
Updated 8 months ago

Hello, everybody. My name is Markiplier

and welcome back to Five Nights at Freddy's. You guys were practically begging me to play this again and I'm glad you agree that this is probably one of the scariest games I have ever played, the mechanics are so incredibly unique.

Phone starts to ring

I love everything about it and at the same time I'm absolutely hate it because I have to play it. Now my- my objective is in this particular episode is- I'm gonna try to beat the whole game. I don't wanna waste your guys' time, I'm gonna get as far as I can or if I'll rage quit like a little baby, that's what's gonna happen too. Uhh, Hello?


Hello? Uh, well, if you're hearing this and you made it to day two, uh, congrats!

(Double thumbs up) YAY!

I-I won't talk quite as long this time-


-since Freddy and his friends tend to become more active-

Oh, good...

-as the week progresses.

Oh, yeah, he's out already.

Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk-

Bonnie is in the W. Hall Corner

Hi, you got closer quick!

-just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know...


Uh... Interestingly enough, Freddy himself doesn't come off stage very often.

Right, yeah.

I heard he becomes a lot more active in the dark though, so, hey,

Bonnie appears in the West Door


I guess that's one more reason not to run out of power, right?


I-I also want to emphasize the importance of using your door lights. There are blind spots in your camera views- (hysterically) I know!

-and those blind spots happen to be right outside of your doors.

(hysterically) HE IS! Where? AH, HE'S STILL THERE!

So if-if you can’t find something, or someone, on your cameras, be sure to check the door lights. Uh, you might only have a few seconds to react...


Uh, not that you would be in any danger, of course. I'm not implying that.

He's still there, I can see a shadow!

Also, check on the curtain in Pirate Cove from time to time.

Yeah yeah yeah! I guess he doesn't like being watched.

The character in there seems unique in that he becomes more active if the cameras remain off for long periods of time.


I don't know.

Chica is in the Dining Area

He's there. Wait a minute, where's Bonnie.

Anyway, I'm sure you have everything under control! Uh, pop you soon.

Call ends.

He's still there?



Some of the hallucinations appears.

WOW, WHAT IS THAT?! What the hell was that!? What happened? No no no no no no, you can't tell me that nothing happened, what the hell happened there? IS HE STILL THERE?! I don't want go screw himself, I can't deal this. You can't keep me that door locked! HE'S JUST GONNA STAND THERE!? He's going to stand there like a creep and use all my power! Oh, crap, that is not good. Well... This gonna after a pleasant start, didn't it. I thought I was my- maybe my skip right by night 2 and I was able to get to the rest of the game and this guy, HE'S NOT LEAVING!! Why he is not leaving? Oh, god, I'm never gonna make it because HE'S STILL THERE. (hysterically) GO AWAY!!! NOBODY LIKES YOU! (checks) HE'S STILL THERE!!! WHY?!! WHY IS HE STILL THERE? Ah... What I'll do, what I'll do? Oh, what I'll do, what I'll do, what I'll do. I'm dead, I'm screwed! I'm so very screwed, he's not leaving! He's gonna suck all my power and I'm be dead. You son of a bitch, I hate you!

Music starts

Why the music... Oh... Mister Ducky is still over there at least it's some good but god, I can't even go to the camera because it suck power. Everything you do even looking the cameras takes power, you guys helped to figure me that out. And god, damn, we just-

Bonnie's left.

Oh, okay. Okay. Alright, okay. Now we can calm down just a little bit maybe you can give me a breather and stop hanging around my door. Where'd you go, where are you guys? I SEE ONE OF YOU! WHERE'S THE OTHER? No no no, not okay! No no! Ducky just likes to stay in cameras he does. Where's he? Where the hell is he... Oh...

Bonnie is in the Backstage.

Oh, hi, there you are. Okay. Both of you are in sight. You're doing good. He's need to stay there.

Camera goes static.

Oh, you're changing again? I hear that. I HEAR THAT. Where'd you go, where'd you go? Huh?

Both Bonnie and Chica have left their positions.


Bonnie is in West Hall. Chica apparently is in the Kitchen.

