Find new addons for your items and give them an extra capacity.
Version 1.1.0
- Replaced the “Spawn addon per item” config in the “Global” tab -> a new config has been added in each addon to configure the value independently
- Added “Max spawn” config for Capsule Hoi-Poi
- Fixed the Capsule Hoi-Poi spawn method to correctly use configured rarity (and new “Max spawn” config)
- Fixed a bug that teleported items from the truck next to the ship
Version 1.0.9
- Added LethalLib as a dependency
- Fixed a crash when making the Capsule Hoi-Poi spawnable
- Adjusted the spawn mechanics for non-addon and non-ephemeral items: these items will have a chance to appear (based on the configured rarity) for each connected player
Version 1.0.8
- Fixed an issue where the flashlight couldn't blind enemies again when the Lens addon was installed
- Fixed Masked enemies not being blinded
Version 1.0.6
- Fixed a potential NullReferenceException
Version 1.0.5
- Update v60
- Fixed an issue where parrying with shovels was impossible if the player died with bad timing
- Fixed a bug that caused multiple tooltips to appear for secondary use with an addon
- Increased the size of grab colliders on addons
- Added the Pyrethrin Tank addon
- Added the Senzu item/addon
- Added the Repair Module addon
- Added a variant of shop items: Ephemeral Items (more info in the README)
- Added configurations for spawning addons and ephemeral items
- Added the ability to counter the Football enemy (from the Football mod) during its chase phase with the Salt Tank addon on the Spray Paint
- Added the ability to block Bracken/Forest Giant and Mouth Dog enemies with the Protective Cord addon on the Shovel (disabled by default, remove them from the 'Exclusion list' in the 'Protective Cord' tab to enable)
- Added the ability to parry another player with the Protective Cord addon on the Shovel, causing the parried player to drop their weapon (configurable) and/or get stunned (configurable)
- Addons and ephemeral items can now be saved when exiting the game
Version 1.0.4
- Fixed desync issues
Version 1.0.3
- Fixed the ability to use the parry functionality with the shovel without the associated addon installed
- Added tooltip for parrying an attack with the shovel when the addon is installed
- Added a new configuration 'Spam cooldown' for the parry functionality with the shovel -> sets the cooldown time between each use to prevent spam
- Added an audio for successful parries with the shovel
- Renamed the addon 'Flashlight Lens' to 'Lens' (fixes a terminal conflict issue)
- Increased the size of grab colliders for new items
- Added information about which addon is installed on an item in the ScanNode (requires a mod that adds a ScanNode to items like GeneralImprovements or ScannableTools)
Version 1.0.2
- Resolved an incompatibility with LethalThings
Version 1.0.1
- Forgot the asset file
Version 1.0.0
- Initial release