💡 Features

Updated a year ago


COMPATIBILITY: To deal with mod conflict, every feature in this mod can be individually enabled or disabled.


Use this to disable your HUD when you want to take screenshots, video, etc.

  • Toggle your HUD ON and OFF with a hotkey.
  • Hides the entire HUD, except the visor. Does NOT hide menus.

✔️ ENABLED by Default. Visit Configuration Section Below

Default Hotkey: Keypad7


View your FPS in a simple and non-intrusive format.

  • Toggle the FPS counter ON and OFF with a hotkey. OFF by default.
  • Located at the top right corner of the screen. Small and white...
  • You can change both the font size and color of the counter.

✔️ ENABLED by Default. Visit Configuration Section Below

Default Hotkey: Keypad8


A convenient way to view the clock while you're inside a building or ship.

  • Toggle the inside clock ON and OFF with a hotkey. OFF by default.
  • Affects only the visibility of clock inside the ship or a building.
  • Until you use the hotkey, the clock when inside will stay at the vanilla 0% visibility.
  • You can change the visibility of the (toggled ON) inside clock. By default it's set to 30% (0.3) visibility.

✔️ ENABLED by Default. Visit Configuration Section Below

Default Hotkey: Keypad9


Feature for those who want a smooth clock.

  • Change the clock to update in real time, affects appearance only.
  • The time shown on the clock will appear to flow smoother because it is being updated much faster.

DISABLED by Default. Visit Configuration Section Below


Feature for those who don't want to see the chat box when not using it.

  • Changes the chat area to fade out when not being used.
  • It will appear again if you receive or want to send a message.
  • The chat area is affected when you toggle the hotkey for UI/HUD visibility.

✔️ ENABLED by Default. Visit Configuration Section Below


Experimental: Use to increase maximum FPS possible. Not recommended for slower computers.

  • Set Target Frame Rate to 500.
  • Set vSync to OFF.
  • Shows a wider range with the FPS counter enabled.
  • Can affect performance, but not made for that.

DISABLED by Default. Visit Configuration Section Below