There's one. WHERE'S THE OTHER?! God, damn, this game just freaks me the F out, I'm sorry if I spactic- alalala- If I'm spastic at the cameras, BECAUSE IT IS NOT OKAY! It's on- Is one of them in the kitchen, is that what that sound is? The room that doesn't have a lights in it? Pirate Cove Man-

Bonnie is in West Hall Corner.

Oh! You're close.

Bonnie pops in the West Door.

AH! ABDABADADTAHUH! You need to settle the F down because I do not have enough power to make it to the rest of the night now. Because you such son of a bitch. You're not there anymore? Good. Stay away. God, you asshole, IT'S ONLY NIGHT 2! I'm gonna try to beat this game.

Chica is in the East Hall.

Hi, friend... You're looking good! You just stay! You're pretty- Oh, you gone. Oh, where'd you go, where'd you go, where'd you go, where'd you go? Ugh... why he's so close?! Why? I can't waste any power! Oh... I hate this game... (crying) I'M A BABY... I'M A BIG BABY! I WANT MY MOMMY! Why did I get this crap job? I can earn more money washing dishes somewhere. (crying) YouTube, because I can't live int the real world. WHERE'S DUCKY, WHERE'S DUCKY?! At least Pirate Cove Man is still nice and-

Bonnie pops in the West Door.

AHAH! You son of a bitch with your creepy-ass eyes! Can you not... I keep that door close like the whole game. He's still there... Ugh, I can't deal, I can't deal, I can't deal, hi friend, how're you doing, you're looking good. You're gone yet? Nope, still there! 'Cause what could be a party without my good friend mister Bon-Bon, and mister Happy Duck. Mister Quacky Smack. Oh, what I suppose to do? Pirate Cove Man still good? I don't know, I was playing the demo version before and now... Good, he's gone. God, I'm not gonna make it! I go 2 hours left and 14% power. I'm literally not gonna make it. I'M DEAD, I'M DEAD. This whole thing is for not- And I'M DEAD. Oh, god. I was playing demo before and I bought the full game. It is available, the full game is available, 'cause... I almost make a mistake playing the demo again, and it's ends on night 2 actually. I really want to try to beat the whole game and don't want to disappoint you guys. As I... am a professional.

Foxy appears in the Pirate Cove

HI, WELCOME TO THE PARTY, FRIEND! OH, PLEASE, TELL THAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO KILL ME! I'm really rather not- where's, where's one- I know, I know, oh, oh god-

Bonnie pops in the West Door.

OH GOD! I don't have enough power, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. 5 PERCENT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! I'VE To LAST ANOTHER HOUR WITH FOUR PERCENT?!! PLEASE LEAVE! I can't even risk looking at the camera now! Good, stay. Pirate Cove Man? NO, TWO PERCENT! OH, TWO PERCENT MILK! OH, ONE PERCENT MILK, I HATE IT, UGH, WE'RE GONNA GO SKIM, WE'VE GONNA GO SKIM LEVELS OF POWER! OH, I'M SO DEAD!!! UH!!! I'M SO DEAD!!! NONONONONONONO! Hold out, just a little longer, just a little lo-

Power's left.



I'm dead. AHHH!!!

Freddy pops from the darkness.

AH!!! AHAH, FUCK!!! AH! I knocked my microphone... I knocked my microphone over... Oh... Oh... Oh, I think I hurt something.

Main menu.

Ouch, okay. That scream was so bad, I hurt my voice, so I'm going to take this night next one really easy. In order to save time, I'm might skip ahead few times but you won't miss out of any the action, okay? Okay... Skips to various moments.

Okay. This's good, this's fine, this's good, this's good, I like this. I like this... Okay, mister Ducky is on the move, ah, there's mister Ducky. And mister Bear-Bear, Freddy, wants to be friendly. I'd like a wild animal when I get cornered, I'll punch ya straight in the gabba! Swear on me mum, swear on me mum, everybody! They're being a little nice, they're being a little nice, I got to admit. They're good guys.

Chica is in the Restrooms.

