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LegoMaster3650-FairGiants-1.1.2 icon


Makes forest keepers/giants fairer in lethal company.

Date uploaded a month ago
Version 1.1.2
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Dependency string LegoMaster3650-FairGiants-1.1.2


Fair Giants

Have you ever been running from a giant on a foggy moon and thought to yourself, "wait, how did he see me?"
Have you ever been sitting in the ship alone, waiting for a giant to wander away, thinking "didn't this specifically get fixed?"
Have you ever narrowly escaped a giant, only for it to immediately re-aggro the instant it catches another glimpse of you?
If you've ever asked any of those questions and want a solution, this mod is for you!


Source code at
Report bugs, suggestions, concerns at


Giants will now have their vision range divided by 3 (configurable) when on a foggy or snowy moon (also configurable). This is because you cannot see more than 4 feet in front of you, so neither should they!
(Vision is actually capped at 30 units on FOGGY moons in the base game, this mod just makes it even more intense and adds it to the snowy moons too, which are even worse for giants due to the lack of general cover)

Ship Camping

In update v47, the giant's AI was modified to add a special case where if a giant completely loses a player near the ship, it will attempt to wander away. Unfortunately, this fix rarely ever works enough to matter due to various technical reasons. The giant is very likely to remain around for a long while, or even forget it was trying to wander away entirely!
This mod fixes those issues, alongside adding a bit more randomness to what location away from the ship it wanders off to. (configurable)


For some reason, giants only pause to stare at you the first time you get their attention. Once a chase begins, they will immediately start chasing you every future time you enter their line of sight. This makes trying to sneak past giants VERY hard.
The mod allows stealth to decay when no player is seen. This is only enabled in solo by default (configurable to be always or never too)
The amount stealth decays by is reduced when no player is seen, 0.2 by default (configurable) (vanilla is 0.33)



Initial Release


  • Updated to v50 (BETA, MAY BREAK)
  • Changed snow detection to a configurable list
  • Fixed stealth decay a bit


  • Removed debug logs I left in 1.1.0 oops


  • Rebuilt mod to work on v60, no code was really changed so let me know if things are broken still