Update 1.0.1 added a bunch of new mods Update 1.0.2 added a mod that was supposed to be in the modpack previously Update 1.0.3 removed glowstick mod (it was bugging the terminal) Update 1.0.4 removed a few moons to speed up loading (it didnt work) Update 1.0.5 added hoarder bud mod that makes the modpack slightly easier and more fun Update 1.0.6 added gamblingatthecompany mod and a mod that balances forest giants (motion sense) Update 1.0.7 removed mods (i almost broke it) Update 1.0.8 reverted back to 1.0.6 (i broke it) Update 1.0.9 reverted back to 1.0.7 (i think the mods broke theyself) also added moons Update 1.1.0 added new mods and removed some gamebreaking ones (you can reinstall them if you want not my choice) Update 1.1.1 removed moons and plushies added fiend added maps Update 1.1.2 added some new mods removed fiend Update 1.1.3 added more mods