LodiMods-JermaCompany icon


A fork of Clementinise's wonderful custom sound mod, replacing some sounds with Jerma985


  • 2.0.0

    • Added new terminal commands: "customsounds sync", "customsounds unsync" and "customsounds force-unsync"
    • EXPERIMENTAL: As the host, you can now sync your custom sounds with all clients in the lobby via the terminal (requires CustomSounds to be installed on their end)
  • 1.2.4

    • Fixed an issue occurring on the first start while using a mod manager, there's now no need to restart/reload when installing a sound pack for the first time
  • 1.2.3

    • Minor edits to mod page
  • 1.2.2

    • Minor edits to mod page
  • 1.2.1

    • Modified how the script manages Sound Packs to improve fluidity when using a mod manager
  • 1.2.0

    • Added new terminal commands: "customsounds list" and "customsounds help"
    • Sound Packs can now be created by adding custom sounds to named subfolders within the "CustomSounds" directory
    • "CustomSounds" folder will be automatically created if it does not exist
    • [Chainloader] HideManagerGameObject in BepInEx.cfg will automatically be set to "true" if it is still on defaut "false"
  • 1.1.1

    • Fixed some paths and updated the dependencies of LCSoundTool from version 1.2.0 to 1.2.2 to resolve additional issues with mod managers
  • 1.1.0

    • Added new terminal commands: "customsounds reload" and "customsounds revert"
    • Fix path errors when installing with a mod manager
  • 1.0.0

    • Mod release