Lightless-LightlessNightmareCompany icon


Fully Optimized Hardcore Modpack with 150+ Mods, 5 Seconds in and out Suffering Experience




This updates only for fixing crash issue

  • Removing some mods

Known Bugs

  • The game sometimes crash (Fixed, hope so)
  • Skill Issue


  • Added new moons
  • Added new mods
  • Added new dungeon
  • Added fancy lookin orbit
  • Removing Deprecated Mods
  • New monster
  • Mods Updated

Tweaks & Gameplay

  • Ship door can now open in orbit
  • Orbit view fancy shesshhh
  • Player now can communicate with phone by pressing ~, for a very detailed information on how-to-use-it you can go here
  • Player now can buy a motion tracker to detect nearby movement
  • The penalty point now will converted into quota, iex : your quota is 130, then you died, penalty set 12 then add 12 to 130 it becomes 142
  • 7 Pages

To Do Next ?

  • Tweaking dungeon rate spawn
  • Tweaking HullBreaker event rate and the enemy
  • Adding new mods
  • Adding new monster
  • Fixing bugs (probably)

Known Issue

  • The game sometimes crash
  • Skill Issue


  • Added new mods
  • Adeed new moons
  • Replacing old unupdated mods to the one with similar things with latest version
  • Mod Update


  • Bigger dungeon, cap at 5x bigger (depends on weather)
  • Exit door now has more ToolTip (you should guessing if you dont bring a shovel)
  • Selling price is now random, Scrap selling up to 200%
  • Better Skinwalker
  • You now have a missile turret inside facility
  • New windows on ship

Known Issue

  • Skill Issue


  • Tweak some mechanism and gameplay
  • Added new monster
  • Added new type of flashlight
  • Added new mechanics : oxygen
  • Mod Update


  • Remember to breathe ?

Known Issue

  • Cosmetics didn't work (mod conflict, use advancedcompany or stick to morecompany if you dont care about those)
  • Enemy still has your cosmetics on like bruh
  • Skill Issue


  • Tweak some mechanism and gameplay
  • Mod Update


  • All Ship Malfuction chance is increased by significant amount
  • Ship Malfuction now start on day 2
  • Malfuction multiplier increased significantly
  • Mimic fake chance is increased significantly
  • Mimic chance on use increased significantly
  • Weather information is now hidden
  • All HullBreaker event increased significantly
  • Small tweak for Mist
  • Small tweak for harder spider
  • Tweak for enemy body price and weight
  • Facility size tweak for different kind of weather is increased significantly
  • Cooldown TP is increased by 3 seconds
  • Cooldown Inverse TP is decreased by 30 seconds

Known Issue

  • Terminal Weather still visible
  • Cosmetics didn't work (still not working :skull:)
  • Skill Issue


  • Readme Update (again 2x)
  • Added new moons
  • Added TerminalFormatter
  • Mod Update


  • Fixed moons routing conflict (thanks TerminalFormatter)

Known Issue

  • Mental Hospital Facility has perfomance issue, maybe because it's too big idk
  • Cosmetics didn't work (still not working :skull:)
  • Skill Issue


  • Readme Update (again)
  • Deleted Some Mods & Moons due to compability and perfomance issues
  • Added Map Handheld & Flare
  • Added new factory/dungeon : Pool Room & Mental Hospital
  • Added Siren Head
  • Weather now has an effect to make map larger than normal weather
  • Deep dark facility sheeeessshhhh (go buy fleshflashlight 👍)
  • Each moons now has different spawn rate for the custom dungeon (yes different, every, single, moons, the rate, yes, im, so, idiot)
  • Smol tweak for Rolling giant
  • Mod Update


  • Fixed bit things nothing much

Known Issue

  • Mental Hospital Facility has perfomance issue, maybe because it's too big idk
  • Cosmetics didn't work (work on fixing this thing)
  • Some moons route name conflict (ex: atlas abyss and atlantica) when typing atlas you get notified to atlantica like bruh ?
  • Skill Issue


  • Now suffer


  • Added Quota Rollover
  • Added WeatherTweaks
  • Mod Updated
  • Removed Ghost Girl
  • Removed Skill Issue


  • Fix bug where player cannot go to orbit (stuck)

Game Tweaks

  • Inverse Teleporter cooldown decreased from 180 to 120
  • Event of the day will increased by 2 each day (up to 6 event so suffer and enjoy)
  • Doors now can be locked using a keys
  • Starting Credits increased to 1500

Mob/Monster Tweaks

  • Herobrine will spawn on any moon and the rarity are different by moon level

  • Herobrine spawn rate is changed as follows :

