Lotus-ChromelotusUngaBunga icon


Wanna play the game easier but also make it hard for your friends? i gotchu



  • Added More Emotes by Sligili
  • Added HDLethalCompany by Sligili


  • Added Skinwalkers by RugBugRedFern


  • Added Healthstation by Thorlar
  • Added Mimics by x753
  • Added ScallingStartCredits by sunnobunno
  • Added PushCompany by Midge
  • changed the config for HDLethalCompany into higher resolution
  • changed the config for Helmet_Camera into higher resolution


  • changed the config for PushCompany
  • from 0.025s cooldown to 10s (we fked up lol)
  • from 0.08 energy cost to 2 ( someone kept killing everyone)
  • from 12.5 push force to 10 ( F to the people died by friendly mine grief)
  • from 3 to 1 push range (if someone is super close to you, run)
  • changed the config for Strange_Objects
  • from 100 to 200 for max midas item value
  • from 40 to 10 for damage of Cruse of Pain (picking it up at the front door while runnning from giant killed us lol)
  • Curse of Voice is enabled
  • changed the config for Mimics
  • from 100% to 75% volume of mimic fx ( i dont to get deafen again)
  • mimics will spawn max 3 (anymore than that would just torture us and fail the game fast


  • changed the config for Strange_Objects.
  • Curse of voice is disabled. the muffle have no duration so we have to disable


  • changed the config for Strange_Objects.
  • changed from 20% to 5% for spawnrate of strange object


  • im tired of typing all that bs so imma simplify this one
  • mimic now have imperfection
  • added Coroner by EliteMasterEric
  • reduced movement speed debuff from Strange_Objects
  • reduce vision debuff of tipsy from Strange_Objects
  • reduce strange object spawn rate
  • Every mob is skinwalkers now. (aha fk yall)
  • skinwalker speaks more frequently ( i just want to mess with my friends)
  • push company is more buffed now. (hell yea)


  • i messed up and thought 0.3 movspeed debuff means only -30% debuff but it actually made u move with only 30% movement speed. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT???
  • making more item cheaper in console CAUSE TITAN COST 700 AND WE BARELY CAN BUY ANY UPGRADES
  • added LethalThings by Evaisa
  • basically lethal things is easier to find and buy too.
  • this patch is to test lethal things cause last time we cant pick up items
  • added buyableshotgun (its expensive so fk it)
  • added buyableshogunshell (ammo gonna a bish to get without this)
  • added BetterEmotes by KlutzyBubbles


  • just removing BetterEmotes cause More emote update wnt show up


  • disabled the utility belt. it caused conflict issue with the extra slot mod for flashlight and walkie talkie.


  • changed the pricing of items for LateGame Upgrades to make it easier to access item.
  • added CustomTranslatorCharLimit by boring
  • pager is removed by developer :c
  • removed HDLethalCompany (some people lags with it)
  • reduced FPS for HelmetCamera to save performance.


  • did i said i removed HDLethalCompany? sorry, i forgot to remove it in the modpack and only removed the config :3 ehe


  • massive mod list update so u wont have to keep updating mod when u fresh download
  • some people have issue with coroner so im removing it again so we wont have ship bug

V 1.2.4

  • biggerlobby removed. added MoreCompany by notnotnotswipez cause biggerlobby is bugged
  • added HookGun by BLKNeko (as requested by kiyan)


  • haha im getting tired of fixing bugs over and over again
  • transmiter fixed back to default . ayy lmao
  • night vision bug i have no idea how to fix so, enjoy random bs. ehe


  • Strange_Objects removed. every update keep making it into default and im tired of updating config JUST for it
  • adjust price for new item for LateGameUpgrades
  • removed FlashlightToggle cause reserved flash light already have a toggle
  • removed walkieUse cause Reserved Walkie already have a toggle
  • removed more_emote.
  • added toomanyemote
  • AdvanceTP is now indistructable . since its buggy and tp friends, might as well