Lega-LanternKeeper icon


Adds a new enemy with a unique mechanic based on interaction with lanterns



Version 1.0.3

  • Added a teleportation feature for the player: if the starting lantern is lit when interacting, the teleportation will occur to a random inside lantern if the starting lantern is outside and vice versa
  • Added a config option for the player's teleportation cooldown
  • If you interact with the wrong lantern, the Lantern Keeper will teleport to the corresponding lantern - lit lanterns are no longer extinguished
  • The Lantern Keeper teleports to the last lantern lit when they have all been lit
  • The spawn of the Fortune Cookie has been changed: it now spawns when the Lantern Keeper takes a hit while being invulnerable
  • The Lantern Keeper now teleports to the last lit lantern once all lanterns have been activated
  • Buffed default values for the Lantern Keeper's rage
  • Buffed default values to make the Poison Dagger more appealing
  • The Poison Dagger now has a value and can be sold
  • Added configs for the Poison Dagger min/max values
  • Nerfed the aura duration provided by the Fortune Cookie from 30 to 20 seconds
  • Reduced the Lantern Keeper's spawn chance from 50% to 20%

Version 1.0.2

  • Fixed an error displayed by PathfindingLagFix
  • Added delay before the Lantern Keeper teleports through an entrance when following a chasing player

Version 1.0.1

  • Modification of the movement animation
  • Size adjustment

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release