A Lethal Company mod that replaces the current spider model and sounds with the Minecraft spider model and sounds.
By Legoking236
- Fixed bug where spider could potentially damage player through a wall or floor
- Added minecraft cavespider texutres
- Added cave spider variant, when spider spawns the game will randomly choose either a regular spider or cave spdier
- Adjusted size of cave spider variant to slightly smaller than regular spiders (conistent with minecraft)
- Reduced the amount of hits it takes to kill a cave spdier (consistent with minecraft)
- Added poison effect from cave spider attack, which will cause continues damage for several seconds after attack (conistent with minecraft)
- Reduced the inital damage taken from cave spider bite, player will take additional damage from position effect
- Incorrectly named sound file reverted
- Imporved bestiary video
- Improved video compression to reduce side of mod
- Imporved spider textures to remove white seams
- Added video clip for bestiary to replace the origonal spider clip
- Remvoed duplicate directional calulation for spider when targeting a player
- Added minecraft spider walking SFX to replace orogional spider footsteps SFX
- Fixed bug where when spider died it would throw a NullRefrenceException and leave the spider in its current position, now when sipders die they will flip onto their backs.
- Fixed minor bugs
- Corrected version number outputing in console as 1.0.2
- Removed null refrence that would sometimes throw error.
- Fixed broken SFX file
- Added improved textures for spiders
- fixed bug with oretation where spiders would chase you ass-first, or sideways.
- added spider death SFX
- added spider hit SFX
- added spider stun SFX
- changed attack SFX
- changed spool player SFX
- Initial release