    1. [Moon level D] > 3%
    2. [Moon level C] > 15%
    3. [Moon level B] > 20%
    4. [Moon level A] > 25%
    5. [Moon level S] > 55%
    6. [Moon level S+] > 75%
    7. [Moon level SSS] > 90%
    8. [Moon level Other/Unknown] > 50%
  • Mushroom Infection chance is changed to 50%

  • Rolling Giant max spawn is increased from 2 to 5

  • Rolling Giant AI is now like a coilhead

  • Rolling Giant speed speed is changed from 6 to 4m/s

  • Shy Guy max spawn is set to 2

  • Shy Guy spawn rate is changed as follows (%) :

    1. [Day Start] > 0.3
    2. [Mid Day] > 0.5
    3. [End Day] > 1
  • The Fiend spawn weight decreased from 10 to 3

  • The Fiend speed is decreased from 9 to 4

Known Issue

  • Some moons take longer to load ex. polarus (its just bit longer bcz the map was heavy but its work purrfectly fine)
  • Skill Issue


  • The game actually takes longer to load because of how much the mod i used so grab some snacks and drink then chill while the game is load


  • Update Changelog
  • Update Readme
  • Added Herobrine
  • Added CullFactory
  • Mods Updated


  • Portable Teleporter price reduced from 800 to 400
  • Advanced Portable Teleporter price reduced from 2000 to 1500
  • Advanced Portable Teleporter now has 0.3 to break on use (before guaranteed after use the portable will broke)
  • Ship Navigation System now has a 80% malfunction chance and will orbit to a random moons (no cost will applied)
  • Ship Teleporter now has 33% chance to malfunction and disabled it at random interval
  • Terminal and Walkies now has 60% chance to malfunction and disabled at random interval (currently not implemented by the mods)
  • Ship Door now has 55% chance to malfunction and disable door control at random interval
  • Ship Power now has 80% chance to malfunction and disable everying in the ship (worst case, better bring portable teleporter ?)
  • Malfunction penalty multiplier now set from 2 to 10 when not recovering the player body
  • Ship Lever now has a 50% chance to malfunction causing the ship cannot take off
  • Teleporter Cooldown increased from 10s to 12s
  • Inverse Teleporter now keep player gears and held item
  • Diving kit now set to one handed (before its two handed)
  • Extended Deadline price decreased from 500 to 100
  • Fire Exit chance to change the destination is decreased from 50 to 25
  • Stamina Consumtion is decreased from 0.6 to 0.5
  • Jump Stamina Consumtion is decreased from 1 to 0.8
  • Carry weight penalty is increased from 0.8 to 0.9

Known Issue

  • Skill Issue


  • Added more moons
  • Added new monster
  • Added Ship Malfunction


  • Increase duration of mushroom effect from 60s to 90s

Known Bugs

  • Idk tell me


  • Fixed player stuck on seed things when landed on custom moons
  • Deleted some mod and mechanics because its super chaos
  • Added new moons


  • Landmine beep sound is back
  • Turret laser is back
  • Switching Rolling Giant AI
  • New Facility/Dungeon : Castle & Sewer
  • Perfomance increased shheeeeessssshhhhhh

Known bugs

  • Some moons has perfomance issue (bruh)


  • Removed old bugs
  • Added new bugs as a features
  • New moons : Outpost
  • New Dungeon/Facility : LC Office
  • Switching from Brutal Company Plus to SavageCompany
  • Added new Weather : Hell
  • Mods Updated

Known bugs

  • Dungeon/Facility flood time has increased significantly for no reason when player landed on [Flooded], [Stormy] and [Rainy] moons
  • Player cannot sink to their death when stepping on [Quicksand] NICE FEATURES 👌
  • SavageCompany event not showing Pretty nice if you want to suffer


  • Turret now has no laser
  • Giant (Titan) now only chasing player that currently moving


  • Removed old bugs
  • Removed herobrine
  • Added new bugs
  • Added new suit
  • Added new cosmetics
  • Removed old mechancis
  • Added new mechanics
  • Mods Updated


  • Removed slide mechanics because you can slide while walking(not running)
  • Now vanilla dungeon will be also [Flooded] when player [ACCIDENTALLY], [FAILED 50/50] or [GOT A BAD LUCK] and landed on [Flooded], [Stormy] and [Rainy] moons, each moons also has different time to flood the dungeon/facility (i think)

Known bugs

  • After player succeed escaping from the [Dungeon/Facility] on [Flooded Moons], [Stormy Moons] & [Rainy Moons], the next [Dungeon/Facility] when player landed on [Flooded Moons], [Stormy Moons] & [Rainy Moons] will be bugged [Dungeon/Facility] WILL NOT BE FLOODED
  • Player cannot sink to their death when stepping on [Quicksand] AGAIN


