EVE ModPack
EVE (EnhancedVanillaExperience) is an extensive ModPack containing 190+ handpicked Mods paired with their handcrafted configurations for an enhanced vanilla experience!
- Updated all mods' versions.
- Added Immersive Visor mod by Woecust.
- Added BepInEx Faster Load AssetBundles Patcher mod by DiFFoZ.
An issue related to fall damage while using a jetpack not applying properly because of an issue with the DynamicFallDamage mod by thej01 is being worked on by the author to get fixed, in the meantime you can just disable it if you experience weird fall damage while using a jetpack.
Removed Rankfix mod by Glitch as it is now redundant with the latest update of the Matty Fixes mod by mattymatty.
Currently watching LobbyCompatibility mod by BMX to see if it's worth integrating in the modpack.
Added a few mods in the modpack, although they may not be active yet, they will be used in the future.
Updated some mods' versions.
- Fixed an issue related to fall damage not applying properly cause by Jetpack Handling.
- Temporarily removed JetpackHandling mod by Invertigo since the mod hasn't been updated in a while and doesn't have a config file.
- Adjusted various scrap spawnrates.
- Adjusted mimics spawnrates on modded maps.
- Updated some more mods' versions as they didn't properly register previously.
- Minor Changelog adjustments.
Complete (and long overdue) cleanup of leftover config files from mods that aren't part of the modpack anymore.
Regenerated every single mod's config file from scratch to avoid potential leftover code that potentially accumulated through multiple updates that rewrote the syntax.
Swapped ItemClippingFix mod by ViViKo in favor of Matty Fixes by mattymatty.
Swapped AdrenalineRush mod by Hypick in favor of FearOverhauled by thej01.
Updated some mods' versions.
Updates various parameters within a few config files.
Added a few mods in the modpack.
Console has been disabled in the BepInEx config file.
- Added back KeepItDown mod by Kesomannen as they seem to have fixed the issue causing crashes.
- Temporarily removed FriendPatches mod by Lauriichan as it seems it may be causing crashes.
- Updated some mods' versions.
- Added LCTerminalMultiCodes mod by Suki.
- Updates various parameters within a few config files.
- Added a few mods in the modpack -after some testing- as they implemented updates that now make them a good fit for it.
- Temporarily removed KeepItDown mod by Kesomannen as it seems it may be causing crashes.
- Swapped AnnounceMoonChange mod by Beepsterr in favor of AnnounceMoonAndWeatherChange by TestAccount666.
Just realized there's a lot of leftover config files from mods that aren't part of the modpack but remained after uninstalling them, I may have to do a bit of cleaning but it may be very time consuming for something that's fairly trivial and inconsequential other than peace of mind.
Updated some mods' versions.
Updates various parameters within a few config files.
- Updated some mods' versions.
- Updates various parameters within a few config files.
- Added a few mods in the modpack.
- Updated some mods' versions.
- Added a few mods in the modpack -after some testing- as they implemented updates that now make them a good fit for it.
- Fixed custom config not applying properly.
- Updated some mods' versions.
- Updates various parameters within a few config files.
- Added ModPack label under game version (at the bottom center of the menu screen).
- Modified description of the ModPack in its manifest.
- Added details in the Readme.
- Minor Changelog adjustments.
- Added AsyncLoggers mod by mattymatty.
- Manually checked & updated mods' versions for the whole modpack.
- Updated Readme.
- Initial release.