2 Story RV Cruiser MelanieMelicious
Now your cruiser is a very slightly wider and longer RV, with 2 stories! 2nd story and RV colors can be toggled in config. aNd should be compatible with Cruiser Terminal.
- Moved magnet connection point to lessen ship-cruiser intersect.
- Added config to remove interior cabin lights at the front (defaulted to false); they made it very hard to see at night.
- Added config for large truck wheels with raised suspension.
- Changed RV ladder to 2nd-story to hopefully be more stable with multiplayer.
- Fixed material array count change on original model resulting in RV generation script breaking in some cases.
- wOw nEw (2-story) RV cRuIsEr (2nd story toggleable in config).
- Cruiser colors can be customized in config.
- CruiserTerminal compatibility (didn't test client-side yet :c).