  • Removed old bugs
  • Removed Solo Bodycam
  • Added new bugs & suffering
  • Added 3 new moons to explore : [Minecraft: Taiga], [Enceladus] & [USC_Vortex]
  • Added new suit
  • Added new mechanics : [Slide] (actually, you can do tapstrafe like apex but easier somehow)
  • Added new [Dungeon]

New Mechanics

  • You can do slide in this update, while [RUN] then press [CROUCH]

New Dungon/Facility

  • New [Dungeon] named [Bunker] has high chance to spawn in all moons


  • Now you can buy a scrap insurance, for more info you can see it on terminal


  • Removed bugs
  • Added Suffering & New Bugs
  • Added [PerformanceEnhancer]
  • Added 2 3 new moons to explore : [Ganimedes], [VermisOppidum] & [Lunar]


  • Switching from [LethalCompanyDRP] to [LethalRichPresence]
  • Removed [TermSpeak]
  • Mods Updated

Fixing bugs

  • Removing [FacilityMeltdown] & [TerminalAPI] because they're causing bugs where player stuck on orbit (cannot land or select moons)


  • Added Suffering & Bugs
  • Added new cosmetics
  • Added DoorFix
  • Added FacilityMeltdown REMOVED
  • Added TerminalAPI REMOVED
  • Added LightlessCustomSounds
  • Removed 2 Audio Mods
  • Added New moon to explore : [Celest]
  • Mods Updated


  • [Apparatice] price now is set to [240] REMOVED
  • [Ship Scanner] for scanning [Reactor] is decreased from [15s] to [10s] REMOVED
  • [Ship Scanner] accuracy when scanning the [Reactor] is set to [50] REMOVED


  • Added Suffering & Bugs kinda
  • Added New SCP Suit
  • Added Dum hat for whoever want to show their dumbest brain and losing braincell alot
  • Added 2 New moons to explore : [Etern] & [Acidir]


  • Instead of facing [Fire Exit] after entering it, you now facing the [Opposite Direction]

  • You now can speak on [Terminal] while holding a [Walkie Talkie] REMOVED

  • Tweaked [Enemy Body] prices and [Enemy Weight Adjustment]

  • After player picking up [Apparatus], Bracken will be angered and start haunting the player

  • [Phantom Girl] now will [Haunt & Isolate] player that has [Walkie Talkie] & give the player [Hallucinations]

  • [Phantom Girl] now has [70%] chance to flicker players light during [Ghost Code Event]

  • [Hoarding Bug] now can use some [Items]

  • [Hoarding Bug] now has a [50%] chance to [Stole] you and your friends after you collide with them

  • [Cooldown] of Teleporter is increased from [10s] to [15s] & [Item] stay in your [Inventory] is set to [Gear & HeldItem]

  • [Cooldown] of Inverse Teleporter is decreased from [210s] to [180s] & [Item] drop is set to [None]

  • [Sensor] in the ship is now broken

  • [Insanity] level is now increased significantly when [Dead Player] is detected from [5] to [25]

  • [Ship] now has multiple [Functional Monitor]

  • [Broken Visor] now only [Repaired] once the player [Respawn after Dead]

  • [Player] now can join whenever the [Host] in orbit

  • Player cannot go through [Fire Exit] and force everyone to get into [Dungeon] from [Main Entrace]

  • Player now has [One] more [Inventory Slot]

  • Player can turn off [Flashlight] by pressing F and [Walkie Use] by pressing R [NEED TO TURN ON WALKIE FIRST] [CONFIGURABLE]

  • Player now can [Heal] on [Charging Dock]

  • Wonder what you look like ? buy a [Mirror]!

  • SCP Dungeon spawn rate is increased from [50%] to [80%]

  • On some modded moons after entering [Fire Exit] from [From Outside], has a [80%] chance will teleport you to a [Mimic Doors] instead the [Real Fire Exit] and has a [50%] chance to change the destination into another one

  • [Mimic Doors] now sound quiet and looks the same as the [Real Fire Exit]

  • [Mimics Doors] spawn rate is changed as follows :

    1. 0 [Mimics] > 5%
    2. 1 [Mimics] > 100%
    3. 2 [Mimics] > 80%
    4. 3 [Mimics] > 60%
    5. 4 [Mimics] > 50%
    6. [Maximum Mimics] > 1%

Added Suffering & Bugs Tweaked some settings Increased chance for SCP Foundation dungeon by 80% (before 50%) Removed Skibidi Toilet

1.0.0 Initial Modpack Release with aton of bugs