MelanieMelicious Utility Furniture Pack
Wow, I made it a new mod for this title. Adds furniture items, many with intended functions such as storage or usable doors. You can find me in the Lethal Company Modding Discord.
- Added outwardly facing collider to pocket room.
- Fixed being considered "left behind" when being inside pocket room while leaving a planet (tested).
- Added beehive minimum and maximum value config.
- Moved pocket room location from -100 to +150 height.
- Added "pocket room" door teleport furniture item to prove glitch wrong. (Experimental and a little janky as of now! Can be disabled. Cannot normally bring ship furniture inside it unless using mods like FurnitureLock.)
- Added more detailed README/description.
- Shortened furniture names for less conflicting/convoluted buying.
- Fixed default starting chance for presents spawning under the tree without ornaments, being 56% chance per hour.
- Lowered default ornament influence from +8% to +5%.
- Fixed XMAS tree to ACTUALLY spawn presents based on how many items are decorating it (was broken since day 1).
- Added XMASTree0 with configurable chance to spawn presents on timed moons depending on how many items are placed on the tree.
- Migrated, optimized, and improved Fireplace0 and Counter0 from Item Furniture to here. Counter can now be opened and store items.
- Fixed config to change furniture store-type to add decor to shop rotation.
- Added config to change furniture store-type.
- Added config to disable walls (will do more lAtEr).
- Changed tree and fern foliage textures to be double-sided.
- Fixed fern LoD distance.
- Fixed client desync causing duplicate bee hives on trees
- Added outdoor tree furniture with configurable percent chance to spawn beehives randomly when landed on non-company moon (4 spawnpoints per tree).
- Added outdoor bench table.
- Added potted ferns (subject to change, more to come!)
- Added config option for portable fire exit to choose between one-way only enter, only exit, or both (works as fully normal fire exit).
- Improved twin bed's drawers to open further, and to parent items into the animated part (items move with the drawer!)
- ID correction for certain furniture items.
- Fixed wider cabinet not spawning inside the ship for non-wider ships.
- Re-added fire exit unlockable registry.
- Removed experimental furniture duplication system (caused major furniture bugs with not loading furniture for clients).
- Added working fire exit as a furniture item (only works on next landing after buying, not during. Can be disabled in config)
- Added twin bed with side cabinets.
- Added sectionable walls as furniture items.
- Added 3 sectionable door variants as furniture items.
- Added experimental and currently buggy duplicate furniture item registry, including for vanilla items. Can be set in config. (Positions and rotations do not save on reload, partially works with FurnitureLock, do NOT change on an existing saves!)
- Added config options to customize prices for furniture items in this mod.
- Added v65+ luck values to furniture items.
- Moved changelog to its own section.
- Added Workshop station (Workshop1). Can be used to place items like the storage shelf, including 2-handed items. Items can also be placed on the wall.
- Added Work Table (WorkTable1). Basically the workshop station, but only the bottom part.
- Added Wide Cabinet (WideCabiner). Identical to the vanilla cabinet, except lime green, no doors, wider, and can store 2-handed items.
- Added Metal Gate (MetalGate). This is just a wider version of the cruiser's back door, as a furniture item. Can be opened and closed.