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M_productions-Zeb89_LootBug-1.0.4 icon

Zeb89 LootBug

Replaces the loot bug sounds with some clips of famous arezzo's youtuber zeb89

Date uploaded 8 months ago
Version 1.0.4
Download link
Downloads 295
Dependency string M_productions-Zeb89_LootBug-1.0.4

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
no00ob-LCSoundTool-1.2.2 icon

Let's you easily load audio files, replace any in game audio clip and log any audio playback into console.

Preferred version: 1.2.2
Clementinise-CustomSounds-1.2.3 icon

Let's you easily load audio files (With LCSoundTool) and replace any in game audio clip.

Preferred version: 1.2.3


the amount of pain i've been through trying to change only one mp3 and after discovering i could do everything with "CustomSounds" is uninmaginable.

This mod Replaces the loot bug sounds with some clips of famous arezzo's youtuber zeb89.

as of now the mod is incomplete, it doesn't have all of the iconic phrases. if you have suggestions i am happy to take them.

i want to be clear tho, this mod does not want to defamate in any way Zeb89 nor mock him. it's just some fun thing my mind gave birth to.

[Info   :Zeb89LootBug] @@@@@
                    @       @@
                   @   @@@      @@@
                  @  @@@ @           @@@
                  @     @@                @@@
                 @                            @@@
                @                                  @@
               @                                     @
               @                                     @
              @                                     @
             @                                      @
             @               @                     @          @@@@
            @               @@@@@@@               @         @       @
           @               @@@ @@@@              @@         @   @   @
          @       @@@@     @@@  @@               @          @   @   @
          @      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@               @           @   @   @ @@     @@ @      @@
         @      @@@@  @@@@@@@@@@               @            @   @   @ @   @   @ @   @  @@
        @       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@           @            @       @ @   @   @ @   @  @@
       @@            @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@      @             @   @   @ @   @   @ @   @  @@
       @               @@@@@@@@@@@  @@@      @              @   @   @ @   @@@@@ @   @  @@
      @               @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@      @@              @   @   @ @   @   @ @      @@
     @               @@@   @@      @@@      @               @   @   @ @   @   @ @   @@@@@
     @               @@@@@@@               @    @@@@@@@@    @   @   @ @       @ @       @
    @                 @@@@@@              @    @       @    @@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@
   @@                                     @    @   @   @
  @@                                     @     @   @   @ @@@@@@@   @@@@@@@@@@@    @@@@@    @@@@@@@
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       @@@                            @        @   @   @ @   @   @ @  @@  @@  @ @   @   @ @   @
           @@@@              @@ @@   @         @   @   @ @   @   @ @  @@  @@  @ @   @   @ @   @
                @@@@        @@ @@@  @@         @   @   @ @   @   @ @  @@  @@  @ @       @ @   @
                     @@@      @@@   @          @   @   @ @   @   @ @  @@  @@  @ @   @@@@@ @   @   @
                          @@@      @           @       @ @       @ @  @@  @@  @@@@      @ @@@@@  @@@

[Info   :Zeb89LootBug] POPO FIERO!

//this was in the Logger.something() in my cs project. it was cool so i want to keep it.


--------1.0.2------------ -added more zeb89 references, such as 1)panino al salame 2)eh! volevi! 3)ace gamer music added two fly.wavs

-------1.0.3------------ just changed the percentual of some .Wav

-------1.0.4------------- reorganized package because i'm a dumbass

------1.0.5--------- ADDED * M O R E ( A L O T ) ( M A N Y)* NEW SOUNDS