
- Happy Holidays! If any issues arise in your gameplay with this mod, please open an issue on GitHub!
- Added a configuration option that sets Artifice's loot spawn rates to a minimum of 31 to a maximum of 37. This is the range set in v56, and is much better than the current spawns of (26, 30)
- In vanilla, players in the front seats of the cruiser are counted as dead after performing a cruiser jump onto the ships magnet
- Implemented a fix to allow players in this position to be counted as on the ship. This will prevent wipes caused by clutch cruiser jumps last minute.
- This is a config option that is enabled by default.
- I have not been able to test this in game yet, but from debugging it look like it works, if there are any bugs you encounter with this, please open a new issue on the mod's github repo
- Minor refactoring changes in source code
- In vanilla, players in the front seats of the cruiser are counted as dead after performing a cruiser jump onto the ships magnet
- Fixed spelling issue in config
- Updated source code comments
- Added config options for disabling mineshaft and barber/maneater spawns
- You can now toggle the spawning of Barbers and Maneaters
- The mineshaft can be allowed if desired, but like why lol
- All Config options are independent of each other, they will not do anything silly if different combinations are used
- Added a new feature that prevents Facility generation on Artifice. This is a feature OFF BY DEFAULT, and can be toggled in the config
- Other minor refactoring
Note: Config options DO NOT update midgame and DO require a restart upon changing
Thanks to Jaexyr for the config suggestion!
- Added config options for disabling mineshaft and barber/maneater spawns
- Debugging Fixes
- Code is marginally more readable
- This release is not necessary for anything plugin related, but is more debugging/efficiency focused
- Small fixes, nothing changed plugin wise
- Fixed an issue that prevented you from landing on The Company Building
- Mod Release