updated mods, minor additions
- added HiddenMoons
- added Martlet
- added Ceroba
- replaced DelphoxSuit with DelphoxModel
- MelanieMaliciousUtilityFurniturePack: fire exit is no longer buyable, trees have 0(-2) chance to give bee hives
- InsanityRemastered: disabled sanity level notifications
updated a couple mods, happy halloween! (make sure to update Lethal, it's on v67 now)
- LCThirdPerson: the cursor no longer appears when in third person (redundency with Crosshair)
changelogs are going to be written in a more concise manner going forward
- added 127Eve
- added 59Affliction
- added Crest
- added EchoReach
- added KastRenewed
- added Transmission
- swapped WesleysMoons with Asteroid13
- swapped WesleysMoons with Gratar
- swapped WesleysMoons with Infernis
- removed WesleysMoons
- added ScoopysVarietyMod
- added Tomb
- added WesleysInteriorsAddon
- added BarberFixes
- added ButteryFixes
- added CleanerLogs
- added GeneralImprovements
- added JetpackFixes
- added MattyFixesExperimental
- added ShootableMouthDogs
- added SpiderPositionFix
- added WeedKillerFixes
- added BetterEXP
- added BetterItemScan
- added BetterPaycheck
- added CelestialTint
- added Chameleon
- added InsanityDisplay
- added LCThirdPerson
- added LateCompany
- added LethalResonance
- added LethalResonanceEmblem
- added LethalResonanceMeltdown
- added LobbyCompatibility
- added MelanieMelicious2StoryShip
- added NoJumpDelay
- added SellMyScrap
- added ShipInventory
- added ShowMoonPriceLLL
- added TerminalClock
- added ViewExtension
- added Zoom = replaced ShipLoot with BetterItemScan
- removed BiggerBattery (redundancy with LethalProgression)
- removed FlashlightToggle (redundancy with GeneralImprovements)
- removed MoreCompany
- removed QuickRestart
- added LethalGnarpy
- added Niko
- removed LethalPikachu
- removed OddSylveon
- removed PopaSuits
- removed SplatoonPearl
- removed SuitSaver (redundancy with GeneralImprovements)
- added ExtraEnemyVariety
- added WesleysSkins
items and scrap:
- added Remnants
- added ScavengerPlushie
- added ShoppingCart
- added Wheelbarrow
- swapped EmergencyDice with EmergencyDiceUpdated
- added MelanieMaliciousUtilityFurniturePack
- added ShipWindows
- added Whiteboard
- removed LethalPosters
- removed MoreFurryPosters
libraries and apis:
- added CustomItemBehaviorLibrary
- added CustomStoryLogs
- added Emblem
- added GraphicsAPI
- added InteractiveTerminalAPI
- added LCCutscene
- added RoseLib
- added VertexLibrary
- removed CustomBoomboxMusic
- added AmberAlert
- added Diversity
- added Mimics
- added OptimizedSkinwalkers
- added VileVendingMachine
- removed AAAAAGHH
- removed CoilHeadStare
- removed FreddyBracken
- removed FreddyBrackenSounds
- removed GiantEnemySpiderFIXED
- removed JermaSnareFlea
- removed JermaSnareFlearTulipSnakeFix
- removed YippeeMod
- added GamblingMachineAtTheCompany
- added InsanityRemastered
- added LethalProgressionPatchFixKeepProgress
- removed MeteoMultiplier (redundancy with GeneralImprovements)
- Asteroid13 has recieved balancing changes: day speed shortened (1.00 to 0.75), total scrap value reductions (900-2000 to 750-1850)
- Asteroid14 has recieved balancing changes: lower routing cost (150 to 100)
- Gratar has recieved balancing changes: lower routing cost (350-250)
- Offense has recieved balancing changes: total scrap value increased
- TheGiantSpecimens has recieved balancing changes: spawn rates of the Driftwood and Redwood giants have been reduced, both Giants can no longer spawn on Asteroid13 or Asteroid14, Redwood giants can no longer consume Old Birds, the whistle tool has had its price reduced (111 to 50)
- WesleysInteriors has recieved balancing changes: the toy store interior is less likely to generate, the rubber rooms interior is more likely to generate and can now spawn on all moons with a low chance
added srmaroonersbay
added splatooncallie
added splatoonpearl
added splatoonmarina
added splatoonmarie
added cozyimprovements
added doorfix
added enemyskinkit
readded enemyskinregistry
default config for thegiantspecimens has been tweaked: redwood giants have had their spawn chances decreased slightly, the spawn powers of the redwood giants (+3) and driftwood giants (+1) have been increased
default config for lethallevelloader has been tweaked: (wesleysmoons) gloom now costs 60 (-160) credits to route to, (wesleysmoons) cosmocos now costs 1750 (-250) credits to route to, (wesleysmoons) desolation now costs 400 (-110) credits to route to
added lcoffice
added peepers
added hexibettershotgunfixed
added buyableshotgun
added lcammocheck
added meteorshowerchance
added jermasnareflea
added jermasnarefleatulipsnakefix
added enemysoundfixes
default config for thegiantspecimens has been tweaked: redwood giants and driftwood giants have had their spawn chances further reduced
default config for biodiversity has been tweaked: the aloes spawn chance on modded moons has been increased slightly
default config for lethallevelloader has been tweaked: asteroid14 now costs 150 (+150) credits to route to, cosmocos now costs 2000 (-300) credits to route to, embrion now costs 100 (-50) credits to route to
added asteroid14
added splatoonemotepack
added lethalfortress2
added delphoxsuit
added korraidonsuit
added peppino model
added freddybrackensounds
added better lightning
added itemclippingfix
removed customboomboxmusic
removed mysticemotes
default config for thegiantspecimens has been tweaked: redwood giants and driftwood giants should be less common, the plushies have had their weight increased very slightly for certain moons, both giant variants should no longer drop items
added meleefixes
added scannabletools
added meteomultiplier
added coilheadstare
added enemyfix
added loadstone
added pathfindinglagfix
added bepinexfasterloadassetbundlespatcher
added asyncloggers
added lethalperformance
added harmonyxtranspilerfix
added thegiantspecimens
added enumutils
added lethalfixes
added lightsout
added crosshair
added yippiemod
added aaaaaghh
removed fixrpclag
removed dissonancelagfix
removed enemyskinregistry
removed yippeetwo
removed pizzatowerescapemusicnoiseaddon
removed aeiou (original inclusion was an oversight)
removed minimap (original inclusion was an oversight)
removed cfindermodpack (original inclusion was an oversight)
- initial release