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ManPacs CopeZone

For all the groovy smooth members of ManPac's CopeZone Discord server B)


1.0.1 Removed BiggerLobby to attempt to avoid conflict with MoreCompany Reset my own configs so strangers dont get fucked over

1.0.2 Added a bodycam mod, a door lock mod, and a terminal clock

1.0.3 Replaces MoreCompany with BiggerLobby because from testing it actually worked

1.0.4 Removed Terminal Clock mod and it's dependancy cuz it was being fucky and probably makes the terminal guy a little too efficient

1.0.6 Added a push mechanic, using metal scrap on the recharger, and CodeEnder's Custom Boombox Fix for secret reasons

1.1.0 With the new Update 45 I've added some mods I previously underappreciated, as well as new trending mods. Removed custom boombox and tv mods cuz they're a pain to use.

1.1.1 Added more emotes and a mod compatability checker

Ryokune-CompatibilityChecker-1.1.6 Sligili-More_Emotes-1.2.2

1.2.0 Added a mod that stops loot from being removed after a full team wipe and TWO NEW MOONS!

RaspberryProgramming-NoDeathDespawn-1.0.0 HolographicWings-LethalExpansion-1.2.16 sfDesat-Orion-0.5.6 sfDesat-Aquatis-0.2.0

1.3.0 Swapped CapyCat-Solos_Bodycams-1.0.4 for RickArg-Helmet_Cameras-2.1.5 Swapped bizzlemip-BiggerLobby-2.6.0 for notnotnotswipez-MoreCompany-1.7.2

Added: KodiCraft-TermSpeak-1.1.0 IntegrityChaos-Diversity-1.1.2 Blorb-WeatherMultipliers-1.1.0 steven4547466-YoutubeBoombox-1.5.0

Removed: Midge-PushCompany-1.2.0

1.3.1 Removed ATK-ShipClock-0.9.0 and RaspberryProgramming-NoDeathDespawn-1.0.0 because HolographicWings-LethalExpansion-1.2.16 contains these features in the config file

1.3.2 Removed Evaisa-LethalLib-0.4.2 and Evaisa-HookGenPatcher-0.0.5 as there are currently no mods that require these