That's not a good guy. But they're good guys. I-I like them. I like them a lot.

Bonnie pops in the West Door.

AHAH FUCK IT'S YOU! And mister Ducky still staying away. He's a smart one! I just got to listen, listening is important, listening is very keen in this game because you can save power by hearing them... checking very periodically. 'Cause they just jump like from across the freaking building right to you, so it doesn't even matter... Not of that! NOT OF THAT! No. Where'd you go, where'd you go, where'd you go, where'd you go? Ducky's moved! DUCKY MOVED, WHAT IS THAT?!! ugh... Can't handle this. Can not. Won't. Can't. No. I HEAR THAT! I'VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOU!

Foxy starts singing.

NOOOOOOOOO! NO, NOOOUR!!! God, dammit, I shouldn't do that. Save power! NOUGHEHEH. Stop making so many sound around me, that's not cool. WHERE ARE THEY? Where the hell are they?

Bonnie is in the Supply Closet

Okay, here he is.

Camera goes static.

NOOOOO!!! Is some of them in the kitchen? Nugh... Someone is in the kitchen? Pirate Cove Man is still okay, not come out from the shadow. JUST LISTEN TO SOUNDS! Ngh!

Camera goes static.

Oh god, they're changing. Oh god, they're changing! nonononoNONONOno... It's really bad that I can't see Duckman. Freddy is now sitting straight.


Bonnie pops in the West Door.


Some of hallucinations appears.

NO NO NO DON'T DO THAT! I don't care who it is! I don't care who's Freddy, YOU GO TO HELL! YOU GO TO HELL DO YOU HEAR?!? Okay. Mister Bon-man? Run away. Okay, cool. You- Ah- Get the light out! I'm gonna make it, I got enough power. I'm gonna make it. I'm 'make it. He's in the kitchen again? He's in the kitchen nug-nug... God, it's such a physiological thing, I'm just standing here and doing nothing! I'm just STANDING HERE! I'm literally just standing here, there's nothing that I can do but wait when they come to me. This like throws out everything I knew about horror because-

Chica is in East Hall.

Oh, hi... You're getting closer. -because it used to be that... the scariest thing was making me doing something I didn't want to do. By actually making me to do something but now I'm literally just sitting here, doing nothing but waiting for them to try to kill me. I'm so god damn paranoid, freak! Still good, I'm gonna make it, I can make through Night 2...

Chica pops in the East Door window.

Okay- WOAAAAAAH!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU STILL THERE? O-KAY, that's sounds fun. Hi! How're you doing?

Bonnie pops in West Door.

AH! AH-NOT-BOTH-OF-YOU! STILL THERE, STILL THERE! OH, GOD, DAMN, YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! Why you both- Okay, you gone. You gone. Okay, you've gone, you've gone. Yeah, yeah.

Foxy does some Dum-dum-dum.

DON'T YOU DUM-DUM TO NOBODY! YOU DON'T DUM-DUM TO DO! You know, the only thing I have to check is Pirate's Cove, as far as I know the rules now. ♪{Dumdumdum-dumdum...}♪ NOUGHRH! NGRH! I don't like you! Who designed this place? Satan! I don't even got- It's really- I don't- I really need check where they are, except for Pirate's Cove, I just need to keep my eye on it. But other than that-

6 a.m.

Ah... other than that, I'm good! Like as far as I know the game right now, I have only made it pass trough Night 2 now. And three other nights to change at rules on me. I don't really appreciate that! I don't- I don't appreciate that, so come on, bring it on what you got for me. Okay, night 3, here we go. I'm ready, call me up, buddy.

Phone starts to call

Thank you, here you are. How it's going? Yes, hello? I'm ready!

Hello, hello? Hey you're doing great! Most people don’t last this long.


I mean, you know, they usually move on to other things by now.


I'm not implying that they died.

Oh, of course not! Who would?

Th-th-that’s not what I meant. Uh, anyway I better not take up too much of your time. Things start getting real tonight. Uh... Hey, listen, I had an idea: if you happen to get caught and want to avoid getting stuffed into a Freddy suit, uhh, try playing dead!

