Lethal Company Latin Localization
Lethal Company Latin Translation
3.0.0 Translations outside of terminal have vowel accents included
The translations outside of the terminal now have vowel accents.
Accents are currently in the form of an "apex"/"acute accent", if I can get a font that supports macrons (throughout the whole game) I will use it in the future.
The translations in the terminal won't have vowel accents, until they have all been reviewed. (Since they still contain some chat gpt translations and accents)
2.3.8 Finish replacing Chat GPT outside of the terminal
Translations outside of the terminal have been replaced and should have accurate macrons in the source files.
I'll need to fix a font bug, before releasing the macron version. But this is a huge step.
2.3.7 Heavily reviewed translations of MainMenu.txt
Research: https://github.com/benjenkinsv95/lethal-company-latin-mod/issues/48#issuecomment-1907295162
I', getting very close to being able to release a "Macron" version, where all of the latin outside of the terminal has mostly correct macrons.
2.3.5 Heavily reviewed translations of UI.txt
Research: https://github.com/benjenkinsv95/lethal-company-latin-mod/issues/47
2.3.4 Add missing license for roman-numerals package
Add missing license
2.3.3 Using HI Paws WAV files
His music sounds so much better than before. This is delightful. (Also, download the HI Paws Latin Boombox mod for a separate boombox with more music).
2.3.2 Remove sharedassets file and heavily reviewed Moons.txt and weather translations
Research: https://github.com/benjenkinsv95/lethal-company-latin-mod/issues/46#issuecomment-1899644029
2.3.0 Heavily reviewed translations and macrons of creatures, scrap, and items
- New scrap and items: https://github.com/benjenkinsv95/lethal-company-latin-mod/issues/32#issuecomment-1893014092
- New creature names: https://github.com/benjenkinsv95/lethal-company-latin-mod/issues/31#issuecomment-1891067445
2.2.0 HI Paws Music Added
Music by the HI Paws youtube channel has been licensed and added to the game!
2.1.2 Generated remaining subtitles for mod
The list of subtitles can be found here: https://github.com/JanGuillermo/LethalCompany/blob/main/SubtitlesAPI/Locales/EnglishSubtitleLocalization.cs
Ours are stored in la/Subtitles.txt
2.1.1 Reviewed and updated monster names throughout
Updated the list of creature names:
Baboon hawk=Papio accipiter Bracken=Bracken Bunker spider=Arānea mūnīmentī Circuit bees=Apēs fulgurum Coil-head=Caput cochlea Earth leviathan=Leviathan terrae Eyeless dog=Canis sine oculīs Forest Giant=Gigās silvae Forest keeper=Satyrid proceritas Ghost girl=Imāgō puella Hoarding bug=Cīmex accumulāns Hygrodere=Hygrodere Jeb=Jeb Jester=INSANEUS THINGUS Landmine=Mina terrae Manticoil=Quadrupes manta Nutcracker=Nucifrangibulum Roaming locusts=Lōcustae vagae Snare flea=Pūlex īnsidia Spore lizard=Lacerta sporā Thumper=Pulsātor Turret=Turris armāta
My research is here: https://github.com/benjenkinsv95/lethal-company-latin-mod/issues/31#issuecomment-1891067445
2.1.0 Add VR Support
VR support came to the thunderstore today! It is now supported as well.
2.0.11 Improve the support of various mods
- NeedyCats
- Subtitles
- MoreAdditionalSuits
2.0.10 Various bug fixes
Various issues addressed, font sizes, english, inconsitent translations, replace grex/gregis with opearius/i
2.0.9 Remove english from audio dialogue, replace intro audio with latin, and v47 updates
Because apparently v47 was released today as well, haha
2.0.7 Small tweaks to numbers
2.0.3 More cardinal numbers for weights, better font sizes, & new educational version
A new educational version now exists with some added notes for learning.
2.0.0 New font, updated logo, and added discord link
New font that supports macrons and discord link
1.1.34 Bug Fixes, Font Size Changes, and Showing Cardinal Numbers and Roman Numerals in Some Locations
The title really
1.1.33 Documentation tweaks
Turning future improvements and bugs into issues, so they can be tracked in the future.
1.1.32 Various grammar updates and more roman numerals
More grammar updates from DT and quite a few bits of English have been removed again.
1.1.31 Various grammar updates and more roman numerals
More grammar updates, addressing more feedback from Hadrian, and added many keybindings.
1.1.29 Various grammar updates and more roman numerals
Dropping, collecting, and using items now all match the gender and number. Depone used for dropping.
1.1.27 Terminal Heavy Edits Finished
Completing work from the previous version. Unfortunately there is still some remaining english that NewTerminal v 1.4 doesn't allow me to change yet.
But I will translate it whenever that is possible.
1.1.26 Various terminal improvements
Heavy edits for beginner friendly vocab and liberal use of commas and newlines to help with explanations.
1.1.24 Paintings are latin/rome related
Paintings are now latin or rome related.
1.1.23 Posters are all translated
Endgame report is translated (most lazy, most profitable, most injuries)
1.1.21 Posters are all translated
The photoshop skills could be better, but they are translated for now.
1.1.20 Posters are somewhat supported
Posters don't include latin or english. Will need to add Latin in the future.
1.1.19 Controller Support & Some Asset Support
Adds initial controller support translations to the game.
1.1.17 LAN and Terminal Tweaks
The entries for creatures have been made more beginner friendly.
1.1.16 Creatures have more beginner friendly entries
The entries for creatures have been made more beginner friendly.
1.1.15 Terminal becoming more friendly and rewrite intro tech screen into latin
That orange tech screen
1.1.14 More v45 updates, terminal updates, and hadrianus feedback
Lots of improvements again. Still more work to refine the terminal
1.1.13 Replace the logo with this one
Replacing the logo. It isn't perfect or in the same style, but it is latin.
1.1.12 More english removed, v45 updates, and improved translations
More english removed, v45 updates, and improved translations
1.1.10 More v45 updates
It's feeling pretty extensive again, but I need to investigate if there are any other translations that have slipped through since the v45 update.
1.1.9 Terminal updates continued & some v45 updates
Most terminal commands are now in Latin (cont)
1.1.8 Terminal updates
Most terminal commands are now in Latin, with further work to continue. Though more work might allow updating planets or items to latin. :thinking:
1.1.7 Hunting down more english and numbers
It's feeling even more latiny now.
1.1.6 Heavy roman numeral increase
Many numbers, the clock, percentages, and weight have been switched to roman numerals
1.1.5 Grammar Cleanup
Grammar cleanup and an increase in roman numeral usage
1.1.4 UI Cleanup
Reviewed the UI translations heavily
1.1.2 Scrap, Items, & Locations Cleanup
Reviewed the scrap, items, & locations translations heavily
1.1.1 Main Menu Cleanup
Reviewed the main menu translations heavily
Heavy cleanup, there is still plenty of text to improve and some english that can slip through, but overall, it is getting pretty usable
Alpha 1.0.6
Starting work reviewing the interactive text in the game.
Alpha 1.0.5
Rewording some phrases to fit on the screens in the ship
Alpha 1.0.3
- Most things are in latin now, though there will need to be work done to make sure that all of the menus can be used in the terminal. (Since commands are in english, but some items show in latin)
Alpha 1.0.2
- Chinese is removed and latin replaces it throughout. The terminal remains untranslated.
Alpha 1.0.0
- Initial Broken Mod