
Click to view all version changes


 - Removed darmuhsTerminalStuff, TerminalAPI SpectateEnemies temporarily


 * Updated darmuhsTerminalStuff
    + Enabled gambling
* Updated DynamicDeadline


+ Added Boombox_Controller
+ Added LethalCompany InputUtils
    + Adds keybinds for BetterEmotes and ToggleMute configurable in-game
* Updated More_Suits
* Updated TooManySuits
* Updated TerminalApi
* Updated ToggleMute
* Updated MoreScreams
* Updated SuitSaver
* Updated LC_API
* Updated More_Emotes
    + Emote Wheel (V), twerking (lol), salute anims, disabled inventory check
* Updated DynamicDeadline
    + Adds Dynamic method, may configure/revert to legacy.
* UpdatedMirrorDecor
    - Set mirror resolution to 500 from 1000.
* Updated darmuhsTerminalStuff
    - Disabled lol cmd


+ Added MirrorDecor
* Set mirror resolution to 1000 from 2000.
- Removed ModelReplacementAPI & MikuModelReplacement (couldn't get to work)


+ Added FrostySuits
+ Added SpiderManSuitV2
+ Added FNAFSuits
+ Added CartiSuits
+ Added 1000QuotaStareSuit
+ Added CombineEliteSuit
+ Added MikuModelReplacement
+ Added ModelReplacementAPI
    - Currently replaces starting suit by default, will change to AdditionalSuits' 3_Blue_Suit.png
* Updated TooManySuits
    + Reenabled Suits from MoreSuits and scaled down pages.


+ Added TooManySuits
* Updated FOV Adjust, reenabled suit visor as intended.


- Removed ShipLoot


- Removed Discord Rich Presence
- Removed BepInEx_MLLoader
- Removed MouseBind
+ Added MikesTweaks
    + Hotkeys correspond to 1-4 Item slots, F for Flashlight, R for WalkieTalkie
    + Max Sprint Speed increased to 2.5 from 2.25
    + StaminaRechargePerFrame increased to 2 from 1.
    + Halved stamina jumping drain to 0.04 from 0.08.
    - Max Stamina reduced to 7 from 11.
+ Added LethalCompanyDRP 
+ Added HookGenPatcher
+ Added LethalThings
+ Added FasterItemDropShip
+ Added SellTracker
+ Added Terminal_History
+ Added LCBetterSaves
+ Added HealthStation
+ Added TerminalExtras
+ SCP Foundation Suit
+ Added LethalLoudnessmeter
+ Added Disregard Early Voting
+ Added EladsHUD
+ Added Coroner
+ Added SuitSaver
+ Added MoreScreams
+ Added PersistentPurchases
+ Added HideModList
+ Added HidePlayerNames
+ Added LCBetterClock
+ Added BetterItemScan
+ Added ToggleMute as semicolon (;)
+ Added HideChat
+ Added ScalingStartCredits
+ Added PestControl
+ Added WackyCosmetics
+ Added FOV_Adjust
+ Added TerminalApi
+ Added darmuhsTerminalStuff
+ Added YippeeMod
+ Added AdditionalSuits
+ Added BreakingBadHazmatSuit
+ Added SantaSuit
+ Added QuotaRollover
+ Added MaskedEnemyOverhaul
+ Added FastSwitchPlayerViewInRadar
* Updated PestControl
    - Adjusted spawn rates.
    - Reduced Thumper spawn rate.
* Updated MaskedEnemyOverhaul
    - Enabled visible masks.
* Updated SkinWalkers to work with MaskedEnemyOverhaul
    - Limited mimicry to a certain entity.
* Updated LcSymphony
    - Reenabled ping display.


* Updated for Lethal Company v45!
+ Added Skinwalkers
+ Added Mimics
+ Added More Emotes
* Updated Latecompany
    + Enabled joining while on moons.
* Updated HelmetCameras
    + Increased Monitor resolution from 256x256 from 48x48
* Updated LcSymphony
    - Disabled ping display


+ Added HelmetCameras


+ Added SpectateEnemies


+ Added HDLethalCompany (config is left at vanilla settings)


- Added more mods


- Created modpack