(makes confusion face)

You know, go limp. Then there's a chance that, uh, maybe they’ll think that you're an empty costume instead. Then again if they think you're an empty costume, they might try to... stuff a metal skeleton into you. I wonder how that would work. Yeah, never mind, scratch that. It's best just not to get caught. Um... Ok, I'll leave you to it. See you on the flip side.

Call ends. Golden Freddy appears in the office right after that and disappears soon. AH, FUCK YOU, OH GOD, WHAT THE FUCK?!!!! WHAT THE FUCK, OKAY!!! NOT OKAY! I JUST- I WAS HAVING NICE CONVERSATION! NO YOU CAN NOT CHANGE RULES! Oh, my god... Oh my god it's not cool. I ain't worry about them. What the hell was that, Freddy? Freddy doo-doo? Freddy do don't. Freddy don't freak with me. Freddy go to hell! Oh my god... What the hell was that, I need to go to pause, I need to freeze frame of what the hell that was, because I have no god damn idea. I swear, no game in ever made me such jumpy, freaking paranoid. Every, god dammit, little noise and- I don't know what it's going to throw at me next, it's gonna to surprise me. You son of a bitch!

Chica is in the East Hall.

Hi, okay, you getting closer but you're not quiet here. Mister Ducky! You don't even close to me. I'm sorry if I don't have any interesting to say right now, I'm actually very focus on what I am doing right now. And I don't want many distractions. God, I actually fell- Oh hi, here you're. I actually feel strange need to survive, oddly enough I feel actually in danger, so if I... If I screw this up... Oh god... It's like this something actually mistake here, I don't like it. I am very spastic right now and I apologize if this disorientating to people, 'cause I know you probably can't see my mouse at all also don't see where I'm about to click before I do but... Okay, nothing's happening.

Chica is banging in the Kitchen.

No no no, no... No, okay. He's messing around the kitchen? 'Cause that's fine. You just want get up for midnight snack. I am security guard but I allow that. ♪{Pirate's Cove still good... Bun-bun hasn't come out. Ducky Ducky Ducky DUCKY DUCKY DUCKY DUCKY DUCKY, Ducky Ducky Quack Quack Quack. Ducky Ducky Crap Crap Crap. Ducky Ducky Go Away. Ducky Ducky No One's Love You.}♪ I think the Duck, am I- Foxy does some Dum-dum-dum.

It might just be... that the Duck can only appear on the right- Wait, what was that the Dum-Dum? No... God, what's up with that? What's with the Dum-Dum? I don't even know anymore, no, I really don't even know, I don't understand this game and I don't even try to do that. Just gonna make it through the night. Foxy appears at Pirate Cove. Hallucinations appear as well.

NOOOOO, OH GOD! WHY, WHY, WHY, WHO'S THERE? NO ONE? Okay, GOD DAMMIT, YOU'RE ALREADY OUT, I'm sorry I didn't... Oh, pissing balls! What I even after fast enough to reflexes to stop him? God dammit...

Music starts.

Oh, is that mister Bun-Bun coming out from his hiding hole? God, I'm so freaking spastic right now. I think mister Bun-Bun came from his hiding hole... Oh... HE DID NOT, WHY IS HE NOT?! NOTHING'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING TO ME! Beside the weird experience of whatever the Teddy Bear was on the floor, bleeding...

Show Stage is empty.

OH GOD THEY'RE ALL OUT!!! OH GOD THEY'RE ALL OUT! Oh my god, when did they get out? Oh my god where are they? Oh my god, where's mister Whiaaab- Oh nononononono-no-no. NO NO WHAT IS THAT? OH, CRAP! OH, F ME! OH, THEY'RE ALL OUT, WHERE ARE THEY? Oh, they're all out! No! Oh, they're ALL OUT! THEY ARE ALL OUT! 4 a.m... Where the freak the freak ARE THEY?!!

Bonnie is in the West Hall.

Okay, one's down that hallway... I don't know where even Freddy turns out. I don't know. I don't even know. I don't even know. One's down that hallway. Where' the other two, the other two are the count of four. Chica is in the Restrooms. Bonnie's left.

