- fixed rendering layer masks on the new moon
- attempted fix for gyro and gyro-mbp not scanning until picked up once (hopefully it's actually fixed this time)
- added a new moon, Promontory! bring the cruiser!
- added two new scrap items, egg-mbg and blast!
- added pickles and egg-mbg to Grand Finale
- added blast and easteregg to Gym
- added egg-mbg and blast to Marbleland
- slightly changed Horizon and Gym's spawn curves because enemies were spawning too early
- added level preview videos for every moon
- removed buggy Mesh Variants from a secret scrap item
- significantly reduced overall filesize from ~150MB to ~60MB
- added a secret... try looking around Grand Finale
- added Material Variants to nestegg
- fixed nestegg sometimes spawning below the floor/inside objects
- fixed nestegg sometimes not being scannable upon spawn
- buffed all PQ items by 15 credits, all other non-gem and non-rare items by 10 credits
- added all modifications to PCC listed in 1.0.1 (somehow forgot to upload the edited lethalbundle, don't ask me how)
- fixed some line breaks in the readme
- fixed NavMesh not properly blocking enemies off from under the ship
- fixed NavMeshes not properly blocking enemies off from various spots in PCC and Marbleland
- fixed some items not being scannable until picked up once
- moved gyro-mbu mesh closer to origin to allow lightning to show up
- added water to PCC (meant to do this in v1.0.0. whoops!)
- fixed a collision issue on PCC's crane
- moved Horizon's ship slightly to make using the cruiser a bit more viable
- initial release