Morbsters-Morbsters_Modpack icon

Morbsters Modpack

a base modpack for some friends :)


Version 1.0.10

  added the following mods

Author Mod Name Version
BustingTurret 1.1.2 Jamoo
JumpDelayPatch 1.0.1 monkes_mods

  removed the following mods

Author Mod Name Version
Portal_Turret_SFX 1.0.0 Bundle_Of_Sticks

Version 1.0.9

  updated the following mods:

Mod From To
ShipLootPlus 1.0.8 1.0.9
More_Suits 1.4.1 1.4.3
TerminalFormatter 0.0.11 0.0.11
LethalLib 0.14.2 0.15.0
LethalThings 0.9.4 0.10.2
LethalConfig 1.3.4 1.4.0
LethalCompany_InputUtils 0.6.3 0.7.1
LethalEmotesAPI 0.6.3 1.7.3
LateCompany 1.0.11 1.0.13
CrossHair 1.1.0 1.1.1
BadAssCompany 1.1.7 1.1.8

  adjusted the changelog to be tables instead of lists

Version 1.0.8

  added the following mods

Author Mod Name Version
PathfindingLagFix 1.2.1 Zaggy1024
Minecraft_Paintings 1.0.0 Pedr9vskCray
AutoCompanyBuilding 1.2.0 La_chips
FlashlightToggle 1.5.0 Renegades
CoilHeadStare 1.0.9 TwinDimensionalProductions

  updated the following mods:

Mod From To
TerminalFormatter 0.0.8 0.0.10

Version 1.0.7

  added the following mods

Author Mod Name Version
PhoneGuySpeech 1.1.1 TheTwoOfClubs
More_Emotes 1.3.3 Sligili

Version 1.0.6

  added the following mods

Author Mod Name Version
LCBetterSaves 1.7.3 Pooble
DoorFix 1.0.0 itsmeowdev

Version 1.0.5

  added the following mods

Author Mod Name Version
FireInTheHole 1.0.0 Morbsters

  updated the following mods:

Mod From To
Skinwalkers 4.0.2 4.0.3
LethalEmotesAPI 1.5.2 1.6.0
TerminalFormatter 0.0.7 0.0.8

  reoriented changelog to have the latest update first

Version 1.0.4

  added the following mods

Author Mod Name Version
MoreItems 1.0.2 Drakorle

Version 1.0.3

  fixed where someone (me) screwed up the changelog (again)

Version 1.0.2

  updated formatting of the changelog

  updated the following mods:

Mod From To
BadAssCompany 1.1.6 1.1.7
Skinwalkers 4.0.1 4.0.2

Version 1.0.1

  updated the readme

  updated the following mods:

Mod From To
BadAssCompany 1.1.5 1.1.6

Version 1.0.0

  added the following mods:

Author Mod Name Version
ButteryStancakes AccurateStaminaDisplay 2.0.1
Gemumoddo BadAssCompany 1.1.5
BepInEx BepInExPack 5.4.2100
FlipMods BetterStamina 1.3.2
YourFurnace CaramelldansenMusic 2.45.321
CTNOriginals CrossHair 1.1.0
Clementinise CustomSounds 2.3.2
Flipods FasteritemDropship 1.2.1
atg FnafPowerOutage 1.0.1
matsuura HealthMetrics 1.0.2
Evaisa HookGenPatcher 0.0.5
Hamunii JetpackFallFix 2.0.1
anormaltwig LateCompany 1.0.11
2018 LC_API 3.4.5
no00ob LCSoundTool 1.5.1
Rune580 LethalCompany_InputUtils 0.6.3
AinaVT LethalConfig 1.3.4
Gemumoddo LethalEmotesAPI 1.5.2
IAmBatby LethalLevelLoader 1.1.6
Evaisa LethalLib 0.14.2
Stoneman LethalProgression 1.3.2
Evaisa LethalThings 0.9.4
Wyatt1760 Mark_Fnaf 1.1.1
Clementinise MinecraftCompany_Doors 1.0.1
PotatoCoders MinimumQuotaFinder 1.1.3
x753 More_Suits 1.4.1
notnotnotswipez MoreCompany 1.8.1
RaspberryProgramming NoDeathDespawn 1.0.0
Bundle_Of_Sticks Portal_Turret_SFX 1.0.0
PXC ShipLootPlus 1.0.8
RugbugRedfern Skinwalkers 4.0.1
mrov TerminalFormatter 0.0.7
Kyryh ToreadorMarchJester 1.0.1
Rattenbonkers TVLoader 1.1.1
CJPACK Ty_Suits 1.2.3
sunnobunno YippeeMod 1.2.4