There's one. There's two- NO NOT THERE ANYMORE! Cramany Christmas... Ducky, there's one. Wha-the-dadada! A-dadadada! One's there's one!

Camera goes static.


Oh, you close, he's right outside the door. He's either coming this way, OH GOD HE'S HERE! Bonnie pops in the West Door.

OH HERE HE IS! I knew, I knew your number. I had it. I knew you're coming. Okay, still there... Dammit. Such- SOMEONE IS IN THE KITCHEN? I don't know why- I just pointing on the screen. Mark's hand is actually turbulencing all over.

I just continually pointing on the screen, I got enough power, I can make it. Pirate's Cove's still okay. Check! Check! One of them is still there, it's okay. I got enough power, I can make it. Ducky over there. Bonny- Where's- ah... Bear's nowhere to be found. Bear's nowhere to be found. Pirate Cove? Still good, still good, 5 a.m. I can make it! I can make it even with that door closed. You stay there all of you want! I can make it! I can make it make it make it... CAN MAKE IT YOU SASSAFRAS. You sons of bitch, shove it up your ass! No no no, what did I do that for?! Pressed the wrong button.

Chica pops in the East Door Window.

Okay he's notthereright! Oh god, I can make it. I can keep these doors closed for as long I need to. Oh, you gone? Yeah, that's right. I got it! I got it unlocked! Just 'cause my voice cracking a little bit doesn't mean you're affecting me, okay. I got it! I GOT THIS! YOU CAN'T NOTHING ON ME. I can keep these doors closed. I'm the winner. I'm a winner, baby! I'm a winner! I'm a winner, baby... I'm a winner, baby.

Bonnie pops in the West Door.


Freddy is starting to laugh.

Hah, na! That's not okay. Alright, I got ya. Alright-

Chica pops in the East Door Window.

Okay! You both here, good! What a party without both you but I'm gonna ride this out till the end of night. You go screw yourselves. You can stand there- oh god... No, OH MY GOD IF THE POWER GOES OUT WHEN THEY'RE BOTH THERE, WILL I DIE? NO NO NO, NO! COME ON PLEASE NO DON'T NO

6 a.m.

Ah... Oh... Ugh... Few... Yay... (deep breathing) Alright, okay. Alright okay. Alright. Okay. Alright. I'll try the fourth night, if I can make it, I'll pick it up in the other episode but I promise I really try to beat this. Okay. Phone starts to call.

Hello. Hello? Yes? Please? (to camera) I got this! (message follows with Foxy banging Phone Guy's Door) Hello, hello? Hey! Hey, wow, day 4. I knew you could do it. Uh, hey, listen, I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow. It's-It's been a bad night here for me. Um, I-I'm kinda glad that I recorded my messages for you... uh, when I did. Uh, hey, do me a favor. Maybe sometime, uh, you could check inside those suits in the back room? I'm gonna to try to hold out until someone checks. Maybe it won’t be so bad. Uh, I-I-I-I always wondered what was in all those empty heads back there. You know... Foxy appears in Mark's office right before call ends.

AH FUCK YOU!!! OH! oh... (crying with pain) I didn't check Pirate Cove enough! I was worried about what's that guy was going through- how can you be there so early, oh... ah...

Main menu.

Ah... Okay. Alright. I'll pick this one into another one, oh god... Oh, I think I just coughed a piece of my lung. Oh my god. Ah... Few, few, this is good game, ya? This is good game. This is good game. So anyway. Oh, god, this is probably, this probably... and I say this sometimes but... But this is probably the scariest game I ever played, I've never felt so... such paranoia and it's said- It's not even a sense of dread anymore, this is- I know I'm to die and I don't know when it's happen, that's the kind of feeling I got. Oh my god... (crying) Alright, so anyway, that's all I got for this episode, I'm really gonna try to beat it in the next one, thanks all you, everybody for watching and believing at me. And let me know what to do in the next one if any advice you got, I don't think there's any advice to give but thank you everybody for watching. And as always, I will see you in the next video. Bye-bye!
